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  1. #1
    havoc is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2002

    d-bol, hemo, deca and nov, cycle advice

    hey guys, is this a good cycle, the first two weeks a took d-bol (1-3 tabs a day) i just started my second week of hemo's (1- 2 tabs a day) and 2cc of deca to start my forth week. i also take novaldex 1 tab every 3 days. is this alright. Oh, i would like to take clomid but i don't know where to get it. they tell me i can get it on line. Is this true and is it easy.

  2. #2
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    bro you left out much info for us to tell you some suggestions
    are you taking hemo as in anadrol 50 and dbol together?
    how many mgs are dbol tabs?
    how many mgs are deca ?
    tell us some stuff and we will try to answer

  3. #3
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    Originally posted by Tapout
    bro you left out much info for us to tell you some suggestions
    are you taking hemo as in anadrol 50 and dbol together?
    that;s the same thing I was thinking. Sounds like he just started the Deca at week 4 as well?

  4. #4
    havoc is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2002
    ya, it's another name for anadrol 50. but not as strong. the d-bol tab are 5mg each and the deca is 200 mg.

  5. #5
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    bro i'm not trying to flame just dont understand what your doing
    1-3 tabs dbol thats 5-15mg daily does it change each day?
    1-2 tabs hemo thats 50-100mg daily does it change?
    deca at week 4 with other stuff ?
    you should take ad 50 or dbol only 4-6 weeks much longer results stop and sides start.
    i know its late but you should have started deca with dbol or hemo(not both)from beggining
    you dont do nolvs unless sides start cause interferes with gains
    and with these choices for cycle you do need clomid or gains will be lost
    how long is cycle planned and how is it set up with gear and doseages

  6. #6
    havoc is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2002
    Sorry tap out, what i'm doing is a paramid of d-bol. My first week i did 1 d-bol tab a day, second week 2 tabs, 3rd week 3 and i'm starting my forth now at 4 tabs a day(5mg each). On my 3rd week i started hemo's, 1 tab a day for the first week and i'm starting my second week at 2 hemo tabs a day. I just started 1 cc of deca and i'll go up to 2cc next week for 5 weeks. i'll go to 5 d-bol a day and then paramid down. does this sound ok?

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