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  1. #1
    mrscottsdale is offline Junior Member
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    which is better? test and EQ or test and deca

    I am allready thinking about my bulking cycle about 3 months down the road. I am 25, 195lbs and 12% bf. I've done about 8 cycles in the last 4 years and i have used almost everything that is popular. My question is i'm going to use supertest 450 1/2cc eod, but i'm not sure what i'm going to stack with it, should i stack deca or EQ? also should I throw in some DBOL at the beginning of my cycle?
    let me now what you think

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Depends on your goals, and have you used either Deca or Eq in any of your past cycles? Have you used dbol to kickstart before?

  3. #3
    towtheline is offline Junior Member
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    IMO Eq isn't the best choice for bulking, more for a leaner vascular look. I would fromtload with Abombs for bulking. You will not be dissapointed. Just my opinion, bro. Good luck and report your results.

  4. #4
    mrscottsdale is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by towtheline
    IMO Eq isn't the best choice for bulking, more for a leaner vascular look. I would fromtload with Abombs for bulking. You will not be dissapointed. Just my opinion, bro. Good luck and report your results.
    are you talking about anadrol50? never used that but i heard it the most toxic

  5. #5
    mrscottsdale is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Depends on your goals, and have you used either Deca or Eq in any of your past cycles? Have you used dbol to kickstart before?
    MY goal with this one is size only. I've used deca with test suspension, and i've used eq with sustanon . I have used dbol to kickstart before.

  6. #6
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    Definately go with deca . With deca, it's better for bulking plus, it'll most likely give you more strength gain compared to eq. You want size, so the test/deca/dbol stack should be very good for what you want.

  7. #7
    towtheline is offline Junior Member
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    I was talking anadrol50. It seems to be the most potent, if you are willing to take the high toxicity. Eq isn't the best choice for bulking. I agree woth the prvious poster: test/deca /dbol .

  8. #8
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    I don't know about anadrol . Some people like some don't. Personally, I wouldn't wanna walk around looking like the Michelin man. Even with AI, I heard that anadrol still makes ya look watery and puffy. No thank you to that.

  9. #9
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdog80
    I don't know about anadrol. Some people like some don't. Personally, I wouldn't wanna walk around looking like the Michelin man. Even with AI, I heard that anadrol still makes ya look watery and puffy. No thank you to that.
    its cause of prolactin. caber and b6 will help a lot

  10. #10
    rise2gr8ness's Avatar
    rise2gr8ness is offline Junior Member
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    Deca is LAME, run eq and test, if you run the eq for 15 weeks no less, you'll have some sick gains, seriously take advantage of the appitite boost!

  11. #11
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
    T3/T4 GSR is offline Senior Member
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    How is deca lame?

  12. #12
    MrMeathead's Avatar
    MrMeathead is offline Member
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    psss. over here! ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR
    How is deca lame?
    It is far from lame. Opinions are like as*holes. It gave me more than great results only running 300 mg a week.

  13. #13
    WEBB's Avatar
    WEBB is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Deca iss not does need to be ran correctly just like the take advantage of eq you need to run it for a longer period, 15 weesk....while decas needs to be ran for long as well but not near that long, but you will get more bloat and natural test suppresion from it si really up to the individual...i would run test/deca frontloaded with dbol ....i woul dlike to see your stats, age, and other info to give you better cycle advice, so either pm me or post it here and you will get better advice...

  14. #14
    scottroxx's Avatar
    scottroxx is offline Associate Member
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    I just started my cycle with test and eq !! will be throwing some tren in there in another month or so for the derration along with masteron and anavar closer to the end...

  15. #15
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    Wow, that's a lot of different AAS for one cycle. It could work because your hitting a lot of different receptors.

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