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Thread: need opinions

  1. #1
    wickedclowns is offline New Member
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    Mar 2006

    need opinions

    Ok heres my situation,I started doing 2 20ml bottles of 250mg of eq and test cypionate in the beggining of may.Now this may sound stupid or pointless but i've only been doing 1ml of each every week.I have a little less then half a bottle of each left an i'm gonna start doing two ml maybe three a week as of today.Now i'm really slim and cut and have low body fat, i'm 29 years old and i'm paranoid my nipples are looking a little different like their maybe a bit more droopy than normal.Their not sensitive and can't find any lumps but I have tamox and clomid,should I start running this now or wait till the recomended 3 weeks after my last shot?sorry about the long post and any help is greatly apprectiated from you guys.

  2. #2
    robkesl's Avatar
    robkesl is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wickedclowns
    Ok heres my situation,I started doing 2 20ml bottles of 250mg of eq and test cypionate in the beggining of may.Now this may sound stupid or pointless but i've only been doing 1ml of each every week.I have a little less then half a bottle of each left an i'm gonna start doing two ml maybe three a week as of today.Now i'm really slim and cut and have low body fat, i'm 29 years old and i'm paranoid my nipples are looking a little different like their maybe a bit more droopy than normal.Their not sensitive and can't find any lumps but I have tamox and clomid,should I start running this now or wait till the recomended 3 weeks after my last shot?sorry about the long post and any help is greatly apprectiated from you guys.

    ok so let me get this straight: you have 2 x 20ml bottle of test, and 2 x 20 ml bottle of eq.? or is it one each?

    and youve been using 1ml/250mgs of each per week? for 9-10 weeks now and you want to triple the dosage now?

    id suggest that you end the cyle, and save the juice. youve been running such a low dose for such a long time. i cant imagine your gains have been great. id personally cut your losses. end it. i mean you could up the dosage, but for a couple weeks? nahh i wouldnt. but if you decide to go for it. dont take the clomid till the 3 weeks after your last shot, because it wont do anything. its mean for the post cycle(afterwards) the nolva you can run whenever you want.

  3. #3
    wickedclowns is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    need opinions

    Yes I have one bottle of each and theres maybe 6 or 7 shots and have been doing it for a long period of time at low doses,I actually gained 15 pounds,should I not just finish the bottles?thanks again

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