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  1. #1
    samcam's Avatar
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    First Cycle-Week 8, Gains stopped, should I quit?

    I'm into week 8 of my first cycle 400mg/wk Test E and it seems my gains have come to a halt. I'm up 25 lbs., pushing 5000 cal. a day. Should I cut my losses and quit now and start my next cycle in 8-12 weeks? or if I stay on for a couple more weeks will it solidify my current gains? Thanks.

  2. #2
    tonytone's Avatar
    tonytone is offline Anabolic Member
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    i would finish out this cycle...perhaps try upping the cals

  3. #3
    YZFR1Tim is offline Junior Member
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    i doubt your gains stopped. it is probably just coming a lot slower. push yourself harder for the last few weeks to try to gain some quality muscle, then focus on pct.

  4. #4
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    I would stick with it a few more weeks just keep and I on your diet and make sure it is clean

  5. #5
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samcam
    I'm into week 8 of my first cycle 400mg/wk Test E and it seems my gains have come to a halt. I'm up 25 lbs., pushing 5000 cal. a day. Should I cut my losses and quit now and start my next cycle in 8-12 weeks? or if I stay on for a couple more weeks will it solidify my current gains? Thanks.
    atleast stop at week 10 and not less then this. Dont start your next cycle yet. time on + pct time = time off.

    you need 4 months off basically!

  6. #6
    samcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
    atleast stop at week 10 and not less then this. Dont start your next cycle yet. time on + pct time = time off.

    you need 4 months off basically!
    I was originally going to run it for 10 weeks and I really didn't want to increase my calories much more as I don't want to put on any more fat, I will stick it out and run it for the 10 weeks. Thanks.

  7. #7
    scottroxx's Avatar
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    lift hard and keep the diet in check !!! If you are using the same injection spot change it up to a new location, could be saturating the area.

  8. #8
    ascendant's Avatar
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    there are several factors to take into account. first, as already mentioned, you may need to up your calories. second, you may need to increase the intensity in the gym. gear allows you to push yourself harder and still recover without overtraining, so you might need to increase your intensity or volume in the gym. you might even want to train more frequently, but i don't know what your current routine is like so i can't say for sure.

    i really doubt that you can't gain any more after just 8 weeks. you're simply falling short in one of those aspects. up the cals a bit, up the intensity a bit, and possibly increase the frequency of your training.

  9. #9
    helium3's Avatar
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    i dont want to give the wrong advice but my gains stopped at week 7 so i ditched at 9.

    give it a week or so see what happens,people say continue to see what happens but gains over what youve made are rare.

  10. #10
    samcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    i dont want to give the wrong advice but my gains stopped at week 7 so i ditched at 9.

    give it a week or so see what happens,people say continue to see what happens but gains over what youve made are rare.
    Helium, I remembered checking out your thread from last may in the cycle results section, how much did you retain from that cycle. I see you were up 20 lbs., and your progress was very similar to mine. Thanks.

  11. #11
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samcam
    Helium, I remembered checking out your thread from last may in the cycle results section, how much did you retain from that cycle. I see you were up 20 lbs., and your progress was very similar to mine. Thanks.
    despite the fact that his gains were similar, you can't base how much you'll keep on what he did. there are way too many factors to take into account. for starters, how fast your body recovers after coming off the gear. second, what your pct is like for after the gear. third, how consistent you keep training, eating, etc after the gear.

    there are tons of other things that need to be taken into account as well. just do the best you can and your loss will be minimal after the cycle. personally after cycles i lose no more than a few pounds, and most of that's water weight cause i usually don't take anti-e's while on cycle. if you do it right though and gained 20lbs on cycle, you should lose no more than 5lbs of that at max, giving you an extra 15lbs of solid gains.

  12. #12
    tonytone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    i dont want to give the wrong advice but my gains stopped at week 7 so i ditched at 9.

    give it a week or so see what happens,people say continue to see what happens but gains over what youve made are rare.
    gains over what he has already made are not rare..i see this all the time, someone starts to plateu, and they complain about it, but they dont do anything to change it, and then label those aas as shitty..try upping the cals, increasing intensity, changin workout routines, something should work..he may not make progress like he did when he was starting, but he should be able to put on AT LEAST a few more pounds

  13. #13
    samcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonytone
    gains over what he has already made are not rare..i see this all the time, someone starts to plateu, and they complain about it, but they dont do anything to change it, and then label those aas as shitty..try upping the cals, increasing intensity, changin workout routines, something should work..he may not make progress like he did when he was starting, but he should be able to put on AT LEAST a few more pounds
    I wasn't really complaining, I am very happy with the gains I have already made and would would be fine to stop now....but I won't!! I upped my calories slightly, and changed around my routines and am going to balls out for the next two weeks and see what happens.

    One more thing I was kind of worried about, my wife and I are going on vacation for 10 days about two weeks after I am done with PCT. Hoping my test levels are back to normal, is this going to affect my gains at all being so soon to the end of cycle? Thanks for all the responses, this is an awesome site!

  14. #14
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by samcam
    I wasn't really complaining, I am very happy with the gains I have already made and would would be fine to stop now....but I won't!! I upped my calories slightly, and changed around my routines and am going to balls out for the next two weeks and see what happens.

    One more thing I was kind of worried about, my wife and I are going on vacation for 10 days about two weeks after I am done with PCT. Hoping my test levels are back to normal, is this going to affect my gains at all being so soon to the end of cycle? Thanks for all the responses, this is an awesome site!
    I would stop now and do PCT.

  15. #15
    crash187ct's Avatar
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    up the intensity, and with 5000 cal. a day, gains shouldn't be hard.

  16. #16
    tonytone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samcam
    I wasn't really complaining, I am very happy with the gains I have already made and would would be fine to stop now....but I won't!! I upped my calories slightly, and changed around my routines and am going to balls out for the next two weeks and see what happens.

    One more thing I was kind of worried about, my wife and I are going on vacation for 10 days about two weeks after I am done with PCT. Hoping my test levels are back to normal, is this going to affect my gains at all being so soon to the end of cycle? Thanks for all the responses, this is an awesome site!
    didnt mean to say that YOU were complaining, i just didnt think to say it another way..but people that i know in person, that have tried aas for the first time, they make decent gains even though their training/diet is shit, and then they start to complain that the gear sucks, etc..
    but yes, change shit up, and go alls to the wall and you WILL make those extra gains

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