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  1. #1
    Apec is offline Junior Member
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    winstrol stacked with proviron

    Would it be a good idea to stack Winny w/ Proviron with help of water retention, and to help cutting. Taking 50mg Winny ED and going to stack with 25mg Proviron EOD

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    yes, this is a splended idea!!! I'm actually busting a nut over here because finally a post by somebody with a brilliant idea!! That stack right there will harden and cut the everloving shit out of you, but 25mg proviron eod is not enough to make it worth it. You need to be running at least 25mg ed, 50 if you can. Proviron costs bro, suck it up and get more or stack the winny w/ something else IMO

  3. #3
    Apec is offline Junior Member
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    anyone else have opinions. I know I should stack with Test, but my first cycle was test only, and now want to see what Winny will do w/o test, but throwing in something light.

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    although winny is not as supressive as other AAS, it will still shut your natural test down at some point, that is why it is suggested to use with test.
    Provirion should be taken ED not EOD and 50mgs/day would be the minimum I would suggest.

    I would add some test. If you already used test , then using it again you will still be able to see what the winny does to you

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I just finished a winstrol only cycle without PCT and it went pretty well.

    I find that (FOR ME) doing light cycles like VAR/TBOL/WINSTROL PCT is not necessary because my lifts never go down and (I) do not lose any strength post cycle.

    But , Test & or deca now thats another story.....

  6. #6
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    why not throw test in for MORE GAINS?
    you could get away with winny proviron but winny proviron test seems a little BETTER.

    and please do pct it can only help not hurt

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine
    why not throw test in for MORE GAINS?
    you could get away with winny proviron but winny proviron test seems a little BETTER.

    and please do pct it can only help not hurt

    Well not if your one of the few who get blurred & or loss of vision while using clomid or nolvadex LOL that would suck so bad.

  8. #8
    Apec is offline Junior Member
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