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  1. #1
    smeyers is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2005

    Primo Dosage for newbie

    I was just pondering this. Im not sure if I would do it or not. And I apologize in advance if my post sounds too naive. However, just curious if a 200mg of Primo, for 10 weeks, shot once a week, would be enough to do anything for a complete newbie.

    Results that I would be looking for is to really harden up during a cutting phase. If I would add 5lbs. of lean muscle I would be happy with that, if I just maintained, but came out with a hardened look. I'd be happy with that as well.

    I feel I need something anabolic b/c I'm considering running some T3 and ectotropin with this cycle as well, I'm not sure if this amount of Primo would suffice too negate the effects of the T3. If not, I would just do the ectotropin alone. I can't really add clen or albuterol to this, b/c I'm quite sensitive to stimulants.

    I also thought if the Primo doesn't look good, possibly a low dose of possibly Test Prop...........again my thinking might be way out of line here.

    I'm basically trying to keep the sides to a minimal here, since I'm prone to many of the AAS sides, and just trying to get that more of that lean, dry, hard look. Diet and cardio have been fairly strict throughout the summer, however, I just can't seem to break this current plateau I'm in.

    Weight is about 203 - 206lbs. Height is about five foot eleven.

  2. #2
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    200mgs really wouldn't do much. Primo is such a mild drug that doses should be run higher to achieve optimal results. I would run some Test E or P with this to stave off catabolism from the T3. If you do decide to run Enthanate make sure propper AI's are in place so you don't get the effects you say you a sensitive to. I would run the Primo at no less than 600mgs for the duration.

  3. #3
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    Well, you could go with a nice test prop and primo stack. The prop will minimize any bloating and the primo will harden you up. I'd say 50mgs prop/ed and 400mgs of primo ew. You should definately be able to keep your muscle mass while on this stack provided everything else is in check(diet and routine).

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