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  1. #1
    crtmn325 is offline New Member
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    Stackin or Solo ?

    I'm looking to bulk up, but at the same time put on solid muscle only. I do alot of work on my abs too. Would it be better to take D-Bol then follow it with a Winni cycle or is it better to stack the two?

  2. #2
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    It would be better not to do a dbol or winny cycle or a dbol/winny cycle

    Give us your stats,age and cycle experince so we can better help you

  3. #3
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
    T3/T4 GSR is offline Senior Member
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    Dbol and winny is not a cycle sorry. Have you ever ran anything before?

  4. #4
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    if this is your first cycle test and great diet along with hard training will cut you up nice. if you dont have the great diet and hard training going for you already then i wouldnt add in the test for a while.

  5. #5
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Dbol first then winny at the end, not at the same time.

    Be careful and have your diet at 100%, take sme liver protection as well IMO just to be safe, I have heard of winny causing more problems than otehr orals.

  6. #6
    poloblue is offline Banned
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    if your looking to put on solid muscle then stay away from dbol and do tbol instead. research both of them. dbol is striaght water and will lose it all when done. tbol will make you look much solid and the pumps are incredible

  7. #7
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by crtmn325
    I'm looking to bulk up, but at the same time put on solid muscle only. I do alot of work on my abs too. Would it be better to take D-Bol then follow it with a Winni cycle or is it better to stack the two?
    dbol will add weight fast but most of it being water, winny will make you hard and gain a few pounds..if any(depends person to person)

    id suggest a mild test cycle if its your 1st. if your ok with doing ED(every day) injections get some test propinate. use it @ 75mg ED for lets say 6-8 weeks. that will produce 525mg a week which is fine for a 1st cycle. and if you want you could run winny 50mg ED 1-6 that would be a nice beginer cycle and would add leaner and hard gains.

    if your not interested in prop then use some enathate or cyponate for 10-12 weeks 2 shots a week. one shot monday one shot thursday 250mg each shot..and run winny on the back end 6 weeks..this one may add a little more water retention.

    Dbol by itself ehhh isnt the greatest..dont get me wrong you will see results but nothing that will really last...and depending on your age it could cause your natural test level to decrease causeing some problems down

    winny by itself..its okay ive done it by itself and from my expeirance it made me hard as a rock and i added some lean mass like 6lbs over the 6 weeks i ran it...

    i hope this helps

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