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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    LA County, Ca

    Exclamation Injection site sore and swollen, HELP

    I injected 1cc of tren e/ test e in my left delt on thursday and it is now monday and I am extremly sore ( I have a hard time raising my left arm laterally) and slightly swollen . there is no redness , but it is warm to the touch. Is it the blend I'm on 200mg/tren e 300mg/test e? The UL is very reputible WTF is going on??!!
    Thank you in advance for the replies,bros
    P.s. it was a 1" pin

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I used a 1" pin

  3. #3
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    Any other problems with prior injections??....could be just a reaction to the BA.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    monitor it for the next few days and if it looks to be getting worse go to the doctors, could just be a bad jab but be cautious to see how you are in the next couple of days

  5. #5
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    PM the name of the lab you're using...Like said monitor it...If you have a bolis I suggest using a heat pad to help dispurse the oil.. Also, when you feel the injection site feel if its very warm or the same temperature as the rest of your skin. If it becomes very hot (not using the pad of course) then its a good indicator of infection.

  6. #6
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    sorry bro didnt realize you cant p/m...

  7. #7
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    monitor it for the next few days and if it looks to be getting worse go to the doctors, could just be a bad jab but be cautious to see how you are in the next couple of days

    Yeah, thats what I would do. Ive had em swell up but they went away after a while.

  8. #8
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    I have injected in the same delt (I rotate between shoulders) and I have never had this problem before, like I said it is warm to the touch. the research I have done says that i might have knicked a nerve, if this is true how long does the pain last? another thing, I hear to put heat on it, but I also hear that i should ice it??? So whatdo I do?

  9. #9
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venomous Nemisis
    I have injected in the same delt (I rotate between shoulders) and I have never had this problem before, like I said it is warm to the touch. the research I have done says that i might have knicked a nerve, if this is true how long does the pain last? another thing, I hear to put heat on it, but I also hear that i should ice it??? So whatdo I do?

    Can you take your temperature bro? If you start to get a fever its a definite sign of infection. Your body raises its basal temperature to help fight the infection. You should put heat on it if you have a solid mass of oil built up in the injection location. Does it feel balled up in your delt? or just irritated and hot to the touch. Also, is the area red? Can you post the INITITALS only of the lab you're using...You say its reputable but thats what most people say about their sources...

  10. #10
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Sometime you just get bad jabs, like Marcus said, watch it and see. If it does not show significant improvement in a couple of days then go see a Doc.

  11. #11
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    The labs initials are *&*
    Last edited by Venomous Nemisis; 08-05-2006 at 07:27 AM.

  12. #12
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Well...he just revamped his entire operation so chances are he may be using higher BA but from the people I talk to his stuff is fine. I mean, he doesnt have a huge following like some labs but I have never heard anything extremely negative, I know hes had issues in the passed with availability. Other than that nothing I can think of, keep an eye on your delt and dont hesitate to goto the hospital and tell them the straight deal...

  13. #13
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    if it is infected I will probably get antibiotics, does this mean i must stop the cycle?

  14. #14
    Huckster's Avatar
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    Heating pad bro. Use a heating pad in increments of 20 minutes a couple times a day. You injected on Thursday so I wouldn't use ice now.

    Message the hell out of it if you can, I now it may be painful but it's for the best. It should be a lot better by this Thursday. I'm guessing it's not an abcess.

    Good luck.

  15. #15
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venomous Nemisis
    if it is infected I will probably get antibiotics, does this mean i must stop the cycle?
    That would probably depend on wether they give u just antibiotics or wether the doc has to lance it and drain it...In that case I dont know how you would be able to workout that bodypart with a one inch incision in your delt packed with gauze...

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