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  1. #1
    bb868484 is offline Junior Member
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    TEST/TREN/Dbol=No results?!

    I just finished my test prop 100mg/day 10weeks, tren a 75mgs/day 8 weeks, and dbol (4weeks 50mgs/day) cycle and I got no change in size or hardness. Started off 260 17% bf,21 years old, 6ft, arms 19 1/2 at beginning and at the end the samy size The only thing i noticed was my strength went way up. Didnt really get a bigger pump, in fact over the last couple weeks I dont really get that much pump at all. My previous cycle was test P 100mg/eod, nnp 100mg/eod, and dbol 35mgs/ed and i would feel a pump all the time. It could be a combination of things. During my cycle my stomach would bloat very badly and I couldnt eat like i needed to and would just feel like crap about half the time and didnt want to do anything. Another is the stuff I got was from a "trusted source", but it was homemade. So im bout to start my pct and im not sure what to do after that as far as cycling.

  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    what was your routine like?

  3. #3
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thats a pretty solid cycle you where on their. And no size-gains?
    I am lost for words...

    Maybe your gear was exstremely underdosed!

  4. #4
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    Could've been a combo of bad gear and bad diet. I dunno, you should've seen some good gains from that cycle.

  5. #5
    bb868484 is offline Junior Member
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    my routine is good, I took a year off between cycles and put on alot of size naturally with using a routine similar to dogcrapp but slighty different, i was doing this before I even heard of dc. Im just not sure i didnt get any insomnia, or aggression well maybe a little. But I had no appetite and about 6 weeks in got pretty depressed and would be mad all the time bc I wasnt seeing any gain in size, just strength. May be the gear. The guy I got it from has a good reputation from people I have talked to before so im not sure if it was underdosed or not.

  6. #6
    NCNPC29 is offline Associate Member
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    Was this from your normal source? You listed a previous cycle you had positive results from, was this only your second cycle? If not, how was your response to other past cycles.... if all other times were good I really wouldn't recommend using that source again... gotta be the gear..

  7. #7
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
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    id say bad diet.

  8. #8
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by briansauras
    id say bad diet.

    I would agree, that or bunk ass gear ... but it sounded like he had some sides... where you starveing yourself on this cycle or something ?
    Last edited by james21; 08-01-2006 at 08:25 PM.

  9. #9
    bb868484 is offline Junior Member
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    well the stuff I got for my previous cycle came from the same guy supposively but there was one other middle man and it was very expensive, it was legit human grade gear. So the gear might be the case. But as far as my diet goes the previous cycle I was trying trying to gain as much size as possible and did I went from 211 to 240 but put on fat also. With this cycle I was hoping to gain lean mass and maybe stay the same bf or lose some in the process. I kept my protein relatively high at or around 300g/day. But I kno my diet wasnt what it should of been

  10. #10
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bb868484
    well the stuff I got for my previous cycle came from the same guy supposively but there was one other middle man and it was very expensive, it was legit human grade gear. So the gear might be the case. But as far as my diet goes the previous cycle I was trying trying to gain as much size as possible and did I went from 211 to 240 but put on fat also. With this cycle I was hoping to gain lean mass and maybe stay the same bf or lose some in the process. I kept my protein relatively high at or around 300g/day. But I kno my diet wasnt what it should of been
    human grade gear?..dont let them tell you its human grade and charge you an arm and a leg more..its a sellers point doesnt mean shit

    all gear is 'human grade' its all made from the same powders so i dont understand when people say its 'human grade'

  11. #11
    bb868484 is offline Junior Member
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    o i thought there was vet gear also

  12. #12
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    It's all from powder ... some are more pure and more potent than others ... so there is a difference

  13. #13
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    i thought human grade was made in a lab with higher standard for sanitation than animal gear made in a lab and thats the only difference

  14. #14
    MorganKane is offline Associate Member
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    My def of human grade is that its made by a real pharmaceutical company for human consumption.

    Not by a vet company or underground lab.

  15. #15
    bb868484 is offline Junior Member
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    well all i know is it was real and made in a legit pharmacy i would say who but im not sure if I can. But the stuff from my current cycle was all ugl no labels or nothing on the vials.

  16. #16
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bb868484
    well all i know is it was real and made in a legit pharmacy i would say who but im not sure if I can. But the stuff from my current cycle was all ugl no labels or nothing on the vials.
    ugl with no labels? hmmph

  17. #17
    bb868484 is offline Junior Member
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    yea it was "homemade", the only reason I used it was because the guy from the people ive talked to has a good reputation or else i wouldnt of ever done that.

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