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Thread: cycle advice

  1. #1
    1ton is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    cycle advice

    iam 6'1 225 lbs Quarterback. ive done 3 cycles in teh past. last i did prop var and some winnie. i liked my results .

    i was thinking of running 100mgs EOD of test prop 12 weeks, with 50mgs of VAR ED, 6 weeks then 50 mgs winnie ED for 6 weeks with some clenbuterol .

    what do you guys think. i dont really want that much size i want all strength and to be real lean.

    all help is appreciated

  2. #2
    1ton is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I personally don't like the idea of two 17aa s in the same cycle...let alone running them back-to-back for 12wks of stress on your liver. I would run one or the other and include another injectable. Tren would compliment the cycle pretty well. Start off at a low dose at around 50mg/ED and work up to 75/ED if sides are tolerable.

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