okay im about to start my second cycle my first cycle was test cyp and mastabol.. im 22 yrs old 5'7", 175lbs, 10%bf, i knwo im young everyone says it. but i wanna know what cycle would be better for me... my goal is to gain a good 15 to 20lbs of lean mass my cycles im thinking are as follows:

run 50ml of just test prop shot every day at 75mgs/ED
and possibly with some dbol

or run 30ml of test cyp at 500mgs/week and along with some tren enthante 400mgs/ week

ill be running nolvadex and hcg for pct

what do you guys think would be a better cycle for me??

also i know test prop seems to be the test of choice and im leaning towards that due to the fact ill keep my blood levels stable shooting ED... and there wont be much water retention, plus i heard test prop is the s&*t