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  1. #1
    pcrepairs247 is offline New Member
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    Talking Andriol Cycle help required

    yo guys, dunno if you remember me, i was the pussy who wrote in before to scared of needles. Well i did pussy out and i bough 600 x40 mg tabs of Andriol .

    I am fine with this takin its every few hours, and i know u ahve to take alot in a day, but i was wondering do i have to take them through the nite?

    if any one has done a cycle before, how many weeks should i take them for, and how many a day? how many hours apart. Any help would be grateful.

    thanks guys

  2. #2
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Plenty of info on this with research. Run it just like a test cycle but take the pills every few hours for best can't do it while you sleep so right before bed and right open awakening would be good. You should see a FEW pounds of lean body mass with this cycle..nothing that couldn't be obtained by dieting and hard lifting unless you are going into a competition.which i assume you aren't

    Bump for marcus and goose on some opinions on andriol

  3. #3
    pcrepairs247 is offline New Member
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    thxs dude, al take some now b4 i sleep. any more info by pl would be great

  4. #4
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    I've run andriol in one of my cycles awhile back. I also stacked it with some prop, so I ran it for only 5 weeks of my 12 week cycle. I did 200mgs ed. It gave me dry and lean gains. I'd run it in my future cycles if weren't so pricey when compared to injectable test.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    come on now...........seriously is this a joke?
    Are you a grown man?

    It's obvious your not taking this serious.
    Do as you wish it's your body.

  6. #6
    pcrepairs247 is offline New Member
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    Thumbs down

    lol wtf?

    thers actually not much help on this board about andriol when it comes to what the best doses are. If you got nothing helpful to say dont bother saying anything plz. Ur clearly jsut tryna get your posts up, and showin of coz ur an admin.

    actually wel said m8, thxs for you help , youve been a really great help to me.


    if thers anyone else on here not liek this idiott. plz help me out. thxs alot

  7. #7
    Standard01 is offline Associate Member
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    I'd say take 1 pill every hour totalling 14 or so a day. If you are afraid of needles you may want to look into transdermals. Good luck.

  8. #8
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcrepairs247
    lol wtf?

    thers actually not much help on this board about andriol when it comes to what the best doses are. If you got nothing helpful to say dont bother saying anything plz. Ur clearly jsut tryna get your posts up, and showin of coz ur an admin.

    actually wel said m8, thxs for you help , youve been a really great help to me.


    if thers anyone else on here not liek this idiott. plz help me out. thxs alot
    I hope this was not directed at me. There are andriol threads and I know this because I've posted in them. I could find them with a few clicks. Hellmask is not an admin and neither am I. Good luck getting advice around here now bud. What an awful way to start off. Tsk tsk tsk tsk

    Quote Originally Posted by Standard01
    I'd say take 1 pill every hour totalling 14 or so a day. If you are afraid of needles you may want to look into transdermals. Good luck.
    Transdermals for body building? No. I don't see their place in body building..maybe HRT. So I wouldn't recommend transdermals to anyone looking to build muscle from them unless you were running a ridiculous amount like 4-AD back in the day.

  9. #9
    Standard01 is offline Associate Member
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    If you understand that trandermals can be used for HRT, then why would there be any confusion on using them for bodybuilding? You just need a larger dose. You are a little quick on the gun. Many people believe you can get an absorption rate as high as 50% with dermals, but it is probably closer to 25%. They work, they definitely work.

  10. #10
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    come on now...........seriously is this a joke?
    Are you a grown man?

    It's obvious your not taking this serious.
    Do as you wish it's your body.

    Last i checked, andriol was a steroid .

  11. #11
    sd-doggg's Avatar
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  12. #12
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcrepairs247
    Well i did pussy out and i bough 600 x40 mg tabs of Andriol.
    Must've set you back a bundle

    Quote Originally Posted by pcrepairs247
    I am fine with this takin its every few hours, and i know u ahve to take alot in a day, but i was wondering do i have to take them through the nite?
    No... active life is 8-10 hours.. Your last dose pre-bed should maintain pretty decent levels tru-out the night.

    Quote Originally Posted by pcrepairs247
    if any one has done a cycle before, how many weeks should i take them for, and how many a day?
    I'll bump this for Goose or Marcus.. Personally i wouldn't run this compound for any less than 6 weeks

    You've got 600 tabs...

    That's about 14 tabs per day for 6 weeks

    Incidentally, 14 tabs per day would put you around the 'effective dose' which the steroid profiles make reference to.

    The 'effective dose', as noted by the andriol profile is: 600 mg/day

    14 tabs @ 40 mg is: 560 mg.

    This is speculation on my part however.. having never used the compound personally.

    Bump for more input

    Quote Originally Posted by pcrepairs247
    how many hours apart. Any help would be grateful.
    4 hours apart

    Quote Originally Posted by pcrepairs247
    thanks guys
    No prob.


  13. #13
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standard01
    If you understand that trandermals can be used for HRT, then why would there be any confusion on using them for bodybuilding? You just need a larger dose. You are a little quick on the gun. Many people believe you can get an absorption rate as high as 50% with dermals, but it is probably closer to 25%. They work, they definitely work.
    A little quick on the gun? Chances are if someone if afraid of injections they aren't ready for suggesting transdermals to get minimal if any results in the form of LBM is not good advice IMO. I would suggest a cycle of andriol or tbol/var/proviron over a transdermal cycle ANYDAY of the week. I don't see transdermals having a place in building muscle efficiently.

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Well you should get over the fear of needles otherwise this game isn't for you but saying that i don't think he needs to be flamed by some members, we were all here once so think about it before you write flaming remarks,also andriol does build muscle and if the correct things are in place and the knowledge to how to take them he will build muscle tissue,

    Andriol will have to be taken every hour or 2 hours to be effective this is the best way Ive ran it for the body to respond the best, Ive taken them throughout the night and yes it does give you a slight more edge to the cycle, so if you do get up throughout the night to go to the toilet just remember to sink afew down, its a pain but if your in fine tune with your body you will see a slight difference but many don't take at night,

    Nark is correct that around 12-14 tabs a day is a really good effective dose and the quality and gains from this test is very remarkable, it gives a feeling like no other and the sides are very low never had a problem even when taken a very large amount,

    I would stack it with something else to get the full potential out of this drug but it can be used on its own, it is very expensive when taken correctly and many who have tried it don't really know how to take it correctly, when andriol responds to you the quality is outstanding.

  15. #15
    pcrepairs247 is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up

    ah rite, cheers guys. am gonna take 2x at 8am/11:30am//2pm/5pm/7pm/9pm/11pm/4am(thru the nite). I think ive got my diet of to a T. Now i jsut gotta work hard at the gym n hope ive got my moneys worth. am not sure if i am allowed to quote a price on how much i paid, but it works out 50p 40mg tab.

    thanks for your feedback people

  16. #16
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Andriol is defently an effective muscle-builder when used correctly. (like marcus said, very importent to take it every 2-hours, to get the full benefit of this drug.)

    I found andriol to stack very well with winstrol and primobolan . A combo that will promote lean, dry gains with little to no water-retension. Personally, I would stack andriol with something, rather than use it alone.

    Andriol is also greate to use as a boost before sex...A couple of tabs an hour b/f with Viagra, and you cant go wrong!

  17. #17
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Andriol is defently an effective muscle-builder when used correctly. (like marcus said, very importent to take it every 2-hours, to get the full benefit of this drug.)

    I found andriol to stack very well with winstrol and primobolan . A combo that will promote lean, dry gains with little to no water-retension. Personally, I would stack andriol with something, rather than use it alone.

    Andriol is also greate to use as a boost before sex...A couple of tabs an hour b/f with Viagra, and you cant go wrong!

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