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  1. #1
    LM79's Avatar
    LM79 is offline Associate Member
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    200mcg Per day of T3

    My partner Well ex partner now. Was taking 200mcg t3 per day and clen 200mcg 3weeks on 3weeks off and has been for 3months.
    We were engaged to be married in november but she got so hard to live with it was like i was walking on glass all the time. she said she was "depressed"
    She is a personal trainer with 10years experance, she kept saying that she would drop the dose but never did.
    Could this kind of dose mess with your head in any way?
    I talked to her last week she said she was lowering the does to wien off it over a month.
    What do you think will happen to her? Will her Thyroid be shut down Permanently?
    Will she put on weight when she is off completly?
    I told her to go to her doc to get a blood test.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    200 mcg of T-3 and 200 mcg of clen /day is ****ing retarded enough of a males dosage, dont even wanna know what it would do to a female. My guess is she felt sick as **** the entire time she was on it and she was walking around with a constant fever.

  3. #3
    LM79's Avatar
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    Any idea what will happen to her now?

  4. #4
    LM79's Avatar
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  5. #5
    scriptfactory's Avatar
    scriptfactory is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LM79
    Any idea what will happen to her now?
    She will DIE!!!!!

    Just playing. She'll probably recover fine. Make sure you tell her to go see a doctor so she can get some bloodwork done to find out what kind of state her thyroid is in now. BTW, women should never use that high of a dose of T3 and there has been certain cases where women claim they have suffered from permanent thyroid dysfunction as a result. Better safe than sorry.
    Last edited by scriptfactory; 08-15-2006 at 06:57 PM.

  6. #6
    LM79's Avatar
    LM79 is offline Associate Member
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    I just wonder weather the horror storeys you here about permanent thyroid shut down could come true because of the high dose for 3-4 months. Would she be better to stop cold or slowly drop dosage over a month?
    I read conflicting info on this.

  7. #7
    scriptfactory's Avatar
    scriptfactory is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LM79
    I just wonder weather the horror storeys you here about permanent thyroid shut down could come true because of the high dose for 3-4 months. Would she be better to stop cold or slowly drop dosage over a month?
    I read conflicting info on this.
    She would be better to go to a damn doctor NOW!

  8. #8
    big daddy k de's Avatar
    big daddy k de is offline Senior Member
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    damn .. i neve go past 150mcgs

  9. #9
    Bear-StrengthWithin's Avatar
    Bear-StrengthWithin is offline Junior Member
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    wtf why the hell is she diong that too herself?

  10. #10
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    thats a pretty high dosage. I never went more than 125mcg. As long as she tapers off real slow she shouldnt have any permanent thyroid problems (which IMO the danger of this has been very overhyped a little like if you take slin you become diabetic, wheres the evidence). Still wise to get blood work done by the doc though

  11. #11
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    thats a pretty high dosage. I never went more than 125mcg. As long as she tapers off real slow she shouldnt have any permanent thyroid problems (which IMO the danger of this has been very overhyped a little like if you take slin you become diabetic, wheres the evidence). Still wise to get blood work done by the doc though
    Well, women react differently to the compound and I've heard that it is much more likely for them to suffer damage than for men. I dunno, though.

  12. #12
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by LM79
    I just wonder weather the horror storeys you here about permanent thyroid shut down could come true because of the high dose for 3-4 months. Would she be better to stop cold or slowly drop dosage over a month?
    I read conflicting info on this.
    Well it really wasn't 3-4 months if she was 3wks on/off, so there's some consolation, and if she was ramping up and down it would be even less.

    I'm with Script. She should see the dr. as soon as possible and have work done, then let him advise her from there.

    As for your horror stories, I'd reserve worry if applicable, for after results return. Such stories are often greatly exaggerated, only half retold and generally misunderstood.


  13. #13
    LM79's Avatar
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    She stayed at 200mcg T3 for 3 months the clen was cycled 3 weeks on 3weeks off.
    I hope she gets bloodwork done.

  14. #14
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    She better ease the t3 down VERY slow..

  15. #15
    LM79's Avatar
    LM79 is offline Associate Member
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    i think her plan was to drop 20mcg per week.

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