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  1. #1
    gymrat12345's Avatar
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    21-30 Day Cycles - Building Perfect Beast Book

    Hey been reading through "building the perfect beast" book, and he's got some pretty interesting ideas which i'vbe never heard of. Like his 21-30 day cycles with long acting ester AAS, which normally made no sense to me. cause it takes about 4-5 weeks for test e to build up before feeling it full effects. however, after reading his explanation kinda made a little sense, like getting in and getting out before body reaches homeostasis.

    also the way he set up the cycles, like injecting 500mg/ed test e for the first 5 days (total 2.5g's), then deca 400mg days 15-19.

    have any of you guys tried the short cycles he's recommended with better results than a regular 10-12 week cycle? i guess you might be able to run 2 short cycles in that time frame too, with possible better results...

    Only thing is that injecting 2.5 grams on test in a 5 dday period seems alittle reckless and dangerous to a novice aas user like me...

  2. #2
    rock75's Avatar
    rock75 is offline Senior Member
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    another brd member follows this book and does well and yes a newbie should definitly not inject that much AS and shouldn't have a need for that much. K.I.S.S. Try different compounds out and see how your body reacts to each, then form a cycle based on what your body responded the best to, eliminate what it had bad effects to.

  3. #3
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Do a search for, "Short/Heavy cycles" Marcus wrote a great article on it.

  4. #4
    gymrat12345's Avatar
    gymrat12345 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks...the guy must know something about getting big...the pictures of him in the book he's pretty huge.

    he also talks about frontloading anadrol at like 300mg a day and tapering down, which seems really crazy.

  5. #5
    cantspeak is offline Associate Member
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    Paul Borreson wrote about the same kind of stuff but he also stated in his book if you arent 240 yet comeback in a couple years

  6. #6
    mranak is offline Associate Member
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    If I recall, he makes the claim that cycles should be short because about perhaps 8 weeks, cortisol shoots way up. Unfortunately, he fails to cite any bloodwork to demonstrate that. There is actually no evidence of that at all that I have ever seen.

  7. #7
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Go ahead and post this to marcus and you'll be swimming in data and stats bro.

  8. #8
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Do a search for, "Short/Heavy cycles" Marcus wrote a great article on it.
    here it is:

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    There are many ways to run short cycles, the perfect beast is an excellent read and his methods are very productive, I've had many people build good quality muscle for such theory but with short cycles I've learnt over the years you have to design a short cycle around your own cycle history, this means you just cant give a dose for a short cycle and anybody do it and get results, you have to know the bb's cycle history and dosages to determine the right dose for the short cycle to be most productive,

    Yes long esters can be used, Ive stated this many times in many threads concerning short cycles please do a search there is loads of threads regarding this theory, with long esters its all down to the mg per day what you use for long esters to work properly, in other words IMHO you would have to be an advanced BB for you to use such dosages someone with plenty of cycles under your belt and and knowledge of your dosages and results over the years of using gear, I am not saying its only for the advanced because i still seen many bb's run long esters who have only 2-3 cycles but IMHO for the best results and safest results you would need to know how your body reacts to certain compounds at a high level to begin with using long esters,

    The whole idea with short cycles is to prime the body beforehand and then hit the body with alittle more than usual mg per week with the right compounds and take advantage of the prime and anabolic environment you have created and shock the body into serious growth fast, everything put together prime,properly designed short cycle,right compounds, diet and training will produce some of the biggest gains you will ever produce,

    The body builds up a tolerance to gear so why stay on damaging your body with long cycles?? IMHO short cycles are more productive and build more muscle tissue and can be maintained alot easier, when you come off a standard cycle its so hard to recover sometimes it takes weeks and in the meantime you vital muscle what you have build is going and the mental state your in creates a very catabolic state and alot lose what they have put on, with a short cycle if done correctly can produce huge gains and alot recover fast which means gains are maintained easier and you can plan the next cycle, the body hasn't built up a tolerance to so with a proper prime and the correct designed cycle the gains are amazing,

    There are many ways to do this theory its just finding out which one suits your body best this is why its vital to have some kind of cycle history to best work out the best cycle for the individuals needs.

  10. #10
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    Marcus -- what do you mean by "The whole idea with short cycles is to prime the body beforehand"... What do you do to prime it?

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitnessNY
    Marcus -- what do you mean by "The whole idea with short cycles is to prime the body beforehand"... What do you do to prime it?
    The prime is a must when short cycling, it gives you amazing gains in muscle tissue, if you do this correctly you will create a very anabolic environment for when you start the cycle which in turns gives you gains straight from the start of the cycle,

    Its a must when short cycling weather heavy,light or moderate

    check this thread out

  12. #12
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    great -- thanks for the info

  13. #13
    stumpy29 is offline Associate Member
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    Where can I order this book? Building the Perfect Beast?

  14. #14
    stumpy29 is offline Associate Member
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  15. #15
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