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  1. #1
    dsmdrew is offline New Member
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    to all those who bridge

    so i decided to start bridging ,and i ran a cycle for 9 weeks than bridged with 250mg of test for 10weeks and i have a comp cumming up so i decided to jump on again . so i decided to run prop ,(which i havent run on its own befor )at 100mg a day testcyp at 250mg a week and var and tbol at 60mg a week .my question is its ben 8 days and i have no extream pump ,no weight gain ,no sing at all that im on anythin so i tested my stuff and it all tested out ok did i not wait long enuff to start back up again? are my receptors saturated ? has anyone who bridges have of had this problem . im also runing l dex .25 a day for estro build up , can some one help me out .

    im 29 240 9% bf and please dont preach to me about bridging

  2. #2
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Of coarse you're receptors are saturated, @ least 250mg a week for 20+ wks. IMO drop the cyp and up the prop. Tbol is very mild so that's eh.

  3. #3
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    Var's mild too. Milder than t-bol.

  4. #4
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdog80
    Var's mild too. Milder than t-bol.
    I didn't even see that.. good call

  5. #5
    dsmdrew is offline New Member
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    i dont feal anything at all should i wait a little more maybe 1 more week to see if this prop kicks in or should i drop the prop and up the cyip and increase the var and t or should i wait 6 more months and try it again im very confused

  6. #6
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Test is Test. If your gear is real, and you're not feeling the prop, you're not going to notice the cyp at the same dosage.

  7. #7
    dsmdrew is offline New Member
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    do you guys bridge ,wheres pinn whin you need him i wish he never got banned what should i do end it and wate ? i could go with out the prop pain to for 5 months

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You have built up a tolerance to gear when you have bridged to the next cycle, this more or less happens with many people who bridge or cruise, the compounds you are using isn't going to do much anyway to fast weight gain, i would come off recover with proper pct and maintain your body mass with diet and training and get yourself fresh again, when you have done this prime your body and prepare yourself for the next cycle and you will have the best gains of your life.

  9. #9
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    You have built up a tolerance to gear when you have bridged to the next cycle, this more or less happens with many people who bridge or cruise, the compounds you are using isn't going to do much anyway to fast weight gain, i would come off recover with proper pct and maintain your body mass with diet and training and get yourself fresh again, when you have done this prime your body and prepare yourself for the next cycle and you will have the best gains of your life.
    Explain fresh again?

  10. #10
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsmdrew
    do you guys bridge ,wheres pinn whin you need him i wish he never got banned what should i do end it and wate ? i could go with out the prop pain to for 5 months
    I run trt as follows, cyp/deca /methandriol dipropioante, 400/150/75 respectively. Im going to add prop/tren -a 50/50mg ed for 6 weeks on 6 weeks off.

  11. #11
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    Of coarse you're receptors are saturated, @ least 250mg a week for 20+ wks. IMO drop the cyp and up the prop. Tbol is very mild so that's eh.
    The AR doesnt become saturated and downregulate. Some say its a myth, other disagree.

    High levels of SHBG and esrogen may also be a large factor.

    This thread is a perfect example of why not to cruise and how to do it incorrectly.

    You never listed what compounds you used for your first, "9 week" cycle?

  12. #12
    cantspeak is offline Associate Member
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    i dont think iits receptor satuartion but a builkt up tolerance to the dose od AAS you have been taking, since you have never come off you need probably 200mg prop ed to feel anything

    A proper PCT and rest from AAS would be better for you now than trying to concentrate on a show.Use some clen and or DNP actaully you could do a strict contest diet without the AAS. this willl prime your body for a new cycle later.Your body will take AAS more efficinetly

  13. #13
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    You have built up a tolerance to gear when you have bridged to the next cycle, this more or less happens with many people who bridge or cruise, the compounds you are using isn't going to do much anyway to fast weight gain, i would come off recover with proper pct and maintain your body mass with diet and training and get yourself fresh again, when you have done this prime your body and prepare yourself for the next cycle and you will have the best gains of your life.
    Excellent Post!

  14. #14
    dsmdrew is offline New Member
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    i dont under stand what about the people who are on hrt and jump right on a cycle should i use something other than l dex for estro ,is it just taking alot longer to kick in because iv ben on so long should i wait alittle longer

  15. #15
    dsmdrew is offline New Member
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    swifto what is the proper way to bridge ?

  16. #16
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsmdrew
    swifto what is the proper way to bridge ?
    I have never done this and my opinion is based on other experience at this board, and others.

    You must increase the doses almost everytime your go back "on", from cruising. Change up compounds. Reduce levels of estrogen and SHBG also. Play around with compounds. So...Do a cycle on a Test derivative and 19-Nor, then cruise, then go "on" again on a Test derivative and DHT. Also, some report better gains when changing the ester.

    Bloodwork is imperative fairly often (4-6 weeks). The cruise on a TRT dose of Testosterone . HCG can also be used to bring back testicular size/function.

    I dont think anyone should every cruise and prescribe themself a TRT dose of Testosterone for LIFE unless BB is their life. They regularly compete, have tried almost every other types of cycling and be of a mature age and a mature level of BB.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsmdrew
    swifto what is the proper way to bridge ?
    Bridging and cruising are different IMHO.

    Cruising, is as above, like I've stated.

    Bridging can be done on less suppressive, less harsh compounds for so many weeks/months, whilst trying to keep a level of suppression, not HPTA shutdown. So using less suppressive compounds and low doses of Tbol, Var, EQ, Primo, Dbol etc...Some say this dosent work, others claim it does. The best compounds to bridge on are HGH/IGF/Insulin IMO.

  18. #18
    dsmdrew is offline New Member
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    so swifto what do you think i should do quit my cycle for 4 months get a blod test and run a anti e and provron before and during my cycle run diferent compounds my next cycle i need some apionions

  19. #19
    dsmdrew is offline New Member
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    big guns what kind of ganes do you get and what kind of anti es do you run

  20. #20
    dsmdrew is offline New Member
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  21. #21
    dsmdrew is offline New Member
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    anyone have an idea what i should do im clue less i think im going to stop the cycle im doing and wate a cupple weaks and change the test that im crusin with and try again with just to compounds ,masteron and extremasain for antie

  22. #22
    Brie's Avatar
    Brie is offline Banned
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    hay drew my work out partner cruses but i dont know how he gos about it ,i think he has to switch up all his compounds every 6 months and hes not up to high mgs yet but hes gitting there wate alittle wile i know people on here do it and some one will help you out !

  23. #23
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsmdrew
    anyone have an idea what i should do im clue less i think im going to stop the cycle im doing and wate a cupple weaks and change the test that im crusin with and try again with just to compounds ,masteron and extremasain for antie
    You have built up a tolerance to gear when you have bridged to the next cycle, this more or less happens with many people who bridge or cruise, the compounds you are using isn't going to do much anyway to fast weight gain, i would come off recover with proper pct and maintain your body mass with diet and training and get yourself fresh again, when you have done this prime your body and prepare yourself for the next cycle and you will have the best gains of your life.

  24. #24
    Brie's Avatar
    Brie is offline Banned
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    you already told him that marcus

  25. #25
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brie
    you already told him that marcus
    I know but he is not listening, so it needs to be repeated.

  26. #26
    Brie's Avatar
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    its not my place to say this but hes asking for help on his problem and how to do it right i dont think he plans on gitting off and you keep preaching to him about what hes doing and how its wrong i dont think he wants your help though your help may be what he needs

  27. #27
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brie
    its not my place to say this but hes asking for help on his problem and how to do it right i dont think he plans on gitting off and you keep preaching to him about what hes doing and how its wrong i dont think he wants your help though your help may be what he needs
    Am sorry but this doesn't make any sense at all, he ask for help correct and i gave him help if he reads my post, IMHO he need to come off and get his body fresh and primed for the next cycle to produce more gains, if he doesn't want to take it fine but asking something what already been answered tells me he only wants to see posts what he wants to hear,

    If you can tell him what he wants to hear by all means tell him otherwise i wouldn't give advice, Ive bridged/coasted and cruised many times and many of my client have so i do know the area what am talking about,

    Lets hope he takes it, if you dont agree post and say why he should stay on??
    Last edited by marcus300; 08-31-2006 at 10:11 AM.

  28. #28
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    its not that that i agree or disagree its just i know people that do it and thay keep getting gains how can that be ? if he did decide to get off for being on that long what whould a proper pct for that long just curious wheres he at anyway

  29. #29
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brie
    its not that that i agree or disagree its just i know people that do it and thay keep getting gains how can that be ? if he did decide to get off for being on that long what would a proper pct for that long just curious wheres he at anyway
    You cant keep on gaining otherwise we all would be 500lb +, certain methods like switching compounds and using different types of gear also mg per week but after a certain amount of time you build up a tolerance to no matter what your doing and an increase in mg is needed sometimes alot because of the tolerance, many just shut down and no matter what they do a good rest of the gear is needed,

    Proper pct would be- go into pct and stay there until fully recovered, if your bridging or cruising you should be advanced enough on which pct is right for that individual so its just down to when you do recover which does bring its problems, this is why you shouldnt do it unless your older or competing which i stated, younger bb's shouldnt do it unless they are competing,

    I hope Ive answered some questions for you take care.

  30. #30
    dsmdrew is offline New Member
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    thanks marcus for all your help and to you brie , i think im goning to try something new maby switch my test and the dose around and run just tren or eq with it and see if that works for 2 months or so and if it doesent i will jump on to pct and marcus thanks i just didnt want to hear that you could really start to get imune to juce

  31. #31
    BG's Avatar
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    If you change to short esters you should see gains continue, what is your reasoning though for not coming off?

  32. #32
    dsmdrew is offline New Member
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    i did go to short esters i went to prop but i was on the cyp to i think im going to change cyp to test e and up the dose and run tren with it along with half a ml of Exemestane a day and see what hapens if that dosent work ill jump off for alittle while what do you think big guns ?

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