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  1. #1
    lanky's Avatar
    lanky is offline Associate Member
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    Phera-Bol?ALRI Max LMG?

    21 years old
    205 lbs
    body fat 12% (bulking)
    training 4.5 years

    I have never done a cycle of prohormones or real gear. Thinking about running a cycle of Phera-bol by Juggernaut, heard it was a lot like Phera-Plex. Anybody heard of it/know if it is a legit prohormone? If it is I’d like to run if for 4 weeks at 20mg ed.

    Then run PCT which would look like this:
    Weeks 1-2 40mg of Nolva
    Weeks 3-4 20mg of Nolva.

    I read on another thread a dude taking Phera-Plex was also taking AX PCT 3 caps ed and AX Retain 3 caps ed. What is this and would this be recommended for my cycle?

    Also throughout my PCT I would supplement with:
    Niacin 1500mg ed
    Milk Thistle 3000mg ed
    Flax Seed Oil 3000mg ed
    Hawthorne Berry 1000mg ed

    Are there any other supplement I should take during PCT or during the cycle itself?

    Lastly does anybody have any results from a cycle of ALRI Max LMG? What are the differences from Phera-bol. Would cycle and PCT be similar?

    Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

    Also thanx to all the guys at the site, I have learned a ridiculous amount of things from all you veterans.

  2. #2
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Phera Plex is a steroid , not a prohormone. It doesn't convert to anything once inside the body, it's already in it's active form. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's not a steroid. It's only legal for now because of a loop whole in the law. Anabolic Extreme has discontinued their version, I'm sure other companies will soon aswell. So stock up, if you want it.

    There's alot of great info about Phera Plex in the suppliment section. Personally I'd still use clomd for PCT, since phera plex does shut down the body pretty harsh. Aswell, keep some nolva or letro on hand, because there have been alot of reports recently about people getting gyno off of SD and PP.

  3. #3
    lanky's Avatar
    lanky is offline Associate Member
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    thanx for the reply cfiler, i am completely aware of the makeup of phera plex, i thought it was already off the market? I was just looking to see if you or nebody else had used pher-bol and knew if the results would be the same?

  4. #4
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Phera Bol is the exact formula as Phera-Plex. Stock up.

  5. #5
    lanky's Avatar
    lanky is offline Associate Member
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    1. thanx svt thats exactly what i was lookin for, crazy its only $20!

    2. nice boobies i hope ur friends with those
    Last edited by lanky; 12-27-2006 at 12:29 PM.

  6. #6
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    I go to Umass Dartmouth and live in Worcester when im not living at school what bout u

  7. #7
    doublefister is offline Associate Member
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    ALRI Max will shut you down. I am now on TRT because of it.

  8. #8
    lanky's Avatar
    lanky is offline Associate Member
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    doublefister u care to elaborate>?
    Last edited by lanky; 12-27-2006 at 12:28 PM.

  9. #9
    Standard01 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by doublefister
    ALRI Max will shut you down. I am now on TRT because of it.
    Did you take it for a year straight? Not trying to be a dick, but how did Maxlmg put you on TRT?

  10. #10
    doublefister is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2006
    I took the Max early last year. Did one cycle which I believe is for 6 weeks. Did the recommended dosage and didnt really notice any gains at all just more vascularity. Maybe a slight increase in strength but definitely none in weight.

    Didnt do any pct because it didnt say so on the label and anywhere else I read didnt mention it. Probably during the cycle I noticed that I didnt have much of a desire for sex but didnt think anything about it. I would be able to get hard but just not like I used to and it took some time too.

    As the months passed I noticed it just kept getting worse and that eventually everything was down from my sex drive, erection, everything. Went in early this year to get tested as I knew it had to be something wrong with my test levels and I tested 182 where the normal range was 100-1100.

    As of right now I am trying different ways to see if I can treat myself without the testosterone like taking Nolvadex or even just trying HCG . I just got tested again so I am about to find out what my results are.

    Overall I would suggest doing a real aas cycle and proper PCT and stay away from the prohormones as there's just not enough research on it. Just another company trying to make a quick buck with no intention of looking out for your health. There's tons of research on most of the aas out there so with the right researching you know exactly how to run it and can better protect yourself.

    Oh and by the way Im only 31 so its still kinda early for me to be having these problems.

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