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  1. #1
    jeremys's Avatar
    jeremys is offline Associate Member
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    Test E Pain Unbearable

    I got a bunch of test at the beginning of the year from a certain UG lab dosed at 300mg/ml. people say this isnt too high a concentration but it KILLS me

    last 2 cycles i did quad injections and i honestly couldnt walk anywhere and couldnt bend my leg an inch to sit down or walk

    now i'm doing delt injections this cycle so i can at least walk at work. the day after the injection, my delt swells up so i look like valentino. is this normal for any injection or is it only because of the reaction i'm having?

    it hurts just sitting here doing nothing because i thought i'd try it without working the delts immediately after the injection. bad idea. i couldnt do shit at the gym today because my arm has to pretty much stay at my side so it doesnt feel like my delt is tearing. if somebody brushes it by accident (or god forbid my girlfriend pounces on me) i wimper like a little girl

    no its not infected, this has happened for the first 4-5 weeks of each of my cycles. what can i expect from 250mg/ml?

    am i a pansy? or is this at least somewhat common? i just got bit by my pet snake and it doesnt bother me a bit. this inflammation is a different kind of pain.. id imagine its what getting shot with a 12 ga at point blank range in the delt would feel like

  2. #2
    DHew's Avatar
    DHew is offline Senior Member
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    Jeez man. That sounds bad. I only had pain from one injection on a test e cycle. It was accompanied by some swelling and it hurt a lot, but it went away in 5 days. Never had that happen again.

  3. #3
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    Sounds like Test 400...that stuff can put a hurting on you depending on the manufacturer. Have you thought of doing glute shots and cutting it with B12?

  4. #4
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    i dont think test e should be doing that to you. sounds like you are having some type of reaction to it.testE is usually pretty easy to inject w little pain involved..

  5. #5
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    There was some crappy test enan powder going around last year. If that's what your oil was made with, there's not a lot you can do about it.
    It's not the concentration if it's 300mg/ml, that's fairly painless.I don't think it's solvent ratios or else you wouldn't get used to it after 4 or 5 weeks.
    Try cutting it like Jugger said and see what happens.

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  6. #6
    jeremys's Avatar
    jeremys is offline Associate Member
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    would cutting it with b12 even work? its water-based, no? therefore wouldnt mix well with an oil-based aas?

  7. #7
    djchaddock is offline New Member
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    You are not alone I injected test k which has 3 different types of test that equals 500mg in my quad and a week later my leg is red and swollen but has gotten better. I just half the dose and injected into my left delt on sun and going to hit the right on wed. Be patient the pain will go away slowly.

  8. #8
    Iron-man's Avatar
    Iron-man is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds like you get the pain worse than me, but when I do quads....well in a day or so, I can barely walk...limp everywhere. 3 wks ago, my left leg swelled up from mid thigh down. Knee & ankle (actually had cankles..haha) swelled up terrible. Mine is 250mg/ml. I just did delts for the first time & not as bad, though I did run it under HOT water & did more massage. It was highly recommended to me to cut it with sterile grape seed oil. I am going to try this soon. When I do quads, I can forget about ANY leg exercises for a week or more. I will also try to quads, though I can barely turn far enough to get at them. Since this seems to be a norm for some people, I know it was no infection. I think the grape seed oil, massage & heating the loaded syringe might do the trick.

    Also, when I did the delts I did 1cc per delt vs 2cc in one quad, so this may help to do a smaller amount per side or smaller dosages more often.

  9. #9
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremys
    would cutting it with b12 even work? its water-based, no? therefore wouldnt mix well with an oil-based aas?

    It works.

    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  10. #10
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    .....or get a fresh/new gear...

    LPR ...dermatology.

  11. #11
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah bro I just finished 10 weeks on test E- The first injection left a little pain but thats it- I loved the pain free injections. Near the end I had to switch to Prop cuz the Enth wasnt avail- now that shit hurts. Needless to say I think enth works great- I think its just your UGL.

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