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  1. #1
    Power Viking is offline Banned
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    Apr 2005

    Anabolics of the future - myostatin inhibiter??

    I just read a norwegian article about myostatin inhibiters, a substanse that has been used on these bulls:

    It seems that myostatin limits the growth of muscles to prevent people from
    being insanly huge (which probably isn`t always positive in an evolutionary perspective). By blocking or inhibiting myostatin we can probably stop the body`s own "brake" on our muscle growth.

    Are there anyone here who`s heard of this stuff before? Is it available for humans somehow? I sure would like to be a human version of that bull (I`m already hung like him, but I mean the rest )

  2. #2
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I have read a little on gene doping which works by manipulating myostatin levels. Apparently this will be a possibility in the next 5 years. It has already been tested on rats with amazing results. I hope it doesnt become "easy" to develop muscle using these compounds. All the rich guys will be jacked and I won't feel special anymore!

  3. #3
    BigJames's Avatar
    BigJames is offline Senior Member
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    Sep 2004
    There are cases of children born with less myostatin and it is not a pretty picture as far as I know...yes their musculature crazy, but I would imagine that it would adversely effect other muscles and organs just like excess GH can...just my 2 cents...

  4. #4
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    Feb 2006
    there are many articels on this if you do a search. one says that a baby was born with incredible musculature & at 5 yrs old could hold 7lb weights straight out in front of him for an extended period of time...its something cattle farmers have known about in the past. Belgian BLue bulls are known for this myostatin issue. As more time & research goes by, it seems like this may be a real issue in the near future...although it seems like its being kept fairly quiet...

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