Hey guys Im pretty sure I have an underactive thyroid in the very least and would like to get my levels tested by my doc. I am planning on telling him my symptoms, tired and sluggish all the time, very difficult losing weight, low morning resting temps(approx 97.8-98.2 at max). The thing is, I'm on a tren cycle right now(no test, I have never had problems with low libido or lack of test in my cycle problems, lets not please debate my cycle). The tren comes out to around 350 mg/week and I'm making great gains but not getting leaner at all despite eating VERY clean (again lets not debate my diet).

The point is, If I ask to get my thryoid levels checked, what are the odds that he will end up checking my test levels and becomign a little suspicious of what I'm up to? I dont give a crap if he doens't support steroids at all, but in my expcerience, doctors who know you are doing steroids are a LOT more hesitatnt to be helpful to you if you have any medical conditions.