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  1. #1
    Ruffneck's Avatar
    Ruffneck is offline Junior Member
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    anxiety probs got worse after cycle

    hi all,
    i am a 38 yr old who just finished a 15 week cycle of deca 400mls a week about 5 weeks ago.
    i am 5' 9" tall 182 pounds got a bit of a gut cause was bulking and was eating to much
    anyway been training on and off for the last 15 yrs but i got the bug at the mo and been training solid 4 days a week for the last yr and a half.
    been taking mirtazapine for anxiety for bout 2 yrs other antideppressants for about 6yrs before that but the prob is when i was on the gear i felt awsome and now i'm off started to have panic attacks
    never did pct cause i was told i never needed any,havent long had a pc so could do no research(
    any of y'all had any probs like this before?wondering if its a hormone imbalance or something?
    thanks in advance for any replys

  2. #2
    box101 is offline Junior Member
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    no pct???????
    15 weeks????

  3. #3
    Ruffneck's Avatar
    Ruffneck is offline Junior Member
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    i know now i needed pct espec after reading info in these forums but before that i was told u should be ok!
    never had deca dick like in some posts about deca or shrinkage of the balls or any puffiness of the nipples just felt f**king strong after the 8th week

  4. #4
    Ruffneck's Avatar
    Ruffneck is offline Junior Member
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    i know all you guys are gonna rip me to bits for doing that cycle,though i have to admit i did 40ml of danabol for the first6 weeks!
    i know it gets worse does'nt it but no sisde effects apart from panic attacks,though i'm prone to anxiety so??
    help pls!!!

  5. #5
    Ruffneck's Avatar
    Ruffneck is offline Junior Member
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    ok with the deca i meant 400mg's a week!just to clear things up.
    sorry for the confusion

  6. #6
    box101 is offline Junior Member
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    get your self to the doctors and get some test done, total and free testo.
    go from there

    im no expert but if there to low he will give you HRT

    you can either run pct now,wait to heal natty,go on HRT,or go back on roids

    me being you,id find out where i stand with some tests before deciding on the course of action.

  7. #7
    Ruffneck's Avatar
    Ruffneck is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the replys box101!!
    might be stupid but was gonna wait till after xmass and start a new cycle of
    400mg's of deca a week +500 mg's of sust a week for 12 weeks and 40mg's of the blue heart shaped d/bol for the first 4 weeks.
    gonna ask my m8 for some nolva and clomid for pct.
    how does that sound for a cycle to you guys in the know?
    appreciate your time and help y'all

  8. #8
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruffneck
    thanks for the replys box101!!
    might be stupid but was gonna wait till after xmass and start a new cycle of
    400mg's of deca a week +500 mg's of sust a week for 12 weeks and 40mg's of the blue heart shaped d/bol for the first 4 weeks.
    gonna ask my m8 for some nolva and clomid for pct.
    how does that sound for a cycle to you guys in the know?
    appreciate your time and help y'all
    I think another cycle should be the last thing on your mind...Get healthy first before you event think about it...

  9. #9
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yup, a simple blood test will tell all. I would do a complete lipid panel as well as total test. No point in guessing at this stuff!

    Good luck bro and keep us posted,


  10. #10
    Ruffneck's Avatar
    Ruffneck is offline Junior Member
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    sorry did'nt read ur reply properly box101,do you think the panic attacks are due to not doing proper pct or maybee a hormone imbalance?
    btw i live in the uk so getting blood work done is a problem,getting a colestrol test is no prob,maybee getting liver values if i lied to the doc and said i'm an alchoholic but its not the same ere as it is in the us.
    cant afford to go private
    btw my lifting stats are
    198 max flat bench
    66 d/bells incline bench
    leg press 500 max
    squats 264 max
    dead lifts 297 for 8
    single arm bent over rows 88 for 5
    ez curls max 99
    tri's push downs 165
    all in pounds ok

  11. #11
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    My anxiety seems to kick up post cycle aswell.

  12. #12
    Ruffneck's Avatar
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    i hate being anxious like i said on the gear felt i could take on the world but now after a few panic attacks worried about going out full stop(apart from going to the gym
    its good to know i'm not the only one who gets anxious hellmask

  13. #13
    Ruffneck's Avatar
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    just out of curiosity would taking trib boost my confidence as test makes us males more aggressive etc?

  14. #14
    box101 is offline Junior Member
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    incorrect man, if you tell your doc whats happening and the cycle you have done, he will get you those tests done, your local GP.

  15. #15
    Ruffneck's Avatar
    Ruffneck is offline Junior Member
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    what if ur docs dead against steroids and just lectures the shit out of you?
    doc's in the uk dont even know much about roids apart from the one's they give to asma sufferers and aids patients.
    and i'm not sure if i want (he's an intramuscular user of anabolic steroids on my profile
    but i see what ur saying box101 better to be safe than sorry!

  16. #16
    box101 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruffneck
    what if ur docs dead against steroids and just lectures the shit out of you?
    doc's in the uk dont even know much about roids apart from the one's they give to asma sufferers and aids patients.
    and i'm not sure if i want (he's an intramuscular user of anabolic steroids on my profile
    but i see what ur saying box101 better to be safe than sorry!

    all i can say, excuss the language is and f!_1cking what?

    as far as your health is concerned you shouldt give a .... what your doc is with or against, he is there to serve you, not fill you with his views and morals.
    now he will tell you the facts,and he will do so to help..thats about as far as it will go..

    are you joining the army?
    the ploice force or fire service or perhaps a paramedic in the future?
    if the answer is no you can have crack head on your record and it wont make a bit of diffence,no one other than the above will have access to these records

    good look man

  17. #17
    Ruffneck's Avatar
    Ruffneck is offline Junior Member
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    lol language excused))
    i'm being a bit of a wuss are'nt i
    but with no testicular shrinkage no bitch tits no deca dick dont u think i've come through it ok?

  18. #18
    Ruffneck's Avatar
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    not trying to be awkward or anything and i appreciate all of your input!
    just wanted to make that clear

  19. #19
    box101 is offline Junior Member
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    well yea you had none of the side effects listed above-weather your natty testo is back online or not has little to do with it.

  20. #20
    Ruffneck's Avatar
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    thanks box101 for ur replys and the rest of y'all,
    going to the docs next week for a routine check up if i pluck up the courage will tell the doc all
    if he agrees will have test's done and will post the results ere.
    thanks all
    good board ere!!!
    will post again soon ok

  21. #21
    box101 is offline Junior Member
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    if he agrees or not you need these tests done,worst comes to the worst go private over the net,these are not as solid but will give you an idea, heres a site i found within seconds

    altho i cant seem him not agreeing

    have you keept your gains?

  22. #22
    Ruffneck's Avatar
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    hi back again,
    just checked the thread and there was a reply so had to reply myself
    yes i've kept gains and strength though its harder to get the reps out at my max than when i was on the gear,
    i'm taking norateen heavyweight 2 at the mo,bought it before i found out that it was'nt very good according to some websites,
    gained 10 to 12 pounds on and weight is staying roughly the same now.

  23. #23
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    I too am prone to depression and anxiety and I too suffered post cycle. My cycle went 10 weeks of test E at 500mgs a week. About the second to third week after stopping (when the test E starts to where off) I felt depressed and anxious and I was scared it would be something permanent (fortunately it wasnt). I did do a pct - the standard clomid-nolva thing because one must block estrogen and kick start their own natural test production and pct is key to recovering.

    When first starting to get depressed, I thought it may have been the clomid which has been associated with having "PMS-like" symptoms but I'm still doing clomid and without poor mood at this point which leads me to believe it was just my low endogenous test following the cessation of a cycle.

    Next time, do a pct. You'll still suffer but maybe for not as long. Also, you may want to raise your antianxiety/depression meds following a cycle. One option is not to do steroids at all. IT's definately risky for people like you and I

    Quote Originally Posted by Ruffneck
    hi all,
    i am a 38 yr old who just finished a 15 week cycle of deca 400mls a week about 5 weeks ago.
    i am 5' 9" tall 182 pounds got a bit of a gut cause was bulking and was eating to much
    anyway been training on and off for the last 15 yrs but i got the bug at the mo and been training solid 4 days a week for the last yr and a half.
    been taking mirtazapine for anxiety for bout 2 yrs other antideppressants for about 6yrs before that but the prob is when i was on the gear i felt awsome and now i'm off started to have panic attacks
    never did pct cause i was told i never needed any,havent long had a pc so could do no research(
    any of y'all had any probs like this before?wondering if its a hormone imbalance or something?
    thanks in advance for any replys

  24. #24
    Ruffneck's Avatar
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    thanks for ur reply mike dura,
    like i said beforem its good to know these things happen to some of us,
    like i said before i think maybee its a hormone imbalance exagerated by coming off roids!
    looking forward to my next cycle after xmass followed by proper pct!!!
    nolva and clomid.
    cheers all for ur helpfull info,
    will keep informed if my side effects continue or subside

  25. #25
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Remember the PCT rule of thumb! Run your PCT until libido returns to normal!


  26. #26
    davedizzle's Avatar
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    I've been on citalopram hydrobromide for depression & anxiety for 5 years, along with propanolol for panic attacks.

    I'm on week 10 of test cyp & prop cycle now and hope things don't get hairy during PCT but I am expecting it to. Mission is to get natty test levels up & running again ASAP.

    Good luck with it bro,
    Let us know how it turns out for you.

  27. #27
    frank12391's Avatar
    frank12391 is offline Member
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    I read in a thread here that Taurine can help with anxiety so I went out and got some myself cause I am prone to anxiety too. I gotta say that I have felt better after a week

  28. #28
    Ruffneck's Avatar
    Ruffneck is offline Junior Member
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    thanks guys for all the replys,
    gonna make an appointment with the doc next week and gonna ask him about
    niravam and see if he'll prescribe it to me.
    wish i'd had access to this board before i started that cycle.
    gonna listen to you all and do proper pct next time.
    thanks again

  29. #29
    Tommy Boy's Avatar
    Tommy Boy is offline Junior Member
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    I have taken effexor for 5 years . Did two cycles and am about to do third. My advice (what I did both times) was run Nolva and Aromasin . No clomid. Clomid CAN cause "mental instability. The combo SERM and AI of Nolva and Aromasin were awesome during PCT. No blues, nervousness, anxiety , etc.
    Ran PCT 5 weeks and fully recovered both times. Libido at 85%. ButI don't give a shit. There's always proviron and cialis for f***ing. And you can always get some valium for insurance if you're prone to paralyzing anxiety.
    Mostly mental, Bro. Just stay on you meds... And No Tren !

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