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Thread: growth plates

  1. #1
    R9PUG is offline Junior Member
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    growth plates

    why would takeing testosterone cause your growth plates to fuse prematurley? i tried searching but cudnt find it, sory for posting this if its already been asked thanks
    edit: i take oral steroids for asthma in inhalors, would this cause growth plates to fuse earlier than they should have ?

  2. #2
    juice_305's Avatar
    juice_305 is offline Banned
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    come get some
    no to sure but i had shatered my ancle growth plate at age 17 and my foot is smaller than my other one. i could not see any big problems happening.
    but i would not use steriods till your body has grown to it fulllness.

    anyone else know anything on this

  3. #3
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    cortiseteroids are not anabolic steroids .
    what u take for ashma has nothing to do with testoserone.

    I dont have a scientific answer for you, i can only venture out and take a guess that it has something to do with shutting down your HTPA.

  4. #4
    Snrf's Avatar
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    I read somewhere that its to do with estrogen, when excess testosterone aromatises to estrogen the estrogen closes them I think.

    somethin like that!

  5. #5
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    I copied this from another board, hopefully the original poster really dont give a ****.


    "Both growth hormone and the sex steroids , particularly estrogen, are necessary for the normal adolescent growth spurt. This is true for both boys and girls. Estrogen appears to be the critical stimulus of the physis causing the linear growth spurt. Lower doses of estrogens, as during early puberty, stimulate growth, whereas higher doses, in later adolescence, lead to growth cessation. Once GnRH resumes its pulsatile release (which is suppressed between infancy and puberty), estrogen is stimulated from the ovaries in girls, or from the testis directly and from peripheral aromatization of testosterone in boys resulting in initial breast development in girls and rapid foot growth in both boys and girls as the first signs of the adolescent growth spurt. This initial estrogen increase stimulates further GH release. GH acts directly and indirectly through production of IGF-1 to stimulate physeal growth. The growth rate then peaks about 2 years later and then slows to cessation after another 2 years with estrogen again appearing to be the primary factor causing physeal closure.

    There are indeed certain estrogen receptor deficiency states in boys that can result in continued growth. Whether or not true estrogen blockade either at the receptor level or testosterone conversion level would allow adolescents to take AAs without affecting growth is an intriguing concept, but don't hold your breath waiting for that study to get published..."

  6. #6
    R9PUG is offline Junior Member
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    cheers for replys.. so it doesnt sound as bad as i thought it would.. i take it the 21y/o thing is just a way to make sure everybody has grown/almost grown fully?

  7. #7
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R9PUG
    cheers for replys.. so it doesnt sound as bad as i thought it would..

    ???? I dont know what you're thinking.. but i am thinking having your growth plates shut off prematurely sounds pretty bad.

  8. #8
    box101 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks
    ???? I dont know what you're thinking.. but i am thinking having your growth plates shut off prematurely sounds pretty bad.
    not really as you can use A1"s to fully stop this from happeing,if anything test will give a younger user a growth spurt!

  9. #9
    R9PUG is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by box101
    not really as you can use A1"s to fully stop this from happeing,if anything test will give a younger user a growth spurt!
    so taking test isnt all that bad?

  10. #10
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by box101
    not really as you can use A1"s to fully stop this from happeing,if anything test will give a younger user a growth spurt!
    Thats pure speculation.
    And most likely false.

  11. #11
    box101 is offline Junior Member
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    id have to disagree, if you stop a hormones from working its not going to have it effect is it?

    its rather simple really,
    i know to people who one at the age of 19 and the other at the age of 18 took steroids and grew in hight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

    belive it or not ive seen it

  12. #12
    Tank75 is offline Associate Member
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    How old are you R9PUG? I'd say for the sake of maturity you seem too young to be using anabolics. If prematurely closing growth plates doesn't seem like a big deal then I think you should walk away from the idea of anabolics until you get another perspective.

    In your other post you have a source posted openly and have neglected people who asked you to edit your posts, which doesn't seem responsible to me at all. Anabolics are not some joke you take on a whim... they are a huge committment and if you're not going to do it right, they really won't do what you expect them to do.

  13. #13
    box101 is offline Junior Member
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    just to make it clear im not suggesting every teen who does them will have an increase in height,ive seen it happen to times,maybe they were on a natty spurt at that time anyway,and the extra hormones took it a step further than it would have.

  14. #14
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Rule of Thumb is stay natural until atleast 21.

    Your body produces alot of TEST and ESTROGEN on its own during growth spurts/teen years,, If u eat your ass off and workout u will grow.

    ALSO, it seems to be human male nature to think nothing bad will ever happen to them, (invincibility) until well it happens, and happens again and happens again, and than people start taking note of potential side-effects.
    When you're young u take greater risk, cause u really only focus on what u want, and discount the side-effects.. that is why its useless to really argue, but there are some who actually listen so thats why we still try and help.
    Last edited by Pooks; 09-24-2006 at 08:13 AM.

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