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  1. #1
    flex_w's Avatar
    flex_w is offline Associate Member
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    Natural Gyno Question

    hey guys me and my cousin are both gonna hit the same gear at the same date tho he is a big worried he might have got gyno during puberty IMO i think it could be a bit of bodyfat coz he isnt lean 16 17% bf His bulking btw anywho i saw his chest when he told me he thinks he has gyno nice bulky chest but just a bit of fat lookin area lowe sides (cant really recognise it) im pretty sure its just bodyfat cause he is in his 100kg range in weight he has alot of good bulky muscle too so if he does go on Test Cyp Only cycle and if it might be gyno will it get worser or if he takes nolva would it get better or just go away Plz lemme know cycle is a 14week cycle of Test Cyp we start it on December 1st just getting everything i need for PCT ready along wit my cousins

  2. #2
    JohnBall is offline Junior Member
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    San Diego
    Can you please re-write this into complete sentences. Seriously bro, I am not trying to be rude, but periods and commas work really well in helping to complete your thoughts. I'm worried about this country. I really can't make out what your saying. Oh, and worser is not a word in the English dictionary.

  3. #3
    Jsik98's Avatar
    Jsik98 is offline Member
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    So you're basically asking whether or not nolva will take away pre-existing gyno from puberty?? But you don't think it's gyno- just bodyfat? And would it get from test cyp?......I think that's where you're going with that. So answer #1- No, #2-if it's not gyno but high bodyfat you should def take an anti-aromatase drug such as aromasin or arimidex while on due to higher levels of fatty tissue which correlates to higher levels of aromatase.. And #3- If in fact it is gyno then obviously it could and probably will get worse on a cycle of test.....if the right ancillary drugs aren't taken. Nolva will not take away pre-existing will only prevent it from forming. The only possible ways to get rid of gyno are to either take a strong anti-estrogen drug such as letrozole , which probably won't work, but you may be among the very few lucky bastards that actually have reversed it that way...or you get surgery. Good luck

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