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Thread: suggest a cycle

  1. #1
    wham_sucker is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2006

    suggest a cycle

    Hey guys, im looking to start a cycle. I was wondering if i put down my stats, what i want from the cycle and my concerns could you help or advise me ?

    age- 20
    weight- 227lb
    height - 6 foot one inch
    bf- around 12-15% (slightly visible abs)
    diet - I always get between 250 and 280g of protein a day through; chicken, tuna, eggs, steak, bagels, fish, milk, yogurt, low fat peanut butter and cottage cheese. I get around 200g of carbs a day through rice, potatoes, low fat oven chips, bagels, wholemeal bread.

    50g of my protein intake on a non workout day is through a protein drink and on workout days i have a mrp straight after my workout. I take 3 lots of 3 amino 1500's a day and are currently taking green magnitude creatine. i also take two multi vitamin tablets a day and drink 2+ litres of water

    I have 200g of cottage cheese before i go to bed.

    At the moment i am happy with my training as i can fit it around my university programme and is as follows:

    monday- light cardio 30 mins and abs
    tues - quads, hams and calves
    wednesday - chest and biceps
    Thursday - light cardio 30 mins and abs
    friday - back and triceps
    sat - shoulders and traps
    sunday - off

    This will be my first cycle and i have little knolwdge of pct apart from the use of tamoxifen and possibly hcg if needed.

    My concerns are:

    VERY VERY concerned about hairloss. Have no recent history of hairloss in my family. My dad is 47 and has a good head of hair and my grandads have good hair for there ages (70+). Just really dont wanna lose my hair, i have been a skin head before and i looked ill

    Acne - Had spots as a teenager and had to take roaccutane under a dermotologists supervision. Didnt have huge craters and havent got any scars but i had enough spots for my liking

    thanks for reading this guys, have a good day

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    At 20yrs old you don't need to start cycling, you have enough hormones naturally to produce really good gains, concentrate on your diet and training program and build a good solid base to work from, if you do this correctly over the yrs you will be in a far better position to build and maintain when you do start cycling,

    Use what you have got at your age and don't risk damaging your own hormonal system up, which does occur in alot of bb's who start in their teens and early 20's,

  3. #3
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
    V_Vandetta is offline Senior Member
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    some where in the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    At 20yrs old you don't need to start cycling, you have enough hormones naturally to produce really good gains, concentrate on your diet and training program and build a good solid base to work from, if you do this correctly over the yrs you will be in a far better position to build and maintain when you do start cycling,

    Use what you have got at your age and don't risk damaging your own hormonal system up, which does occur in alot of bb's who start in their teens and early 20's,

    great advice also try hitting the diet and training fourms maybe try some new things to get things dialed in better

  4. #4
    wham_sucker is offline Junior Member
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    i do feel i have a good base to start cyclying. i have been training since i was 16 and have gone from 168lbs to 226lbs naturally.

    I just feel that when i finish uni and get a full time job i wont be able to continue eating every 2 hours and let my life revolve around training. Next january will be when i am considering starting my first cycle as i dont think i will be able to give over as much time a dedication to bb'ing as i do now.

    dont take this as me shitting on your advice i greatly appreciate it.

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    cycle carbs

    kuz ur not ready, urover 6ft, and only weight in the 220's w/ double digit bf...

  6. #6
    wham_sucker is offline Junior Member
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    yes i do have adouble digit body fat level but it is the lower end of the double digit figures.

    surely if i was 250 lbs with a single digit body fat % then i wouldnt need to go on steroids because i am allready in awesome shape

  7. #7
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    I dont wanna contradict some of the vets here, but if he really is 227 at 6ft and actually has a diet like he says he does, then he can start to prepare for his first cycle. I would look into the stickies and threads about first cycles. Basically it should just be test with proper pct

  8. #8
    wham_sucker is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2006
    thanks for the advice mate, on my way over there now

  9. #9
    max1709 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006


    can any give me some advice pls. I have only just started using steroids and the stuff i have been using has been deca 50 from australia, 1. not sure if its the real macoy however in the short time i have been using it i have gone from 250lbs to 285lbs, my strength has increased incredibly and my endurance in the gym has increased. been doing 8 weeks on 3-4 weeks off for 2 rotations, not taking anything i doing things right?any advice would be greatly appreciated.would like to cut up a little also.
    Last edited by max1709; 09-27-2006 at 01:02 PM. Reason: spelling error

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