Ok, here are my stats
Working out seriously for over 13 years
Age 28
BF approx 12%, 5'8"
Arms 19inch,
Bench 405

I have had great success not using aas for years. However, 3 months ago or so, i started my first cycle of 500 test and 400 eq. As most will say, you don't notice a whole lot on the eq for strength, but did get a kick from the test. about half way through, i upped the test to 750 a week. I gained 10 solid pounds during three months to bump me to 195. I could have gain more weight, but I wanted this to be a LEAN mass builder. And it worked.

I am going to take about 4 months off and hit it again. For my next cycle, I was thinking of keeping my test and throwing in some sostenon. I know the sosenton is a blend of four test. I want to gain mass, but I want to gain lean mass. I liked eq and i did get some results off of it, but not a whole lot. I think with a good diet, I can still stay lean and gain mass.

Please critique this for my second cycle:
500 Test Enanthate
750 Sostenon
Both taken twice a week
12 week cycle
20mg of Nolvadex ed

Clomid for pct

I gained from my first cycle, but feel like I could have added more strength with a different stack. I am going to cut up to about 185 very very slowly at the end of my first cycle and over the next four months. MY GOAL with this second cycle is to gain 10 to 15 pounds of very lean mass. If I kept the test e, what else would you suggest in place of sostenon? I know for sure I can get sos and test e pharma grade. EQ is ugl.

Thanks for the help guys!