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  1. #1
    Cookeman is offline New Member
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    Aug 2006

    Unhappy Super Ultra Pain in the Ass

    I took a cycle of Test E a while back in my senior year of high school. The only real complaint I had back then was that my ass hurt a ton the following days after injection. I wasn't injecting the recommended spot. I was injecting right above where my ass cheek meets the back of my leg. Like right at the crease where my ass starts. I guess I was just lucky not to hit the sciatic nerve. It seemed to hurt me a lot more than the other two people I was doing it with who were doing it at the same spot.

    Last week I tried up a new cycle of some stuff that was probably pointless to do anyway. It's Boldenone Propionate 100mg/ml. It was going to expire by October so I figured I'd rather do it then have to throw it away because I couldn't get any other gear to stack with it in time. Anyway, I used the same sized needle I used last time. 1.5 in 23 gauge.

    This time I stuck in the upper right quadrant like recommended. I swabbed the needle with alcohol and the area I was to inject. I let the two dry before injection. I pushed the needle in slowly and all the way in. No pain except for the initail prick through the skin and a kind-of weird inexplicable feeling halfway through injection. I only used .75ml. I shot more to the inside of the upper outer quadrant, but still in the upper outter quadrant. I also was very steady while injecting and I pulled back on the plunger to see if I was in the right place (no blood). All I got was a little bubble so I figured I was good. I made sure there were no bubbles prior to injection. I injected slowly. After pulling out I put an alcohol pad on the spot and massaged it for about 10 minutes.

    Later that night I started to feel it hurting a little. the next morning was worse and I could barely workout. The 2nd morning was worse and I couldn't work out. The 3rd morning was the worst. It took 6 days for me to be able to push myself through a workout. It's now one week to the day and I can still feel it a little but not much pain just feels tight like I pulled it real bad last week or something.

    The last week has been HELL. I could barely walk at day 2. Day 3 I couldn't sleep because the pain was so bad. The spot looked completely normal the whole time and it never got red or swollen. It was never visibly infected. It looked perfectly normal, but the pain was definitely immense.

    I couldn't really sit or lay down without being really uncomfortable. It also felt like there was a lump the size of a baseball in my ass. I still feel a lump but it's much smaller now. It also felt like the pain had spread from the injection point and traveled all the way along the section of muscle toward the bottom of my spine. That definitely worried me, but it's good now. I massaged, stretched, and abstained from any stressful liftling until yesterday. On day three I promised myself if the pain didn't go away in two days or if it got worse the next day I would bite the bullet and go to the doctors. Luckily it's been getting better.

    I'm no pussy for pain either. Not trying to be a tough guy but I played 10 years of football and started all 10 and only missed a total of 7 plays my entire career. granted that I never got a major injury like broken bones, but I've played with seperated shoulders and gotten a couple concusiions among other injuries i played with. So there's no way I would have pussed out of working out if it was at all possible for me to.

    My question is, what the hell happened? I kept asking my self how in the world it was possible that so many people use gear and can still workout and play sports. If somebody would have hit my ass on day 2 I would have dropped to the floor in pain for a solid 5 minutes. Thanks for any insight you guys can give me. I really would like to try again as I may have found a new source that can get me a proper cycle, but I definitely can't go through that BS again.

    p.s. Sorry for it being so long, but I wanted to make sure you all had all the info I could think would relate to my question.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    IN your walls
    well alot of things could of happen. maby your body rejected it, that happens once in a wile but it would cause it to be so painful.noting to worry about just dont use it any more. thats the hole resone you ad a diffrent agent every cycle so that if your body is affected by it you relize witch one it is and can stay away from it. maby you hit some scare tissue. did you wate for the alcohol to evaporate? somtimes that hurts if you push a needel tip threw the skin full of alcohol. and also in your case I bet it would have helped the pain tramendesly if you would have worked out after you injected.( always try to work the bobypart you inject in as soon as posible, it helps spread out the agent and get it absorbed faster)

  3. #3
    Cookeman is offline New Member
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by crazyhorse666
    well alot of things could of happen. maby your body rejected it, that happens once in a wile but it would cause it to be so painful.noting to worry about just dont use it any more. thats the hole resone you ad a diffrent agent every cycle so that if your body is affected by it you relize witch one it is and can stay away from it. maby you hit some scare tissue. did you wate for the alcohol to evaporate? somtimes that hurts if you push a needel tip threw the skin full of alcohol. and also in your case I bet it would have helped the pain tramendesly if you would have worked out after you injected.( always try to work the bobypart you inject in as soon as posible, it helps spread out the agent and get it absorbed faster)
    I don't think it hit scar tissue because I've never injected anywhere near that spot before. and I've never been injured there. Do you think the gear would have that effect if maybe they expired early? I waited for the alcohol to evaporate from both the needle and the spot before injecting. Should I avoid the propionate ester alltogether, or just boldenone ? I was thinking of possibly doing test prop in the future, and probably EQ that's why I ask.

    Another note is that I did a leg/lower body workout about one hour prior to injection. So next time i'll do it before the workout. Is it possible I hit the sciatic nerve? Or would that be paralyzing pain? Because it wasn't that bad. I think i still had a little ways to go before that. My assumptions was that maybe I didn't touch the sciatic nerve with the needle but that I pushed the gear fluid to touch the nerve. Or the gear expired and that expired gear is worse than I ever thought it could be.

  4. #4
    soon2bfreak is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2006
    sounds to me like you pushed some of the rubbing alcohol in with the needle, you said you wiped the needle down it's self too didn't you? probably had some in it and cause an irritation in the skin. i can tell you that my last cycle the first 2 shots in the glutes hurt like hell. first time i shot my right glute i was crazy pain the next day by day 3 i had a huge red spot and swollen out looked like a welt from a base ball. same thing with the second injection on my other side and when i hit the delts it hurt crazy bad for a week as well. but by the second time i rotated the injection spots i got sore the 2nd day and that was it, i think it just has to do with your body getting use to the oils, but i have stuck myself while the alcohol was still wet on my skin and that shit burned and go red for a day or two

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