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Thread: Dnp Over Dose

  1. #1
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dnp Over Dose

    If Doing Dnp And You Have A Bad Reaction To It What Do You Advise One Tell The E.r. Is There A Know Protocall For Treating A Dnp Over Dose. Thanks

  2. #2
    iNvid's Avatar
    iNvid is offline Senior Member
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    Jun 2004
    this is why you need to start at very very low levels when you first start taking dnp ..know how your body reacts to it

    if you overdose on dnp you will probably die..a hospital can't really do much besides covering your body in ice and trying to keep your brain from frying from the heat..the only time I've ever heard of someone actually oding and having to go to the hospital was when they started their cycle at 400mg then jumped to 1.2g

  3. #3
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by iNvid
    this is why you need to start at very very low levels when you first start taking dnp ..know how your body reacts to it

    if you overdose on dnp you will probably die..a hospital can't really do much besides covering your body in ice and trying to keep your brain from frying from the heat..the only time I've ever heard of someone actually oding and having to go to the hospital was when they started their cycle at 400mg then jumped to 1.2g

  4. #4
    SHAGGY is offline Member
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    Feb 2003
    I do rememeber finding an article(didn't read it though) that stated that a child was succesfully treated for a DNP overdose and was "saved", probably a miner overdose though, don't know, maybe they just meant that any ingestion of DNP is considered overdose since it isn't really used in the medical world. Common consensus around these boards is that once you overdose death is pretty much inevitable, this is why people very slowly ramp up the dosage to test their tolerance. Before using it you should pretty much read everything you can about DNP.


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