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  1. #1
    Power Viking is offline Banned
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    Should I increase my dosage? How much?

    Ok, let`s start out with my stats:
    Height: 6"2
    Weight: 265 (with "average" BF, no belly but no visible abs either)

    I did a 10 week cycle of 250mg test a week (sustanon ) and four provirons a day (it did the trick as an anti-e and has some anabolic affect as well. It was a bit cheaper than nolva, so I gave it a try) for a while. I`ve done a handfull of cycles that have all been about this weak.

    I usually gain 22lbs on my squat, deadlift and bench press. So that`s 60lbs of strength gains on each cycle (and I`ve always been able to keep it all).

    On this last cycle I did increase my squat with 20lbs, but the only thing I know for sure about my deadlift is that I gained 11 lbs (5 kgs), but had I loaded the bar with another 5lbs I think I would have gotten it, but I`m not sure I could have gotten anything more.
    My bench press increased with 22 lbs with a bench press shirt, but my raw, narrow grip bench press only increased with 11lbs, last cycle I got a full 22lbs on this as well.

    I`ll be doing some clen and maybe some ephedrine now before christmas and then hit another cycle in january. I think I`ll try to have to 7-8 week cycles done before july and I already have 20 ml of andropen 275 ready (but I can basically get my hands on anything I want actually).
    I`ll definitely do at least 1 ml a week, so that`s a small increase from 250 mg/week to 275 there (10% increase), but is this enough?

    I want to be able to keep all my gains and I`d rather spend a year or two extra getting to "superhuman vikinghulk" than compromising my health. Still I`d like to squat and deadlift at least 800lbs one day and increase my bench press to 550-600 (of course, I`m prepared to spend roughly 10 years getting there).

    Reading about guys like:
    who went from an average Joe to 300lbs ripped in TWO YEARS with a 370kg deadlift(816lbs) and a 240kg bench press (530lbs) makes me impatient (this guy is still just 20 years old )

  2. #2
    Power Viking is offline Banned
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    Hmmm...seems like a good BUMP is in order.

  3. #3
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    what are ur current stats (on yr lifts)? I would personally lift doses if I was u but then again maybe a more conservative approach is better. I did a cycle of andropen a lil less than a year ago (4 ml a week) and gained bad.. didnt even surpass my previous lifts... I gained more from test deca cycle with total androgen amount half than that... but maybe I dont gain well from test only.. dunno.. but give me ur lifts, it helps me to judge better at what point u are.. cause I have problems keeping bench over 400 after PCT is done.. (if I take correct time off)... and I lifted 375 naturally, so that is kinda depressing for me..

  4. #4
    Power Viking is offline Banned
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    BP: 440
    Squat: 600
    DL: 580

    I`ve never tried anything but testo except once when I added some dbol (1-2 tabs a day), but didn`t get much from that.
    I guess I`ll stick to testo only for a while more as I can`t really see a good way to stack while keeping doses this low (1/2 ml of andropen a week + something else is just not practical).

    I have no interesting in gaining 20lbs of body weight in one cycle only to loose size and strength after the cycle is over. I want permanent gains, and it seems that the only way to get that is by keeping the doses low (and thus the gains too I guess).

    I also assume that my increases will start to take a dive soon. If I continue with this progress I`ll deadlift and squat 700 in a year and a half and I don`t really see that happening on about 5 cycles lasting 10 weeks with nothing but 250 mg of testo a week, but I want to "squeeze" as much effect out of my receptors as possible but not increasing until I`m forced to do so.

  5. #5
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    hmm interesting approach really.... how do u keep your gains after cycle? I mean u said u keep em well, do u alter ur training routine alot? cause my lifts are similar than yours with the exception that I dont use any equipment BUT I also drop after a cycle... especially BP tends to drop close to where it was natty.. I mean if u get good gains with low doses why bither hitting bigger doses.. then again I think its gonna get harder from now on..

  6. #6
    Power Viking is offline Banned
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    Except from doing PCT for a couple of weeks I don`t do anything differently.
    I might do slightly more reps, 3-5RM instead of a lot of 1RMs, but that`s pretty natural as your joints and your body in general needs a break from those heavy loads every now and then anyway.
    I think the reason why I`m able to keep all my gains is because of the low doses. I tend to loose a lot of strength temporarily when dropping carbs, which I often do when not on roids (again that`s pretty natural as don`t diet down when juicing ), but that`s only temporary losses.

    The reason why I`m contemplating bigger doses is because I`ve seen a small drop in my gains and I`m curious as to how much bigger gains I could be getting without loosing anything after the cycle is over.

  7. #7
    uponone23's Avatar
    uponone23 is offline Associate Member
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    I would suggest trying anavar and deca along with your test if you are wanting a big strength boost and var is well known for its gain keeping abilities.

  8. #8
    Power Viking is offline Banned
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    I`ve been thinking about maybe adding some anavar , but I forgot to ask my source what the price was the last time I spoke to him. Adding both anavar and something else will probably more than double the dose I`m already taking and that`s a lot more than I was thinking about adding.

  9. #9
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah it really sux when losing weight (the lost strength) its a killer for the motivation... Anavar could be a good addition. I personally like deca but u mioght run into some recovery problems with it - which I think u wanna avoid with ur type of cycling..

  10. #10
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Damn that kid looks awesome, he's only my age and my stats can only compare to a % of his =(

  11. #11
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    honestly.. i dont understand people taking 1 ml a week, my bud di that his first sustanon cycle n he would get big for 3 days after his shot, then get small by the next shot. becasue of the unbalanced blood levels..

    You have to take sust minimum twice a week to get some good results.. Im sorry but 22 lbs on ur sqaut to me aint anything? If you ran the correct dose of test, you would easily be lifting 60-100lbs more.

    like these are my lifts @ 165 lbs
    bp: 235 lbs
    sq: 365 lbs
    dl: 480 lbs

    im sure someone of ur size can easily hit high numbers with correct dose of test.
    Id seriously think about shooting 2-6 ml a week of 250mg test.

  12. #12
    Power Viking is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetHugeDieTrying
    honestly.. i dont understand people taking 1 ml a week, my bud di that his first sustanon cycle n he would get big for 3 days after his shot, then get small by the next shot. becasue of the unbalanced blood levels..

    You have to take sust minimum twice a week to get some good results.. Im sorry but 22 lbs on ur sqaut to me aint anything? If you ran the correct dose of test, you would easily be lifting 60-100lbs more.

    like these are my lifts @ 165 lbs
    bp: 235 lbs
    sq: 365 lbs
    dl: 480 lbs

    im sure someone of ur size can easily hit high numbers with correct dose of test.
    Id seriously think about shooting 2-6 ml a week of 250mg test.

    You can split up that 1 ml, by doing, let`s say 1/2 ml on mondays and 1/2 ml on thursdays (not that I did, but I didn`t notice any sides anyways, and I was planning on doing andropen 275 with two injections a week, but ended up doing sust. because my source couldn`t get me the stuff in time).

    As for adding strength, it`s probably easier to gain a lot when weak than when strong. A guy squatting 800 won`t be getting no 20 lbs on the same cycle that I did, that`s for sure.
    If you had been squatting 200lbs more you`d be very happy with 20lbs increase I think. I also doubt that I gain gain 60lbs on my squat, 60 lbs on my deadlifts and, lets say 40lbs on my bench, and still be able to keep all my gains. Has anyone on this board ever been able to keep such gains?

  13. #13
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetHugeDieTrying
    honestly.. i dont understand people taking 1 ml a week, my bud di that his first sustanon cycle n he would get big for 3 days after his shot, then get small by the next shot. becasue of the unbalanced blood levels..

    You have to take sust minimum twice a week to get some good results.. Im sorry but 22 lbs on ur sqaut to me aint anything? If you ran the correct dose of test, you would easily be lifting 60-100lbs more.

    like these are my lifts @ 165 lbs
    bp: 235 lbs
    sq: 365 lbs
    dl: 480 lbs

    im sure someone of ur size can easily hit high numbers with correct dose of test.
    Id seriously think about shooting 2-6 ml a week of 250mg test.
    i kinda have to disagree with u... ofcourse a person who BP 235 has massive room for growth but after 400 lbs it gets kinda hard to improve (for me atleast)

    the only reason to shoot sust twice a week is to get more stable blood levels and less sides but ppl have had great gains with only once a week injections..

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    i kinda have to disagree with u... ofcourse a person who BP 235 has massive room for growth but after 400 lbs it gets kinda hard to improve (for me atleast)

    the only reason to shoot sust twice a week is to get more stable blood levels and less sides but ppl have had great gains with only once a week injections..
    totally agree with you. at 400 it is hard to increase.

    but if your only runnin 250 mg of unstable test in ur blood. you have plenty of room to increase. thats the way i see it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    i kinda have to disagree with u... ofcourse a person who BP 235 has massive room for growth but after 400 lbs it gets kinda hard to improve (for me atleast)

    the only reason to shoot sust twice a week is to get more stable blood levels and less sides but ppl have had great gains with only once a week injections..

    i also might add im a bodybuilder and i compete, so my lifts will be weaker than a powerlifter for sure, still shows u what a good dose of test can do for you tho.

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