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  1. #1
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Kidney Stones!!!!

    Doc thinks I might have kidney stones. Is this from some sh*tty roids I got from a dumbass a while ago??? I know they can mess with your kindneys but I only took these (half fake) sh*ts for like 5 or 6 wks and now, over 2 months after the cycle I am having problems. What the F*ck. Anybody know what's going on???? If they do turn out to be Kidney stones, how long should I wait to start another cycle after I have gotten rid of the stones???????? Should I give up Juice all together?? Worried as hell. Any info would be great. Thanks.

    I know the juice that i got was not as potent as it should have been.
    Cycle was:
    Trenbolone Acetate- 150-200mgs/wk
    Winstrol - 125-200 mgs/wk

  2. #2
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    It could be kidney stones if you didn't keep yourself hydrated properly while using the tren and winny...

  3. #3
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Yeah,kidney stones are acquired by not keeping your self hydrated aswell genetic....But I dont think it wouldve been from crappy AAS....good luck bro.

  4. #4
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    Yeah,kidney stones are acquired by not keeping your self hydrated aswell genetic....But I dont think it wouldve been from crappy AAS....good luck bro.
    Results are in from my cat scan. I don't have kidney stones. I don't understand what the hell is going on... I have had blood in my urine, my balls were hurting and so was my lower back. WTF!!!!! This is dragging out too long as well. I need a diagnosis first of all and then I need to get this taken care of. Doc said I can't even work out. Is that true?? I kind of either want to start taking CLEN or start my cycle but I am holding off until this is resolved. Thanks for the feedback.

  5. #5
    SS1476's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    Results are in from my cat scan. I don't have kidney stones. I don't understand what the hell is going on... I have had blood in my urine, my balls were hurting and so was my lower back. WTF!!!!! This is dragging out too long as well. I need a diagnosis first of all and then I need to get this taken care of. Doc said I can't even work out. Is that true?? I kind of either want to start taking CLEN or start my cycle but I am holding off until this is resolved. Thanks for the feedback.

    I wouldn't start that cycle until
    you figure out whats going on
    first.As for working out,if your
    in pain,it cant help matters any.

    Bump for any opinions on this
    that could help this bro out

  6. #6
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Kidney stones will need to pass or has already passed... I would take uva ursi at about 3-4 times the recommended dose, along with cranberry extract and marshmallow root both at 2-3 times the recommended dose. Drink about 1 gallon of water each day... not just on cycle or through this stone episode but each and every day.

    Since your doc is not sure why would he recommend not working out? What is the next step cause they would not have just said stop working out for now with no reasoning.

  7. #7
    anabolicarms's Avatar
    anabolicarms is offline Associate Member
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    good luck drink more water next time

  8. #8
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Kidney stones will need to pass or has already passed... I would take uva ursi at about 3-4 times the recommended dose, along with cranberry extract and marshmallow root both at 2-3 times the recommended dose. Drink about 1 gallon of water each day... not just on cycle or through this stone episode but each and every day.

    Since your doc is not sure why would he recommend not working out? What is the next step cause they would not have just said stop working out for now with no reasoning.
    I don't know why he said that. Maybe at first he thought that I had some sort of strain in my kidney or something like that. And there is good news and bad news. I DONT HAVE KIDNEY STONES. (yes) but the bad news is that my doctor does not know what is wrong with me (really bad news) and he said that he wants me to keep taking my Ibuprofen (NSAID which is horrible for my training) and come back to him in a week or two to see if i still have blood in my urine. If i do then, I will have to see a urologist (which means that I will have to have something shoved into my f*cking dick hole and they will have to investigate my bladder).

    Anyways, Today i asked him if i could work out and sh*t and he said that I could. I also asked him if I could take my supplements like Multivitamins and creatine or glutamine and he said that I shouldn't take any supplements for working out but that a multi vitamin would not hurt. I also asked him if I should take anything that promotes better kidney or bladder functions and he said NO!!! So I guess that I shouldn't take any cranberry extract or uva ursi or anything like that.

    This really sucks because I don't even know WTF is wrong with me. Does anybody know WTF the deal is????????? Thanks for the advice man.

  9. #9
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicarms
    good luck drink more water next time
    Definately. Thanks

  10. #10
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    Yeah,kidney stones are acquired by not keeping your self hydrated aswell genetic....But I dont think it wouldve been from crappy AAS....good luck bro.
    Thanks for the feedback.

  11. #11
    Maetenloch's Avatar
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    As someone else pointed out, it may have been a smaller kidney stone that passed out on its own. I've had several stones and your symptoms were very similar to what I had in the past. Hopefully there won't be any blood in your next urine test.

  12. #12
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maetenloch
    As someone else pointed out, it may have been a smaller kidney stone that passed out on its own. I've had several stones and your symptoms were very similar to what I had in the past. Hopefully there won't be any blood in your next urine test.
    For real? I heard that kidney stones were like bigger than a BB and that the pain was like that of a woman giving birth. But they could have been substantially smaller to where I couldn't even feel/notice them being passed???? I sure hope that there won't be any more blood. This process has just taken too long and I need to get it taken care of you know. I think somebody else on here said that they had blood in their urine after using Tren as well. Did you use Tren?? How long did you wait after you passed them until you started your next cycle??? Thanks for the feedback.

  13. #13
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    For real? I heard that kidney stones were like bigger than a BB and that the pain was like that of a woman giving birth. But they could have been substantially smaller to where I couldn't even feel/notice them being passed????
    Forizzle Bgizzle, stones can be microscopic, measured in mm usually, but can be as big as a quarter in diameter(ultra sonic anyone?)

  14. #14
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Forizzle Bgizzle, stones can be microscopic, measured in mm usually, but can be as big as a quarter in diameter(ultra sonic anyone?)
    thats crazy as f*ck mesomizzle. I couldn't even imagine one that big. Anyways, my urine still looks kind of dark. hopefully there isn't blood in it still. I have been drinking a lot of water so I know I'm not dehydrated..... I guess I will find out what's next from the doc here in like a week or two.

    BTW, do you happen to know if CLEN is hazardous to the liver/kidney/bladder? I want to start using it pretty soon but Im not sure what all it effects. Thanks for the feedback.

  15. #15
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro,I wouldnt use anything till you're cleared from the doc.

  16. #16
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    Bro,I wouldnt use anything till you're cleared from the doc.
    yea, I probably shouldn't this whole thing is just taking way too long to be taken care of and its really getting on my last nerve. I mean, my doctor hasn't even given me a diagnosis yet.That's pretty pathetic. He told me that I shouldn't even take any kind of supplements. WTF? Thanks for the info max.

  17. #17
    Maetenloch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    yea, I probably shouldn't this whole thing is just taking way too long to be taken care of and its really getting on my last nerve. I mean, my doctor hasn't even given me a diagnosis yet.That's pretty pathetic. He told me that I shouldn't even take any kind of supplements. WTF? Thanks for the info max.
    I know you're chomping at the bit to start your cycle, but this is important to get resolved. You should never start a cycle with an untreated medical condition. Kidney stones can range from microscopic to marble-sized. The first one I ever had passed on it own without me ever realizing it. I just had very dark urine for a few days and a dull ache along my urinary tract. Later ones had me in the emergency room on a morphine drip - not fun.

    BTW supplements affect your blood and urine chemistry. That's why the doctor wants you to not take anything for a while. Going without supplements for a week or two won't affect you. The highest priority is to figure out what's going on.

  18. #18
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maetenloch
    I know you're chomping at the bit to start your cycle, but this is important to get resolved. You should never start a cycle with an untreated medical condition. Kidney stones can range from microscopic to marble-sized. The first one I ever had passed on it own without me ever realizing it. I just had very dark urine for a few days and a dull ache along my urinary tract. Later ones had me in the emergency room on a morphine drip - not fun.

    BTW supplements affect your blood and urine chemistry. That's why the doctor wants you to not take anything for a while. Going without supplements for a week or two won't affect you. The highest priority is to figure out what's going on.
    Yea, I had excrutiating pain in my back, testis, and stomache throughout the duration of my own f*cking birthday party.Is there where your pain was??? After I left there, I went to the Hospital, Gave a urine sample, got a cat scan of my stomach, got an ultrasound on my nutsack, had bloodwork taken, and was also on morphine for a while and the rest of the drip was just water. That shit sucked. I was at the hospital for like 8 hours. I was in the worst pain that I have had in a long time. I went on the 10/27 and it is now 11/9.

    Since then, I have been to the doc twice for follow ups, gave more urine (blood was still present both times) and had to pay f*cking like $2,000 dollars for another CAT SCAN which turned out to be negative for Kidney stones anyway. So this whole deal is just really getting on my last nerve right about now. I don't go back to the doc again until sometime next week or the following week to give another URINE sample. So it looks like this ordeal will continue on for another week or two.

    As far as SUPPLEMENTS go, do you think it would be ok to take my Glucosamine, BCAAs, and a MULTIVITAMIN??? I have had elbow problems/surgery and my joints have been killing me lately. Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.

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