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  1. #1
    slurk76 is offline New Member
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    Considering Steroid cycle, newbie

    Hey group, im considering using steroids , and im looking for some

    Im 29 years old male, 5'10, 240 lbs. Ive done a significant amount of
    weight training etc in my life, but have been away from it for the last
    4-5 years. Right now my bodyfat is pretty high,when im in shape im
    anywhere from 175-200 lbs depending on muscle,fat composition.
    Ive never done steroids, but i am in an amotiovated state and am having
    trouble getting going with workout/diet. And i need to be in shape by spring,which is why im considering this.
    Ive started weight training again for
    about 1-2 months, first time in a long time. Im considering doing some
    testosterone cypoinate for 7 weeks,followed by hcg ,also using some
    armour thyroid during the cycle. Ill also be using some arimidex to
    prevent aromatization,especially since im carrying extra fat.
    I know alot about weight training,exercise and diet,btw.
    Im looking to "speed up" my fitness goals. Its very important i be in
    good shape for the spring.
    My main goals is to build muscle,and lose fat until im below 195. So i
    need to lose about 40-50 lbs fat,plus gain muscle.
    Im not looking to get huge muscle-wise, just solid. I will be doing
    more bodyweight exercises,and hitting the heavy bag plus cardio. Of
    course i will still do free weights,but my goal is not bodybuilding,or
    getting bulked up.
    Ive heard testosterone/steroids can help with fat loss,as long as you eat right. Especially cypoinate,is not a big "bulker" from what ive heard. Is that correct?

    btw, I have a good source for the gear, good quality, good deal. It
    very important that i get in shape,within a limited time frame of 4

    I figure weight training,exercise, good diet, plus steroids should be effective. I figure the gear should help me recover quicker,and help me burn more fat,and build more muscle.

    In your opinion, does this sound like a good idea? Any suggestions?
    thanks for all replies.

  2. #2
    HighandWide's Avatar
    HighandWide is offline Associate Member
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    btw, I have a good source for the gear, good quality, good deal. It
    very important that i get in shape,within a limited time frame of 4
    4 months....aren't u alittle old to be going on spring break w/ the coed....I'd say get diet and traininig under control first....Do u only plan on fitting in one cycle during this time... if so then about 12 weeks out start the your 10-12th week on is when u need it....since you are new u may want to use a simple cutting oral like Winny....but mainly get the diet under control...I dont consider any test ALONE as a good "bulker"

  3. #3
    HighandWide's Avatar
    HighandWide is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry just read my post an it seems don't want to be in pct or finished when you go whereever you go in 4 months....because your new to the game chances are you may loss alot of basically make the 9-10th week of your cycle be the time you need it....that way you will still be running test and not coming down from it

    Week 1-10 Test C
    Week 1-10 Winny

    again time it so that your 9th or early 10th week is when you will be going where u are going....continue while your there and start PCT when u get back

    Maybe I am confusing you so if u have qs just ask

  4. #4
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would get a proper diet and training ruitine in place first. Then focus on cutting. It may take awhile for that 50lbs to shed off.

    It really doesn't sound like you are ready for a cycle. Train naturally, and build up a base.

  5. #5
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why do you have this 4 month time frame?

  6. #6
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    I would get a proper diet and training ruitine in place first. Then focus on cutting. It may take awhile for that 50lbs to shed off.

    It really doesn't sound like you are ready for a cycle. Train naturally, and build up a base.
    I AGREE.

    I shed over 50lbs of fat back in 04'
    thanks to this place,& the diet forum.
    With no need for it....then.

    You can get the look you want
    by simply dieting,and and training.
    No need to mess w/anything...IMO.

  7. #7
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by slurk76
    I figure weight training,exercise, good diet, plus steroids should be effective. I figure the gear should help me recover quicker,and help me burn more fat,and build more muscle.
    Thats a scary sounding paragraph to me.

  8. #8
    slurk76 is offline New Member
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    Thx for the replies.
    Yep, part of the reason I want to get in shape is a vacation im taking in March. Its not a big deal, I wont be beach/poolside much,I dont need to be ripped, I just want to be fairly solid, not much flab.

    I should add that i think ive developed some kind of mild fibromyalgia or cfs in the last 4-5 years. I always had some issues with depression/anxiety, but now i get body aches, fatigue, fogginess. Its not severe, but im kind of desperate,due to various factors in my life. Doctors, ssri's dont seem to help. I was thinking with the gear, and the physical/mental effects etc, it might help me "jumpstart",and get into a healthy routine. And i realize that at the most it will only help some,there will be no drastic change, it will depend on my training/diet.

    Ive considered using Winny, but I cant seem to find a good,reliable source. I have access to cypoinate, deca (which is more of a bulker,from what ive heard)
    armour thyroid, and clenbuterol . I considered gh, but its way too expensive.

    (btw Im not concerned about hair-loss, or hairiness im already bald and hairy, lol)
    I am naturally pretty big, I mainly need to trim up, get lean and solid. I dont have much problem building bulk/mass. Dont know if cypionate will help with getting lean. I was also thinking post cycle hcg might reset my natural test production at a higher level. Last time i got tested it was like 450, but the docs are unwilling to consider more tests or supplementation.

    I guess my question is, is it bad to take gear when you are not in shape,but you are training? Too much aromatization from bodyfat?
    Is it a total waste,or will it help in my goals?

    My plan was to do cypionate 250 mg, 2 injections per week,for 7 weeks. Then do hcg for 3 weeks after. I would take arimidex .5 mg 4x a week. The thyroid, ive heard different ways to use,but i would be careful ramping it up/down.

    I was also thinking of clenbuterol,never tried it. One problem is ive become more sensitive to stimulants like ephedra, or any other herbals ive tried, now they get me jittery,and screw up my sleep. I know armor thyroid doesnt affect me too badly in terms of side effects.

  9. #9
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I think you have some of the worst reasons I have ever heard to start using AS. Basically you are saying you are too lazy to train and eat properly and you are depressed and you think gear might help so you can look good sitting next to a swimming pool. If you are already suffering with depression taking a load of hormones is not wise. Go to the Doctor and sort your self out then get your training and diet in hand. Maybe think about AS in a year or so of solid training.

  10. #10
    slurk76 is offline New Member
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    I appreciate your honesty, and will take your opinion into account.
    But im in a real rut here,for many years. Its not about looking good at the pool for me,as much as feeling good,and getting back on track, at least physically. Theres no doubt i have developed some physical issues,maybe from the mind/spirit affecting the body..
    Doctors have not seemed to help,neither has medicationmade much difference.(ssri's) The docs see alot of people and could give a crap less.
    Ive heard that bodybuilders etc sometimes use AS to jumpstart after a long layoff, after injuries or some other reason.
    Ive been weightlifting on and off since i was 13, and have lots of muscle maturity. At one point I was benching 395@ 205 lbs. Nothing amazing,but nothing to sneeze at either.
    Isnt it possible the AS will help me get back on track by giving me a boost psycholgically and physically? By the time i start, ill have been training for almost 3 months.

    I cant seem to find any threads on reccomendations for newbie cycles,if anyone can provide a link...
    Last edited by slurk76; 11-09-2006 at 09:36 AM.

  11. #11
    cleared4theoption's Avatar
    cleared4theoption is offline Junior Member
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    First, lose some bf with clen . I think the 12 week test C and some winny would be great for you.

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