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  1. #1
    SlightlySt00pid's Avatar
    SlightlySt00pid is offline Associate Member
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    Making gains AFTER steroids??

    Has anyone taken AS, and for whatever reason (realized they were too young, wanted to develop more naturally, had to stay clean for sports, whatever) decided to stop taking AS and lift naturally, and actually made gains? Or is it one of those lines that once you cross you can't go back, and your body won't make any gains naturally? Just curious to see if anyone has had an experience like this, known someone who has, or preferrably knows the science behind it...

  2. #2
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Of coarse. Once you recover you are back to normal (you might have permanently lost a few ng/dl)

  3. #3
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Last edited by Ufa; 12-23-2006 at 11:18 AM.

  4. #4
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Sure, used when i was wayy too young..then added around 20-25+lbs LBM in the last 27 months Ive trained naturally

  5. #5
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Right behind you...
    it all depends on when you start using gear. if you started way too early (prior to coming close to genetic limits), then yes, you certainly could continue gaining up to your genetic limits. then again, you could've done that without ever having used gear in the first place, and those who do that i think are just wasting gear instead of making a genuine effort and will always come in second cause of falling short of what their potential was.

    however, those who wait till they're close to their genetic limitations who use gear have no hope of gaining mass save for on cycles. while on a cycle, the gear can help you exceed your limits, but after you discontinue them, how could you possibly think you can still keep growing beyond your own bodies limitations on it's own? not only can it no longer grow, but it will very gradually, over the course of months or even years, eventually regress to it's own genetic limits unless gear is continually used. i've witnessed this personally when i had to stop working out for a couple years. it only makes sense as how do you expect your body to support all that extra mass when the support (steroids ) just isn't there?

    IMO, you SHOULDN'T be able to gain unless you're on a cycle, cause if you're using cycles, you should have already been pretty close to your own bodies limits before doing so. as i already said, to do it prior to that is to just cheat yourself of your potential and waste money on something that wasn't needed.

  6. #6
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    it all depends on when you start using gear. if you started way too early (prior to coming close to genetic limits), then yes, you certainly could continue gaining up to your genetic limits. then again, you could've done that without ever having used gear in the first place, and those who do that i think are just wasting gear instead of making a genuine effort and will always come in second cause of falling short of what their potential was.

    however, those who wait till they're close to their genetic limitations who use gear have no hope of gaining mass save for on cycles. while on a cycle, the gear can help you exceed your limits, but after you discontinue them, how could you possibly think you can still keep growing beyond your own bodies limitations on it's own? not only can it no longer grow, but it will very gradually, over the course of months or even years, eventually regress to it's own genetic limits unless gear is continually used. i've witnessed this personally when i had to stop working out for a couple years. it only makes sense as how do you expect your body to support all that extra mass when the support (steroids ) just isn't there?

    IMO, you SHOULDN'T be able to gain unless you're on a cycle, cause if you're using cycles, you should have already been pretty close to your own bodies limits before doing so. as i already said, to do it prior to that is to just cheat yourself of your potential and waste money on something that wasn't needed.
    Yep, the first was my example...guess i shoulda specified

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