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  1. #1
    lightspeed7 is offline Banned
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    Help wth deca and var

    I want to do a cycle with Deca and Anavar and keep it in a cutting cycle. Im a 100 meter track runner so I dont want to run a cycle with these two that adds too much weight I wanna keep it light with these two roids. So if any one thats in track that got some experience and suggestions with helping me taylor my cycle with deca and var please respond. Anyone that can assist me i would appreciate it, thanks.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Are you tested for juice ? Because if so Deca is a bad choice, its detectable for 18 months

  3. #3
    lightspeed7 is offline Banned
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    yeah I know its detactable Im not worried bout it but lets get back to my questions at hand.

    I want to do a cycle with Deca and Anavar and keep it in a cutting cycle. Im a 100 meter track runner so I dont want to run a cycle with these two that adds too much weight I wanna keep it light with these two roids. So if any one thats in track that got some experience and suggestions with helping me taylor my cycle with deca and var please respond. Anyone that can assist me i would appreciate it, thanks.

  4. #4
    bbplaya21's Avatar
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    in the woods.......
    do winstrol ...or at least thats what the candain olympic sprinter was on when he got busted a long ass time ago so must be good for sprinters

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightspeed7
    yeah I know its detactable Im not worried bout it but lets get back to my questions at hand.

    I want to do a cycle with Deca and Anavar and keep it in a cutting cycle. Im a 100 meter track runner so I dont want to run a cycle with these two that adds too much weight I wanna keep it light with these two roids. So if any one thats in track that got some experience and suggestions with helping me taylor my cycle with deca and var please respond. Anyone that can assist me i would appreciate it, thanks.
    Personally I would take out the Deca and go for Test Prop if you want to cut.

  6. #6
    lightspeed7 is offline Banned
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    Can I please just get an anwser on my question please? Kale if I use Test prop I think I would put too much weight on. If im wrong bout test prop correct me. Im a track runner I cant really put on any weight. So please answer my quetions someone.

    Deca and Anavar and keep it in a cutting cycle. Im a 100 meter track runner so I dont want to run a cycle with these two that adds too much weight I wanna keep it light with these two roids

  7. #7
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    How old are you? what level of competition are you at? Stats??

  8. #8
    lightspeed7 is offline Banned
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    im at college level ive got something workout with the testing. I just need some answer to my quesions
    Last edited by lightspeed7; 12-01-2006 at 03:50 AM.

  9. #9
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you're that worried about weight gain then stick with the mild AAS out there...anavar , winstrol , primo...

  10. #10
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Also, your diet is key to prevent excessive weight gain as well...

  11. #11
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    Bro, you a being pretty pushy. Let people tell you what you should do from experience, or do the searching yourself.

  12. #12
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Does seem a bit impatient, doesn't he?

  13. #13
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightspeed7
    look bro dont need a lecture I just need some answer to my questions thats all.
    Well after seeing this response in my inbox before you edited it, you can forget about any advice from me asshole...I wasn't looking to lecture, just trying to help...
    If you continue with this kind of demeanor, nobody is going to help you.

    Good luck,


  14. #14
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    Well after seeing this response in my inbox before you edited it, you can forget about any advice from me asshole...I wasn't looking to lecture, just trying to help...
    If you continue with this kind of demeanor, nobody is going to help you.

    Good luck,

    Including me Now go do some research and you will find you can use just about any steroid for cutting, cutting depends on your diet !!!!!!!

  15. #15
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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  16. #16
    lightspeed7 is offline Banned
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    yo ShrpSkn your acting like a little punk dude I've gotten nothing but negative toned comments from you. Maybe you should stop bitching on here and actually give some advice, seing that this board was made for that asshole. OH Kale I do appreciate your input, thanks.

  17. #17
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightspeed7
    yo ShrpSkn your acting like a little punk dude I've gotten nothing but negative toned comments from you. Maybe you should stop bitching on here and actually give some advice, seing that this board was made for that asshole. OH Kale I do appreciate your input, thanks.
    people are trying to help you here mate you have started with the attitude so you will get attitude back.................
    this is an information board you have asked your question and you will get many different answers.....
    talk to the members and listen to them,you will get the answers you want just be a little patient....

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  18. #18
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightspeed7
    yo ShrpSkn your acting like a little punk dude I've gotten nothing but negative toned comments from you. Maybe you should stop bitching on here and actually give some advice, seing that this board was made for that asshole. OH Kale I do appreciate your input, thanks.
    No, I am not acting like a little punk...I think you have your roles reversed here kid. You come at this thread as impatient as a fiend begging for another hit....
    This was my first response in your thread, before you started your bullshit attitude:
    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    How old are you? what level of competition are you at? Stats??
    I then followed with:
    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    If you're that worried about weight gain then stick with the mild AAS out there...anavar, winstrol, primo...
    And then:
    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    Also, your diet is key to prevent excessive weight gain as well...
    Would you mind explaining to me just where in the hell the negatively toned comments are in my first 3 responses in "YOUR" thread?!?

    You immediately responsed with bitch-like comments, which you edited, but thankful for subscriptions to threads, I received your bitch-like comments in my inbox before you edited them...didn't think anybody would catch that, eh kid?
    So the matter of fact here kid, is that "you're" ultimately the little punk-ass bitch here and with the way your coming at people because they're not bending over to your demands is not going to get you anywhere.
    Stats are the first thing you're likely going to be asked by anyone on here before they are going to give you advice on a cycle...I asked for stats and you declined with this bullshit response:
    Quote Originally Posted by lightspeed7
    look bro dont need a lecture I just need some answer to my questions
    I then answered your questions as well did Kale too.
    So what the fvck is your problem kid?...Why don't you stop acting like a bitch and drop the attitude and show a little respect and it will be given to you in return.
    Like I said before, keep it up and you can count yourself out...besides, what's the matter that you feel the desperate need to start juicing ASAP for your 100m track events?...Get you ass burned in some races?...feel you need AAS to give you the edge? IMO, it just goes to show how less of a man you are.

    I was once a track star myself back in high school, sub-50 400m dash...sub-11 100m dash, all unassisted by AAS or any supplements for that matter...didn't need it, I was natural, went to state, could have taken a free ride to college, but college isn't for me...
    I grew up in a blue-collar, working-class family and have stayed the tradition of not being afraid to bust your ass for a living and being proud of it.
    So why don't you take your bitch-ass, tentatively cheating, ignorant self elsewhere, because IMO you are far from mature enough to even consider AAS use kid.


  19. #19
    Snrf's Avatar
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    by ShrpSkn


    Seriously though, you came on here with a real shitty attitude, no ones gonna help you.

  20. #20
    lightspeed7 is offline Banned
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    first off you are a punk ass bitch so dont get it twisted. secondly I was track star in high school went to state finals 2 times without aas or anything else but talent, which is something you dont have. So do yourself a favor and just dont reply to my threads anymore I dont need your bullshit taking up space. now accept this and dont get upset, even though you take it up the ass you fag, stop bitching like a women and do what you said.
    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    you can forget about any advice from me
    so do that it would be best thing to do. I dont you to waste my time with this nonsense so stop replying to me.

  21. #21
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightspeed7
    first off you are a punk ass bitch so dont get it twisted. secondly I was track star in high school went to state finals 2 times without aas or anything else but talent, which is something you dont have. So do yourself a favor and just dont reply to my threads anymore I dont need your bullshit taking up space. now accept this and dont get upset, even though you take it up the ass you fag, stop bitching like a women and do what you said.
    so do that it would be best thing to do. I dont you to waste my time with this nonsense so stop replying to me.
    Sorry about all the hard asses Bro. Got the perfect cycle for you: 700mg Ex-Lax and 600mg Salt-Peter, eod. You should not put on any weight. Good luck.

  22. #22
    scubadoo is offline Junior Member
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    go with

    go with win and anavar ...

    take 200 mg deca a week.. 12 weeks...

    when your dick wont work.. and is limp.. it wont matter cause you prob arent getting laid anyway...

  23. #23
    lightspeed7 is offline Banned
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    I did **** your mom and binos mom last night though
    Last edited by lightspeed7; 12-02-2006 at 10:09 PM. Reason: bino changed what i wrote he likes eating cock

  24. #24
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightspeed7
    I did **** my dog last night though
    Seeing as how you are on a board that gives out free advice you should be a little more patient. Do you realize that even though nobody here knows who you are they were still willing to come in and help you? What did you do, you kept copy and pasting the same damn thing over and over and asking "please just answer my question" well listen up here, we need INFO first you F*CK NUT. You are asking about illegal drugs which can be dangerous to your health and you tell us you are a track sprinter. Thats really gonna help isnt it. Do some research first or better yet just leave the board and never come back, you're just straight up pissing me off. You know absolutely NOTHING about AAS and you just want us to answer all your questions without doing any of your own research...oh god what a laugh. Have some respect for the people here who are willing to give out free advice to dumbasses like you and ask nothing in return.

  25. #25
    SS1476's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightspeed7
    first off you are a punk ass bitch so dont get it twisted. secondly I was track star in high school went to state finals 2 times without aas or anything else but talent, which is something you dont have.

    So...what?! were supposed to
    be impressed....or something

    What a clown.

  26. #26
    lightspeed7 is offline Banned
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    No you listen **** nut I need to keep coping pasting my question because no one can answer, your response proves this. You just want to talk shit and be vague with your answer im so done with this shit. Why dont you and all your other bitch ass people either help me or dont message me. Anyone can talk shit, so stop with it **** head. Good luck with your life taking it up the ass.

  27. #27
    lightspeed7 is offline Banned
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    your the only clown here buddy

  28. #28
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightspeed7
    No you listen **** nut I need to keep coping pasting my question because no one can answer, your response proves this. You just want to talk shit and be vague with your answer im so done with this shit. Why dont you and all your other bitch ass people either help me or dont message me. Anyone can talk shit, so stop with it **** head. Good luck with your life taking it up the ass.
    Serious, I don't understand you dude. I never flame people, you are the first. You've got some serious issues you need to deal with. You've got some real attitude/personality/inferiority complex issues you need to get help with.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightspeed7
    No you listen **** nut I need to keep coping pasting my question because no one can answer, your response proves this. You just want to talk shit and be vague with your answer im so done with this shit. Why dont you and all your other bitch ass people either help me or dont message me. Anyone can talk shit, so stop with it **** head. Good luck with your life taking it up the ass.

    Go away JR.
    Your time here is just about
    spent up with all this disrespect.

    If you bothered to do any type
    of fu*ckin search,you would see
    that this shit has been answered
    before,and you could have saved
    yourself from looking so idiotic.

    Your not the only runner around..fool.

  30. #30
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightspeed7
    No you listen **** nut I need to keep coping pasting my question because no one can answer, your response proves this. You just want to talk shit and be vague with your answer im so done with this shit. Why dont you and all your other bitch ass people either help me or dont message me. Anyone can talk shit, so stop with it **** head. Good luck with your life taking it up the ass.
    We dont answer your question...CUZ WE DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT YOU, ARE YOU ****ING RETARDED. We dont know the first thing about you yet we should say oh ya do var at 60mg ed for 6 weeks and winny at 75mg ed for 8 weeks without knowing the slightest thing about you.

    Anyways. now that you have warranted a banning Im going to close this thread so you never get an answer. Keep on running bitch.

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