I have 5 cycles under belt. 26yrs old 12%bf, 220lbs. 6'0 tall. Lifting seriously for 6 years. I have purposly not taken any gear for the past 6 months in prep. for this cycle. Wanted to make sure my body responds well. I like short cycles so this will be my longest, yet I have never been so excited about a cycle as I am about this one.

Cycle: Prop 1-20 600mg/wk
EQ 1-17 600mg/wk
Winny 12-20 90mg/ed
Var 1-6 70 mg/ed
Trenabol Depot(Parabolan ) 1-8 400mg/wk
Proviron 50mg ed and Letro .25mg ed - will start both one week prior to cycle.
PCT: Aromasin , Nolva, Clomid, Proviron.
*will start aromasin one week prior to end of cycle
Goals: 1) Gain alot of high quality muscle
2) Get into the single digit bodyfat (want to get nasty cut)