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  1. #1
    thunderin's Avatar
    thunderin is offline Member
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    High Blood Pressure-please help

    Went to do my blood work last night and my BP was 145/100. Which high blood pressure med seems to be the best for those on this board, daily dose and what if any side effects have you had.

    I have already dropped my cycle doses low to test e (700mg ew), tren e (300mg ew) and anavar 75mg (ed).

    Please help and thanks.

  2. #2
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Lol, thats high!?

    I had 180/80 approx. I wouldnt be too worried but keep an eye on it.

  3. #3
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
    Chitown Raider is offline Anabolic Member
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    The highest I ever had was 140/80 I guess I was just nervous going to see the doctor

  4. #4
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    The diastolic (sp) is high i think....which also can be bad.

    Have you tried Hawthorne Berry Extract? Its only an herbal supp., but for many, it works pretty well.

  5. #5
    OldUncle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunderin
    Went to do my blood work last night and my BP was 145/100. Which high blood pressure med seems to be the best for those on this board, daily dose and what if any side effects have you had.

    I have already dropped my cycle doses low to test e (700mg ew), tren e (300mg ew) and anavar 75mg (ed).

    Please help and thanks.
    Don't go on hypertension medication while you are on juice. You'll certainly be overdosing the BP drugs when you come off and it goes down all by itself.

    Mine also goes up a lot on TE and especially T+Deca . I fight this by:

    Trying to get zero dietary salt
    Fresh veggies / supplementary fiber
    Calcium and magnesium supplementation
    and (shudder) cardio

    It still gets too high (higher than yours), but comes back down to normal within 2-4 weeks of PCT. The above aren't drugs. They take a while to work, even in people not on AAS. Smart to start the anti-hypertension program a month or so before the cycle begins.

  6. #6
    thunderin's Avatar
    thunderin is offline Member
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    I will start cardio (hate it) and eliminate as much salt as possible. I already eats loads of garlic.

    Does coffee up your BP?


  7. #7
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    The diastolic (sp) is high i think....which also can be bad.

    Have you tried Hawthorne Berry Extract? Its only an herbal supp., but for many, it works pretty well.
    Yeah, diastolic pressure is very important, since your blood vessels are feeling this pressure the longest since systolic pressure is only right after the heart contracts. 100 would be something a doc would be concerned about.

    Mine was high too, and my doc put me on benicar. It is an ace-inhibitor. If this is a chronic problem I would see a doc. The benicar fixed me up good. I take the larger dose of the two tabs offered and mine do not have a diuretic.
    I would also wonder if you are controling your water retention during your cycle. Are you using any kind of anti-E? Water retention can cause high BP.

  8. #8
    OldUncle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunderin
    Does coffee up your BP?
    Yes or maybe or no. I've read a bunch of studies that coffee drinkers have higher BP on average than non-coffee drinkers, but I'd bet that your average coffee drinker is more likely to have a bad diet and poor health habits in general. The studes that show a BP rise used very small groups of subjects and were methodologically flawed. There are a few studies that show that the opposite is true, and these are published by NIH and other generally reliable outfits. Post-menapausal women, or that stopping does not reduce BP in men who have hypertension already, etc. Tricky to draw a general conclusion for all people from such specific experiments.

    The short answer is that nobody knows. The general answer is that it depends on who paid for the study. As usual.

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    19,486 have only mentioned taking one reading and also some readings can be altered in the doctor environment....yes the 100 sounds worst than the 145 but i would monitor it closely over the next week for sure and thereafter maybe check it a few times a day if you can....maybe some pharmacies nearby

  10. #10
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunderin
    Went to do my blood work last night and my BP was 145/100. Which high blood pressure med seems to be the best for those on this board, daily dose and what if any side effects have you had.

    I have already dropped my cycle doses low to test e (700mg ew), tren e (300mg ew) and anavar 75mg (ed).

    Please help and thanks.
    Dyazide (sometimes spelled Diazide) is inexpensive, and works pretty well.
    If you can't get it locally, you might be able to get some from an overseas pharmacy. Don't ask which one -- there are plenty to choose from after doing a Google search.

  11. #11
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Lisinopril -- I take it everyday, even when on cycle. It also contains a diuretic to get rid of water.

  12. #12
    thunderin's Avatar
    thunderin is offline Member
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    Good information. Thank you

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