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Thread: Opinons Wanted

  1. #1
    Dryseeker is offline New Member
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    Nov 2006

    Opinons Wanted

    Whats up Guys
    Im currently researching doing my 1st cycle next spring which will consist of Test C at 500 mg per week for 12 weeks, I may jumpstart with a light dbol dosage (25mg day) for the 1st 4 weeks or add some Deca however Im leaning to Test only based on what I've read on this forum. Also researching PCT presently, I will be very prepared when I get it rolling with blood work, diet etc. My question is this, Im 40 & have been lifting 20+ years, I was TINY when I started lifting im my late teens (130 lbs, Im 5 foot 9) & had a 1RM of 125 on the flat bench. Currently Im 184 at about 10% BF and bench around 290 for a single, 47 inch chest, 17.5" arms. How much could expect to increase my bench & measurements with the cycle I mentioned? I know evryone is different, just looking for opinions from some of the vets. Also if my PCT & diet are good what percentage of my gains would I realistically keep? I've struggled in my mind for many years about AAS, I just feel like I have maxed my natural potential. I used to be a Personal Trainer & know diets & routines pretty well, I just cant see getting much bigger/stronger with creatine & protein. ANy insight would be vastly appreciated......Peace Bros

  2. #2
    Triple X's Avatar
    Triple X is offline Banned
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    Apr 2004
    Las Vegas
    Bench press: man it is really hard to answer that question. It all really depend on you training program. Are you training to increase your bench press or to grow? Ther are a lot of factors that will have an affect here. I would say that adding 50 pounds might be possible.

    As far as gains: Really depends on the PCT and your diet. You should be able to keep the majority of the gains you make. may lose 15-20%

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