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  1. #1
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    tetracycline vs. augmentin

    i was on tetra, last summer. i got burned in the sun real easy so i stopped. acne is terrible...shoulders, back, chest, never had much acne before cycling. this time i got back on tetra (double dose, 2000mg ed) and nothing. still had bad acne 3 months later. i started augmentin last week. seems to be helping already. less bad zits, but they feel like there on fire now. just the zits, so bad i can't even bear to pop em. i guess that's good. means it's working??? anyone used both? results? both of mine are script but the augmentin is very spendy, but if it works i guess it's worth it.

  2. #2
    StickNPuck is offline New Member
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    Interesting, I've never heard of Augmentin being used to treat acne. Did the doctor think it might be related to the sunburn? I've been on both, but the Augmentin was used to treat a bacterial infection in my lungs. Cleared it right up, but I don't remember a change in my acne.

  3. #3
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    tetracycline is more commonly used for acne, and augmentin more-so for respiratory/sinus infections. Kinda odd that they gave you augmentin..

  4. #4
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    actually that's exacly what my doc said...tetracycline is prefered for acne. i asked him to change it to augmentin. i read it in md. i think the oct issue. it talked about the bacteria becoming immune to tetra, and if that happenes that augm. is a great alternative. we'll see. as i said my zits are getting fewer and they are on fire. somethings happening. oh yea it wasd the anabolic freaks coloum, i'll did it up later.

  5. #5
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    I'm here to tell you, for me augmentin is doing wonders for my acne. not to mention i can take it with food. the tetra, says take on an empty stomach, that is very difficult when bulking, or ever for that matter. I'm always eating. as far as results so far...couple weeks in now, and my arms,chest are pretty clear, no new zits there at all. chest has cleared up and my shoulders and back are way better. only an occaisional white head as opposed to several ed. spendy but worth it so far

  6. #6
    pancakes is offline New Member
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    are you taking these at the same time as taking the cycle?

  7. #7
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    yep....well i'm always on, at least 400-600mg test cyp ew inbetween "cycles"

  8. #8
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    i stopped using tetracycline after 3 months of use at 2000mg/ed coz i didnt not see an improvment and i got sick of taking it, my brother on the other hand been using it now for 8 months and he started seeing good results after month 4 of using it

  9. #9
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    yea, i saw fair results after a month last year, but this year...nada. 4 months is a long time to get results. i don't want on it in the summer. it causes bad sunburns

  10. #10
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    i personally never noticed any sunburns, you sure its from this medication ?

  11. #11
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    We use tetracycline for acne on 90% of the patients.


  12. #12
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by x_moe
    i personally never noticed any sunburns, you sure its from this medication ?
    definately ....never burned, always tanned, read the warnings

  13. #13
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    your studying dermatology Latino ?

  14. #14
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatinoPR
    We use tetracycline for acne on 90% of the patients.

    i i said earlier..the prefered acne med...

  15. #15
    kynetguy's Avatar
    kynetguy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by x_moe
    i personally never noticed any sunburns, you sure its from this medication ?
    Yes, without a doubt. A well known side effect of Tetracycline is sunlight sensitivity.

  16. #16
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    i havent been out to beach once i was on it, so it does make sence

  17. #17
    kynetguy's Avatar
    kynetguy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    i was on tetra, last summer. i got burned in the sun real easy so i stopped. acne is terrible...shoulders, back, chest, never had much acne before cycling. this time i got back on tetra (double dose, 2000mg ed) and nothing. still had bad acne 3 months later. i started augmentin last week. seems to be helping already. less bad zits, but they feel like there on fire now. just the zits, so bad i can't even bear to pop em. i guess that's good. means it's working??? anyone used both? results? both of mine are script but the augmentin is very spendy, but if it works i guess it's worth it.

    Work with me here and try something. Cheap. Works for most people. And is not what a lot of people would consider acne treatment.


    Yes, Dandruff shampoo. Clean the effected area with it daily. . .

    Just try it. Its like $12 at most.

    Anthony Roberts has an article about it on his web site. . .

  18. #18
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    must give this a try then

  19. #19
    orton4 is offline Member
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    how much different is tetracycline then minocycline?

  20. #20
    kynetguy's Avatar
    kynetguy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by orton4
    how much different is tetracycline then minocycline?
    Its in the tetracycline class of antibiotics I know that. But anythign else I would have to google for you. :-)

  21. #21
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy
    Work with me here and try something. Cheap. Works for most people. And is not what a lot of people would consider acne treatment.


    Yes, Dandruff shampoo. Clean the effected area with it daily. . .

    Just try it. Its like $12 at most.

    Anthony Roberts has an article about it on his web site. . .
    i'll try about anything, i must say that i do already scrub daily / a brush and dial soap...

  22. #22
    kynetguy's Avatar
    kynetguy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    i'll try about anything, i must say that i do already scrub daily / a brush and dial soap...
    I have heard several people say it works. Try the Nizarol and report back to us in a couple weeks. I would love to hear your results. I know lots of people have acne (bacne) issues.

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