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  1. #1
    Power466 is offline New Member
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    Is Clen right for me?

    I know AAS is not something to mess around with, but I have did a shit load of reading about clen . I have come to a conclusion that clen is a toxic AAS that is used to treat people with asthma, but was found to be an execellent fat burner. If it can increase your heart rate, increase bmr, increase sweat, then it can burn fat just like Xyience can. But what is so harmful about it? What will it do it to me over a long period of time since I am out of shape? I did read about beast being 315 lbs and over 30% BF, then taking clen along with a balacned diet, and exercise then losing over 100 lbs of fat. It sounds great to me, but I also know its not a magic pill. Nothing is, you always have to workout usually as much as you can withstand. I don't see the harm in Clen, but can someone tell me what will happen?

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Clen can be very very bad for the heart if you are not careful. you also need to monitor your body temp closely as it can raise core temps.

    It can be used safely, but like you already stated its not magic. It will help a great deal in an already caloric deficit diet and exercise

  3. #3
    Power466 is offline New Member
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    Thanks, I am kind of wary on taking it. I mean i do workout and I have taken fat burners in the past that have raised my core temps, but i don't know how severe Clen will be compared to the other products I have used. Like yesterday I took Xyience, and in about 45 mins my heart increased speed, my adrenaline went up, and my energy increased all day. I don't think i yawned not one time all day. IF clen is like that, but stronger it will help me, but it may hurt me too.

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    With Clen , you need to go read the 1000000 threads here about it.

    You start the dose small and taper up to a point where you can tolerate ALL the side effects of it. Start with only 20mcgs a day and increase by 20 a day until the sides are too much then back off by 20 until you can deal with them. I wouldn't go over 120mcgs/day

    Also, you should only go two weeks on and two weeks off for about 8 weeks. Unless you want to experiment with the benadryl every 3rd week.

    Clen is more complicated than just taking an OTC fat burner, you do have to do your homework and know your stuff BEFORE trying it

    good luck

  5. #5
    Power466 is offline New Member
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    I've already read the cycles, and one guy told me 3 weeks on with benadryl was best. I was planning on 20,20,20,40,40,40,60,60,60,80,80,80,100,100,100,80 ,80,80,60,60,60,40,40,40,20,20,20, but people are different and my reaction may be different from the other guy. I also read you need to take taurine to prevent cramps pre workout and pwo, but i body build in the evening, so its gonna be hard to take taurine.

  6. #6
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power466
    I know AAS is not something to mess around with, but I have did a shit load of reading about clen . I have come to a conclusion that clen is a toxic AAS that is used to treat people with asthma, but was found to be an execellent fat burner. If it can increase your heart rate, increase bmr, increase sweat, then it can burn fat just like Xyience can. But what is so harmful about it? What will it do it to me over a long period of time since I am out of shape? I did read about beast being 315 lbs and over 30% BF, then taking clen along with a balacned diet, and exercise then losing over 100 lbs of fat. It sounds great to me, but I also know its not a magic pill. Nothing is, you always have to workout usually as much as you can withstand. I don't see the harm in Clen, but can someone tell me what will happen?
    Dont forget Beat was also pregnant at the time, and pregnant ladies generally tack on around 30-40 pounds!

    Clen is great, its safe is used properly, I love the stuff personally

  7. #7
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Dont forget Beat was also pregnant at the time, and pregnant ladies generally tack on around 30-40 pounds!

    Clen is great, its safe is used properly, I love the stuff personally
    I was pregnant?? What I want to know is who is the father?

    Personally I like clen although I am now careful not to overuse it due to fears it may be harmful to the heart.

  8. #8
    Power466 is offline New Member
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    well i mean you didn't go over 120 mcg's did you. I did read on the forums that one guy was taking 200 mcg's which is like WOW. that will kill you.

  9. #9
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power466
    well i mean you didn't go over 120 mcg's did you. I did read on the forums that one guy was taking 200 mcg's which is like WOW. that will kill you.
    200mcgs is perfectly fine if your use to Clen , I've used up 300mcgs at one point just to see how it was haha. After being on it for a week in a half, I have to use at least 175mcgs to still feel it, you can get immune rather easly. i know that someone here, I think it was goose... ran up to 400mcgs

  10. #10
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I was pregnant?? What I want to know is who is the father?
    cant keep up with all the men can you?

  11. #11
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power466
    well i mean you didn't go over 120 mcg's did you. I did read on the forums that one guy was taking 200 mcg's which is like WOW. that will kill you.
    I have used higher than 120mcgs I just did not want to include that in the FAQ and make everyone think it was "ok" to use high doses. Clen dosage is a very personal thing, some get results from 20mcg some need much more. Ppl get too hung up on how much they should take based on everyone elses dose, all that matters is you take a dose that is enough for you...

  12. #12
    Jay-Ace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    200mcgs is perfectly fine if your use to Clen, I've used up 300mcgs at one point just to see how it was haha. After being on it for a week in a half, I have to use at least 175mcgs to still feel it, you can get immune rather easly. i know that someone here, I think it was goose... ran up to 400mcgs

    Wow, you must have been buzzin ya nuts off!!!

    180mcg is my highest ever, I was settled at 120-140mcg with nice heat and shakes though.

  13. #13
    Power466 is offline New Member
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    well beast you said you took all yours in the morning... how did you stand a boost that big, and did it work all day long for you?

  14. #14
    jennp is offline New Member
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    New Clen!

    I am only about 30 lbs. overweight...5'4" and 150 right now. ugh! I read about clenbuterol and began taking it last week. Up to 80 mg. a day, but do not necessarily "feel" anything. I am going to up to 100mg. today.
    Question...when should i begin to see weight loss...will it be in inches or lbs. or both at first?
    Question...should I use Cytomel with it? If so, in what doses?

    Thanks so much, I'm new at this and need guidance.
    I am beginning to walk/run and do abs...not wanting to body build...just be thin again!

  15. #15
    Power466 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennp
    I am only about 30 lbs. overweight...5'4" and 150right now. ugh! I read about clenbuterol and began taking it last week. Up to 80 mg. a day, but do not necessarily "feel" anything. I am going to up to 100mg. today.
    Question...when should i begin to see weight loss...will it be in inches or lbs. or both at first?
    Question...should I use Cytomel with it? If so, in what doses?

    Thanks so much, I'm new at this and need guidance.
    I am beginning to walk/run and do abs...not wanting to body build...just be thin again!
    wow 5'4 and 150, how old are you? I am 6'5 & 258 lbs.

  16. #16
    Jay-Ace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennp
    I am only about 30 lbs. overweight...5'4" and 150 right now. ugh! I read about clenbuterol and began taking it last week. Up to 80 mg. a day, but do not necessarily "feel" anything. I am going to up to 100mg. today.
    Question...when should i begin to see weight loss...will it be in inches or lbs. or both at first?
    Question...should I use Cytomel with it? If so, in what doses?

    Thanks so much, I'm new at this and need guidance.
    I am beginning to walk/run and do abs...not wanting to body build...just be thin again!

    Your question just cannot be answered!!

    You seriously need to research the effects of both compounds, and no matter what anyone says as to what works or doesn't, your personal experience will be different!!

    As for weight loss, you may not lose anything, some people have been known to get absolutely nothing from Clen . But for me I usually notice a thinning of the face and thighs. But not for at least 10-12 days.


  17. #17
    jennp is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the fast reply. I have read so much material on both, and didn't mean to sound like I just jumped in blind. Just wondering if I should feel heartrate increase, like I did with ephedra. I react well to fat burners, lost a ton with ephedra, but didn't work to keep it off.
    Did you use the Taurine or T3 when you took it?

  18. #18
    jennp is offline New Member
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    I am 34...had a baby at 23 and was in great shape...didn't even hit 110 lbs until 21. But 11 years later and I'm just now getting serious about it. ugh!

  19. #19
    Jay-Ace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennp
    Thanks for the fast reply. I have read so much material on both, and didn't mean to sound like I just jumped in blind. Just wondering if I should feel heartrate increase, like I did with ephedra. I react well to fat burners, lost a ton with ephedra, but didn't work to keep it off.
    Did you use the Taurine or T3 when you took it?

    If you failed to keep it off after Ephedra then I'm afraid you will probably have the same problem in the near future. Your problem is diet, plain and simple!!

    Yes most people feel a heart rate increase.

    I took Taurine, I wont get into T3/T4 as my scenario is too complex.

  20. #20
    jennp is offline New Member
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    i understand...the reason i didn't keep it off was because of my diet and lack of exercise then...but now i have changed diet, and began running...just need that jump start.
    so you do suggest the taurine? what dosage with clen ?
    do you believe the T3/clen combo gives a better result?

  21. #21
    Power466 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennp
    i understand...the reason i didn't keep it off was because of my diet and lack of exercise then...but now i have changed diet, and began running...just need that jump start.
    so you do suggest the taurine? what dosage with clen ?
    do you believe the T3/clen combo gives a better result?
    go here Clen Faq. You better like it it took me ages.

  22. #22
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power466
    well beast you said you took all yours in the morning... how did you stand a boost that big, and did it work all day long for you?
    I have taken all in morning and split the dosage. To be honest I prefer the morn option as it interfered less with sleeping at night. I lost fat so im guessing it worked fine.

  23. #23
    Power466 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I have taken all in morning and split the dosage. To be honest I prefer the morn option as it interfered less with sleeping at night. I lost fat so im guessing it worked fine.
    ok i will try that way then, because i don't want to be wired at 2 a.m.

  24. #24
    jennp is offline New Member
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    that was great to read...very comprehensive. thanks!
    just to do like the liquid version from ARR? and i just spray or drop it in my mouth?

  25. #25
    jennp is offline New Member
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    "2. Take 50mg of Benadryl or another antihistamine containing 50mg of diphenhydrmine (sleep ease from boots chemist if you are in UK!) every night during every third week while you are on Clen . So I would dose my Clen as usual and at day 21 I would add the Benadryl every night for 7 nights. Discontinue the Benadryl until day 42 and repeat. I favour this method as it helps me sleep and does not affect my performance in the day"

    to clarify....take clen for 14 days (two weeks on?)...then off for the third week, then on day 21, begin the benadryl for 7 days. after the seven days...back on clen for two weeks and continue?

  26. #26
    Jackal2002's Avatar
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    I am in my third week of taking ARR Clen for the first time and am still feeling the positive effects. I ramped up to 120mcg per day during the course of the first week and am taking Benadryl this week. The flushed face and shakes went away pretty quickly and I never cramped up. I take the full dose at 6 AM when I get up for morning cardio. I split my Taurine at 500mg in the AM and 500mg in the PM. With an in-check diet and lots of cardio, I losing weight at a nice rate. Best wishes to you!

  27. #27
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
    Wow, you must have been buzzin ya nuts off!!!

    180mcg is my highest ever, I was settled at 120-140mcg with nice heat and shakes though.
    Yeah I was like a poodle getting into a car for the first time!

  28. #28
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennp
    "2. Take 50mg of Benadryl or another antihistamine containing 50mg of diphenhydrmine (sleep ease from boots chemist if you are in UK!) every night during every third week while you are on Clen . So I would dose my Clen as usual and at day 21 I would add the Benadryl every night for 7 nights. Discontinue the Benadryl until day 42 and repeat. I favour this method as it helps me sleep and does not affect my performance in the day"

    to clarify....take clen for 14 days (two weeks on?)...then off for the third week, then on day 21, begin the benadryl for 7 days. after the seven days...back on clen for two weeks and continue?
    No. If you are using the benadryl method you stay on the clen all the way through.


    1-6 clen (start at low dose and build to a dose that is working for you)
    weeks 3 and 6 benadryl at 50mg per night.

    you can extend this cycle for as long as you need just keep taking the benadryl every third week.

  29. #29
    Jay-Ace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Yeah I was like a poodle getting into a car for the first time!

    Sniffing the seats?

  30. #30
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
    Sniffing the seats?
    no he pissed against the side of the car then spent his whole journey poking his head out the window with his tongue hanging out.

  31. #31
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennp
    "2. Take 50mg of Benadryl or another antihistamine containing 50mg of diphenhydrmine (sleep ease from boots chemist if you are in UK!) every night during every third week while you are on Clen . So I would dose my Clen as usual and at day 21 I would add the Benadryl every night for 7 nights. Discontinue the Benadryl until day 42 and repeat. I favour this method as it helps me sleep and does not affect my performance in the day"

    to clarify....take clen for 14 days (two weeks on?)...then off for the third week, then on day 21, begin the benadryl for 7 days. after the seven days...back on clen for two weeks and continue?

    Jenn, clen won't burn the fat off magically, you need to add cardio, diet and training. Clen will just AID in the fat burning.

    Also, you may want to ask ADMIN to turn your name PINK so everyone on here doesn't think you are a 5'4" 150 lb MAN.....lolol

  32. #32
    Power466 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Also, you may want to ask ADMIN to turn your name PINK so everyone on here doesn't think you are a 5'4" 150 lb MAN.....lolol
    HAHA. when i saw her first post i was like WTF. Is this guy joking? then i realized it was a girl.

  33. #33
    GGallin's Avatar
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    I was talking to a guy at the gym today about clen . I have seen it in peoples cycles on ar-r . I had never really researched its effects until this guy at the gym told me how good it worked for him and how it cuts fat like no other. But he did also say how it can effect your heart valves and can be deadly for any one misusing it or taking it for too long. I am intrigued and yet a little weary of trying it. As some of you may know I am overweight and yes I am may be looking for an easy way out in the fat dept. I have also read that clen was used for race horses to make them leaner and more cut. Should I try this for a month or so to help me lose Bf% so I can get ready for my winny test cycle? Btw I am not starting that cycle for several months and until I am at at least 10% bf. Also would clen be good to stack with winny and test?

  34. #34
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    I was talking to a guy at the gym today about clen. I have seen it in peoples cycles on ar-r. I had never really researched its effects until this guy at the gym told me how good it worked for him and how it cuts fat like no other. But he did also say how it can effect your heart valves and can be deadly for any one misusing it or taking it for too long. I am intrigued and yet a little weary of trying it. As some of you may know I am overweight and yes I am may be looking for an easy way out in the fat dept. I have also read that clen was used for race horses to make them leaner and more cut. Should I try this for a month or so to help me lose Bf% so I can get ready for my winny test cycle? Btw I am not starting that cycle for several months and until I am at at least 10% bf. Also would clen be good to stack with winny and test?
    I have had good success with clen . It can be strong so you need to do your research. You still need to have good diet and cardio, but other than that I would highly recommend clen. It can be just what you need if your in a rut and have stopped losing any weight. So do your research and figure out how you want to use it and it should work well for you.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifterjaydawg
    I have had good success with clen. It can be strong so you need to do your research. You still need to have good diet and cardio, but other than that I would highly recommend clen. It can be just what you need if your in a rut and have stopped losing any weight. So do your research and figure out how you want to use it and it should work well for you.
    Sounds good. Thanks. I will read up and research.

  36. #36
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    I'm going to be doing a clen cycle as soon as i get my order.

  37. #37
    king6's Avatar
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    I'm on day 4 of clen , I'm upping it to 80mcg today. The first 3 days at 60 were not to bad, little shakes, jittery, and increased heart rate. I will go to 120mcg if I can then hold it until my 2 weeks is complete, I am confident that clen will do the trick in shedding a small amount of bf before my cycle.

  38. #38
    Power466 is offline New Member
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    I think I got this straight. Someone tell me if I missed anything.

    With clen you have a choice to do 2 wks on/2 wks off with Taurine everyday for a total of 6 wks on correct? but if you wanted to you could do 3 wks on/ 3 wks off with benadryl on your third week for your receptors. I only have 1 bottle, i should've bought the stack, because 90 caps aren't enough for 3 wks on/3 wks off.

  39. #39
    VinceRKG is offline New Member
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    Why do you take Benadryl at noght? I am looking into the clen and t3 cycle. Should you take it in the morning and that is all for the day? Thanks In advance?

  40. #40
    VinceRKG is offline New Member
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    Also is Clen and T3 an injector or tablets? Sorry for the questions, I am new to the cutting cycles.

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