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Thread: ar-r t3

  1. #1
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    ar-r t3

    I ordered t3 and clen from ar-r . ben using the t3 for almost a month and it didn't do shit. I went all the way up to 8 sprays twice a day and didn't feel anything. if it were real I'd prob die no? cause that's almost 400mcg in 8hours. I'm sceptacle about the clen now. anybody know of a place I'd be able to test the stuff? both the t3 and the clen?

  2. #2
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    pm anthony roberts seems i heard him speak of a place a while back.

  3. #3
    Jay-Ace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caban
    I ordered t3 and clen from ar-r. ben using the t3 for almost a month and it didn't do shit. I went all the way up to 8 sprays twice a day and didn't feel anything. if it were real I'd prob die no? cause that's almost 400mcg in 8hours. I'm sceptacle about the clen now. anybody know of a place I'd be able to test the stuff? both the t3 and the clen?

    Were you sisng it as a deodorant??

    You do know it goes in ur mouth dont you?!?!?!

    The clen is 100% genuine, and I'm quite sure the rest is too. Instead of openly trying to tarnish, why dont you speak to Lion about this or post in his dedicated forum!!

  4. #4
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    hahahahaha, when did I imply it went anywhere but my mouth. anyway, I'm not trying to tarnish I'm just reporting an experience. how can I ingest 400mcg of t3 and have nothing happen?

  5. #5
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    You should pm lion about it. Because everything I have taken from ARR has been great.

  6. #6
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by elite2kr
    Not a real shocker, to say lion is overpriced crap would be an understatment. The owner is rude to people and comes off shady and deceptive. Dont buy from him again.
    chill out mate, no need for that.

    What were you expecting from the T3. In my experience you do not "feel" t3 working anyway and I have used up to 200mcg ED. Did you lose fat? what was your diet like?

  7. #7
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    I dont know man, I took the clen and can honestly say i think i know what a recovering addict feels when he is iching for the stuff. I had the shakes, the headaches, and ive dropped 4lbs in a week, but my diet is good and cardio is good. You can take whatever you want if your diet isnt right your wasting your money, Im happy with lion and im sure there are 1000 other people that are.

  8. #8
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Dont be shocked. I used the t-3 and clen and it didnt do anything for me. I am not saying it isnt real by any means. i am just saying ti didnt do anything to me.

    Now the Cialis is a different story.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Guys not everyone has sides from clen or t3. Most don't notice a thing on t3 till they come off. I'm hypo I have been on the t3 for 15 years. The Clen on the other hand has alot of people shaking. Alot of guys are used tpo cracking out of ECa and have burned out the reseptors. We sell thousands of these a week. It there was a problem you would here it everywhere. Send me a pm

    As always we stand behind our product 100%. Send me a pm I have a few tricks you can try.

  10. #10
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    Way to stand by your chems Lion.
    P.S. Thanks for last weeks cialis sale!!!!

  11. #11
    Gettin Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    chill out mate, no need for that.

    What were you expecting from the T3. In my experience you do not "feel" t3 working anyway and I have used up to 200mcg ED. Did you lose fat? what was your diet like?
    if you take to much t3 your temp should go up!!! everything that i ordered from arr worked great for me like clen cialis etc. BUT the t3 didnt work for me either, i took it right by the book, took my temp in the morn before i got out of bed for a week before taking t3 and then went up to 200 mcg a day of ar-r t3 and temp never went up at all, i got some t3 from a***nced ge**tics and took 100 mcg and the next morn my temp was up, if i took anymore than 75-100 mcg a day i had a slight fever of 99 or higher, so for me t3 worked but ar-r's t3 never worked, thats my personal experience

  12. #12
    RA's Avatar
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    Interesting. Whenever Ive used lions t3 my temps gone up...Ive always thought the clen was a bit underdosed but I use it with success anyway.

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