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  1. #1
    natelew is offline New Member
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    Dec 2006

    Neewbie question about Novice cycle 1 on

    this maybe a stupid question but I've been researching this stuff for a while and according to the stuff i've seen lately most cycles are about 6 weeks at most so it dosent shut down your natural testosterone production even the weak stuff i'm on Methyl-1D but for some reason it says to take test cypionate for 12 weeks straight, how can this be is test different, it also says to kick start the cycle with 4 weeks of dianabol which sounds like a great idea, also it says 400 mg's a week are u supposed to inject 400mg's just one day a week or split it up over days, most guys i know inject about an hour before they workout b/c ur test spike's 2 hrs. after injecting, can someone help me????

  2. #2
    gibsonnova74 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2006
    if you do a search on this you will see that most cycles are usually around 10-12 weeks when you include long esters. long esters usually take about 4 weeks just to kick in. look at the profile page and you will see the differences in the gear. when it comes to test most guys inject every 3.5 days, i like the monday morning and thursday afternoon myself.

  3. #3
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Generally most cycles are 10-12 weeks long.

    Test enthate takes 5-6 weeks to "kick in" and while the user is waiting for it to kick in, they can take a fast acting compound like dbol .

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