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  1. #1
    zk7 is offline Banned
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    Help! I did this Injection into my Bicep and now I got a Huge Blue over my bicep

    Help! I did this Injection into my Bicep and now I got a Huge Blue over my bicep

    I got this huge blue bruise over my bicep. I injected fine then when i pulled the needle out, a little lump formed like a bruise and then 2-3 days later theres a big blue bruise spot over my bicep.

    My other bicep when i did the injection of Test Ethanate, there was no problem, except only a tiny small blue spot where the injection was done. But the other bicep it was a sizable circle blue bruise.

    Is that a vein popped inside or what?!

    Now after few days, the pain is gone and i dont feel anymore pain when i touch it or rub it, i think its healing and the blue bruise will dissapear.

    Anyone can help?

  2. #2
    evil pepsi is offline Associate Member
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    prior to injecting, did you back it out some to see if you were in a vein?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You just bruised it, doubt there is anything to worry about.

    jing jai

  4. #4
    zk7 is offline Banned
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    No I did not Aspire or anything like to see if blood would come in to see if im in a vein. But i did have trouble pushing the test in with the needle, its like it got jammed. Oil was thick and i had to press hard , damn thing wouldnt budge and finally it did go in however when I pulled the needle out, quickly a lump formed i was scared shitless lol, i put quickly alcohol swab and then some ice, it contained itself.

    The lump stayed small lump, and there was not much blue. then 1-2 days later, the lump was gone however a huge blue formed, as if someone punched you hard in the arm and bruised it. Its kinda ugly, this blue and im hiding it with my clothing for fear of someone seeing it and they gonna start asking questions. and stuff

    I hope injection wont regularly cause bruises cuz i dont want ppl to ask questions.

    The other bicep was fine, no bruise except a small blue dot where i injected.

    There is no pain in the left bicep bruise/blue area, and its scratching today so i suspect its healing and should return to white in no time.

    But for future injections of Testosterone Ethanate, i really hope no blue bruises form everytime i inject.

  5. #5
    GauchB's Avatar
    GauchB is offline Associate Member
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    you always should aspire for just that reason. you should be just fine don't worry.

    Also in my opinion never spot inject just too many bad possibilites.

    good luck

  6. #6
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Sounds like you went through a vein. I've done it a few times, a weird bruise forms then goes away. No biggie..

  7. #7
    zk7 is offline Banned
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    What do you mean never spot inject? Is there another form of inject?

    You simply pick a spot that you are supposed to inject in and you inject. Is there another way to inject or something? I go the pics from spot injections site.

  8. #8
    GauchB's Avatar
    GauchB is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zk7
    What do you mean never spot inject? Is there another form of inject?

    You simply pick a spot that you are supposed to inject in and you inject. Is there another way to inject or something? I go the pics from spot injections site.
    No no no. what i'm saying is small muscle injection sites such as bi's tri's calves spots like that are not as good as a deep muscle like the glut's.

    Don't take my word for it, there are many dr's that have web pages with audio conferences that will tell you that roids are not bad just have alot of bad press and 1 main point in almost all of them is "spot" injections.

  9. #9
    zk7 is offline Banned
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    Because the Biceps and triceps all have alot of nerves and veins?

    What about injecting into the Thigh? It's a big muscle area. Glutes are a big hassle, i cant inject when im all twisted up sideways i cant reach my ass or do it properly.

    Injecting in THighs/Quads is good?

  10. #10
    GauchB's Avatar
    GauchB is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zk7
    Because the Biceps and triceps all have alot of nerves and veins?

    What about injecting into the Thigh? It's a big muscle area. Glutes are a big hassle, i cant inject when im all twisted up sideways i cant reach my ass or do it properly.

    Injecting in THighs/Quads is good?

    Better than in bi's/tri's.

    Why so much trouble with the gluts? don't have to twist that much and it's not like you need to slam it in like a fast ball and start with your arm behind your head. But if you really having trouble then just remember bigger muscles are better.

  11. #11
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    No worries bud. Had the same thing happen to my on my first shot this time around. Lump, huge bruise.... You're fine.

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