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  1. #1
    John88Test's Avatar
    John88Test is offline Member
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    Cool Help. Cycle with low damage to hair

    I want to do a cycle that will add mass but wont destroy my hair. I have done 3 cycles. All Test Ent. & Dbol . I think those cycles may have accelerated the hair loss process. Right now I have a fairly full head of hair...but I notice it thinning. I would like to do a cycle that will give me gains but not accelerate it any further. Also, I WAS using finesteride (propecia) during those cycles.

    I know Deca converts to DHN and not DHT (repsonsible for hair loss). However, I know I would need to run Test with the Deca in order not to get the dreaded "deca dick". But the test in turn would convert to DHT making me lose my hair. And to boot, I cant run Finesteride with Deca because that makes the DHN turn into DHT and were back to square one.

    I do not have much experience with Equipose, but thought that might be a good possibility. I am sure you members of the board (who want to keep there hair) have had this problem. Any help you might be able to give me is much appreciated. Thanks guys.


  2. #2
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    help cycle with no hairloss...Don't cycle is the best way if your going to worry about hairloss.

  3. #3
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your only choice is really deca , laurabolin or the other nadrolone drugs, since they get reduced to a milder androgen in the scalp, DHN.

    Testosterone +dutasterie would not be to bad on the hair either.

  4. #4
    John88Test's Avatar
    John88Test is offline Member
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    I am going to assume that duasteride cannot be used with Deca as well too, right?

  5. #5
    John88Test's Avatar
    John88Test is offline Member
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    Let me rephrase, if I were to use Deca & Test Ent. The duasteride would not be beneficial in reducing the hairloss because it would convert the DHN into DHT from the Deca.

  6. #6
    Halfcenturian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lfcdeke
    Let me rephrase, if I were to use Deca & Test Ent. The duasteride would not be beneficial in reducing the hairloss because it would convert the DHN into DHT from the Deca.
    Your first step is to find out if you have MPB in your family. Mom's brother's hair is very likely to be your hair. Look there first. If they are got it.
    If not, your hair ain't goin' nowhere. Look at Arnold and Jay Cutler, et. al. There on more juice than half the people on this board. All genetic, sport.

  7. #7
    helium3's Avatar
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    For those that do not know, testosterone converts to DHT via the 5 alpha reductase enzyme. DHT is far more androgenic than testosterone and is the main contributor to MPB in those genetically predisposed. finasteride is a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor, and therefore limits the conversion of testosterone to DHT via competitive inhibition.

    Nandrolone itself is a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor (although it yields DHN in the process). So less DHT is produced if nandrolone is present. Also, DHN is much less androgenic than nandrolone and much less androgenic than DHT. So, finasteride with deca (nandrolone) should both work to reduce DHT levels, and since finasteride will inhibit 5a reductase, it'll also keep levels of DHN lower too.

    The misconception that deca with finasteride is a bad combination stems from the the days when deca only cycles were more common (often referred to as the days before jason updated the AR homepage cycles ) If one were running a deca only cycle (or any deca cycle without test), then finasteride would be a poor choice, because DHN is less androgenic than nandrolone. However, since we're assuming test to be included in a deca cycle, and both test and DHT are far more androgenic than nandrolone, if your goal is preventing the formation of the most androgenic compounds, then both deca and finasteride work together to reduce DHT formation.

    To sum things up, if you're running a test + deca cycle and are worried about MPB (and you're susceptible), then including finasteride is a far better option than NOT including it, although the nandrolone will help to reduce DHT formation on its own to some extent.

    read this b4 on another board

  8. #8
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    oh and to some up my bro is prone and does deca test dutas cycles and keeps his hair.

  9. #9
    John88Test's Avatar
    John88Test is offline Member
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    Thanks man. I just had heard that the duasteride and deca made hair fall out. but after reading your post I see that is not the case. Thanks!

  10. #10
    thebrakes is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lfcdeke
    Thanks man. I just had heard that the duasteride and deca made hair fall out. but after reading your post I see that is not the case. Thanks!
    yikes, some bad info floating around....

    dutasteride is not good with deca because by preventing the reduction to DHN, the deca becomes effectively MORE androgenic (the opposite is true for test)

    got it?

    best bet for hairline-friendly cycling is deca solo or test+5AR inhibition. other good choices are tbol (almost no androgenicity), clostebol (ditto) and 17aa-epitiostanol aka epistane (ditto again)

  11. #11
    McQueen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebrakes
    yikes, some bad info floating around....

    dutasteride is not good with deca because by preventing the reduction to DHN, the deca becomes effectively MORE androgenic (the opposite is true for test)

    got it?

    best bet for hairline-friendly cycling is deca solo or test+5AR inhibition. other good choices are tbol (almost no androgenicity), clostebol (ditto) and 17aa-epitiostanol aka epistane (ditto again)

    For those that do not know, testosterone converts to DHT via the 5 alpha reductase enzyme. DHT is far more androgenic than testosterone and is the main contributor to MPB in those genetically predisposed. finasteride is a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor, and therefore limits the conversion of testosterone to DHT via competitive inhibition.

    Nandrolone itself is a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor (although it yields DHN in the process). So less DHT is produced if nandrolone is present. Also, DHN is much less androgenic than nandrolone and much less androgenic than DHT. So, finasteride with deca (nandrolone) should both work to reduce DHT levels, and since finasteride will inhibit 5a reductase, it'll also keep levels of DHN lower too.

    The misconception that deca with finasteride is a bad combination stems from the the days when deca only cycles were more common (often referred to as the days before jason updated the AR homepage cycles ) If one were running a deca only cycle (or any deca cycle without test), then finasteride would be a poor choice, because DHN is less androgenic than nandrolone. However, since we're assuming test to be included in a deca cycle, and both test and DHT are far more androgenic than nandrolone, if your goal is preventing the formation of the most androgenic compounds, then both deca and finasteride work together to reduce DHT formation.

    To sum things up, if you're running a test + deca cycle and are worried about MPB (and you're susceptible), then including finasteride is a far better option than NOT including it, although the nandrolone will help to reduce DHT formation on its own to some extent.

    read this b4 on another board
    So is this wrong then?

  12. #12
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    shit, well im back to square one.
    seems as if no one really knows. every one has different experiences.

  13. #13
    McQueen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebrakes
    yikes, some bad info floating around....

    dutasteride is not good with deca because by preventing the reduction to DHN, the deca becomes effectively MORE androgenic (the opposite is true for test)
    got it?

    best bet for hairline-friendly cycling is deca solo or test+5AR inhibition. other good choices are tbol (almost no androgenicity), clostebol (ditto) and 17aa-epitiostanol aka epistane (ditto again)

    this is does it magically become more powerful.if someone can show me a good case study proving this i will appologise.

    dutas or fina does not change nandrolone (dhn) dht period.

  14. #14
    McQueen's Avatar
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    nor does it make nandrolone more potent,but as nandrolone wont b converted to dhn it is more potent as is,until it is motabolised by the body.

  15. #15
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by McQueen
    this is does it magically become more powerful.if someone can show me a good case study proving this i will appologise.

    dutas or fina does not change nandrolone(dhn) dht period.
    You are correct.

    Duta or fina will however block the 5ar, which will prevent nadrolone to get reduced to its mildest androgenic form(DHN), when deca is taken with duta/fina you will therefor get the full effect of nadrolone on the hair, but it will still be milder than testosterone on the scalp mg per mg.

  16. #16
    John88Test's Avatar
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    So in short fellas, I am going to skip the Deca . I am going to use 25mg Dbol ED, and 500mg EW (two shots per week) and am going to use Duasteride. Ill let you know how it goes. I may throw some Eq in there later in the cycle. I dont like Deca anymore.

  17. #17
    sp9's Avatar
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    I have over 8 years of use with proscar/propecia and dutasteride/avodart. Avodart since Dec. 2002.

    I am prone to hairloss. I have used the following while using avodart without hairloss:


    One thing you have to remember is that avodart/duta is very powerful at suppresssing DHT. What happens to many people (including myself) is a shedding of hair when you first use it (was worst for me around month 3). People think the shedding is bad, and it is bad to the ego, but actually a good thing. What happens is the massive reduction in DHT causes the effected hair follicles to end their growth cycle and start a new one (the hair cycle is very long) when the growth phase stops the hair detaches and will fall out. Naturally you lose about 100 hairs a day because the hair on your head is in various phases of the hair cycle. The dht reduction can cause many hairs to start a new phase at the same time, thus causing many more than 100 hairs a day to fall out. Why is this a good thing? Because it means the reduced dht is having an effect on your hair and the next growth cycle will produce a slightly larger diameter hair with a longer growth cycle. Eventually this leads to a desired cosmetic look in the mirror (a thicker head of hair).

    Problem is, you need to use avodart for 9 months to a year to see the full effects due to the length of the full hair cycle, and up to 2 years or more to see the complete benefits you can get out of it for growing hair.

    Proscar/propecia is less known to cause shedding and may be a better choice if you just want to use something short term when on a cycle.
    Last edited by sp9; 02-03-2007 at 05:08 PM.

  18. #18
    odix's Avatar
    odix is offline Member
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    I heard is was your moms dads hair.. My moms brothers are bald :[ by my granpa has a full head of hair

  19. #19
    sp9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by odix
    I heard is was your moms dads hair.. My moms brothers are bald :[ by my granpa has a full head of hair
    No one I ever saw in my family was bald or balding. I knew because at 20 years old I noticed enormous amounts of hair in my hands in the shower. I had extremely thick hair. Luckily it was so thick that even though I lost alot I still kept good coverage by the time I found my first dht suppression drug (proscar/propecia).

  20. #20
    samcam's Avatar
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    Who wants to know?
    Everyone on my fathers side and mothers side are bald or balding. My father is bald, brothers are very thin to bald on top which started in their twenties. I'm 38 and have all my hair.

    My first cycle, test E only 400mg/wk, I was very paranoid about this and ran finasteride the whole cycle but didn't like the sides, and didn't lose any hair. This cycle I said screw it, if I lose it I lose it, runnning 500mg test E, t-bol and will be starting winny in a few weeks, haven't lost anything yet.

  21. #21
    thebrakes is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    You are correct.

    Duta or fina will however block the 5ar, which will prevent nadrolone to get reduced to its mildest androgenic form(DHN), when deca is taken with duta/fina you will therefor get the full effect of nadrolone on the hair, but it will still be milder than testosterone on the scalp mg per mg.
    LOL. that is exactly what i said. your second point is worth noting, that even without conversion to the milder DHN, deca is relatively low androgenically.

    McQueen: "dutas or fina does not change nandrolone (dhn) dht period" - bro, please dont assert things that simply arent true when you have no working knowledge of the subject.

  22. #22
    helium3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebrakes
    LOL. that is exactly what i said. your second point is worth noting, that even without conversion to the milder DHN, deca is relatively low androgenically.

    McQueen: "dutas or fina does not change nandrolone (dhn) dht period" - bro, please dont assert things that simply arent true when you have no working knowledge of the subject.


    its you who has no idea just a parrot.dhn does not and never will convert to dht,

  23. #23
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    guys just wondering, if you loose your hair is it gone forever?

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