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  1. #1
    leec is offline New Member
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    Feb 2007

    need some good advice on clen


    first post,hello to all


    im in serious need of loosing some weight,yes i know exercise helps but i need to loose some a bit quicker.

    a friend of mine used clen and t3 or t4 cant remember.worked great for him.
    now i have done a bit of research on clen i know about the side affects etc and how it works.but i need advice from people who know before i go ahead and buy
    i would like to know things like whats the best way to do them 2 weeks on 2 off ??

    is their any special diet i need to take

    remember this is for me to loose weight,i dont train ATM although im planning to once i loose some weight.

    is it advisable to take clen and t3/t4 together ?? if so whats the best way to do it.

    how long can i take them for ??

    i have read on a forum that clen gives you appetite to eat,can you advise anything to suppress the appetite.

    or if anyone can recommend anything else which you would think will work for me.

    another friend of mine say winstrol i think thats what its called.

    im 29 and weigh about 17.5 stone 6ft tall, my doc says i should weigh about 13 lol i dont think so i would be happy with about 15 as im big built anyway,always have been.
    i dont eat a great deal maybe a sausage or bacon sandwich at work for breakfast,then at around 7pm when i get home from work i have my tea, mainly oven cooked food like oven chips and chicken fillets in breadcrumbs with beans, just simple things like that.oh and a glass of milk afterwards.thats it again till the next day.
    so i cant understand why i cant loose weight,and i manage to put it on somehow still.
    i dont get much exercise as i drive machines at work,thats probably the cause of it.

    i rarely eat chocolate and have the odd Chinese take away on weekends,dont drink a lot of alcohol really either maybe go out 1 a fortnight.

    any of your experiance and feedback would be great,i just need to know what im doing before i go ahead and buy.

    also can anyone recommend a good supplier i live in uk so i would need them in discreet package if they were to come from usa or somewhere international.

    if so pm me link for website please.

    thanks for taking time to read this long thread.
    look forward to anyones suggestions
    Last edited by leec; 02-02-2007 at 12:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Hack72 is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2006
    Your diet is in need of serious help. YOu should be eating small meals every 3 hrs. protein/carb/fat with each one. Training is another big key. I have lost 154lbs in the last 2 years. I do very little cardio, but work out with weights 2-3 hrs, 5 days a week. I would advise you to try this first before you do anything. Read alot more on the subject as well. If you are dead set to do this then you should run clen for a minumum of 6wks, I would do it for 12 wks. You will take 20mcgs upon waking up, then 2 more of the same dose over the rest of the day, if you can tolerate it. 60/120mcgs per day is average, dont go over 200, and keep your bp 140/90 or under. Every third week you are on it you will take 50-100mgs/night of benadryl before bed for the entire wk. T3 can be added. Start by taking 20mcg per day for a week, and upping the dose by 10mcgs/week until your Basil Body Temp reaches 98.0-98.1. Dont go over 100mcgs per day. So, I would say if you are going to do both then start with the T3 and add in the clen until your bbt reaches 98.3. If you are just going to do one of them then do the clen at the dose stated. Good luck and keep an good eye on your bp.

  3. #3
    leec is offline New Member
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    firstly thanks for the reply,

    just so i understand a little better,do i take clen for 2 weeks and have a 2 week off or can i just do them say six weeks constant.

    also what is

    Every third week you are on it you will take 50-100mgs/night of benadryl before bed for the entire wk

    and what does it do ??

    found out what benadryl is ,to help sleep correct ??
    Last edited by leec; 02-02-2007 at 01:38 PM.

  4. #4
    Hack72 is offline Junior Member
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    Well the old way of taking clen was 2 on 2 off, but if you take benadryl every third week you will reset your receptors, untimately making you able to use clen longer with the same results. Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is a anti-histimine and/or sleep aid in the US.

  5. #5
    leec is offline New Member
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    what about the appetite side of things is it correct it increases,if so could you recommend a suppressant,like i said i read on a forum somewhere but forgot the name of them.

  6. #6
    Hack72 is offline Junior Member
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    I have never experienced this and I use clen quite ofter throughout the year. It gives me more energy and I have to stop and make myself eat. Clen has been shown to do different things to different people, some say they feel sluggish on it. If cramping becomes a problem you can take some extra minerals and taurine, since clen depletes taurine. Not sure about app suppressents. Good luck

  7. #7
    leec is offline New Member
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    Feb 2007
    ok thanks for your time

  8. #8
    FOUNTAIN is offline New Member
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    Hi , I Need Some Answers On Testosterone Cypionate . I Have A Bottle Of 200ml . Is This Anough To Get Any Kind Of Gain From? If So How Do I Administer It ( Size Needle ,how Much , And How Often?) What Should I Expect ?

    Thanks For Help!

  9. #9
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    "Hi , I Need Some Answers On Testosterone Cypionate . I Have A Bottle Of 200ml . Is This Anough To Get Any Kind Of Gain From? If So How Do I Administer It ( Size Needle ,how Much , And How Often?) What Should I Expect ?

    Thanks For Help!"

    First of all, Fountain start your own thread and people will give you some advise.

    Second, Leec, I wouldnt even consider clen at the point you are at. Your diet is in shambles your not training at all and you have barely scratched the surface of clen knowledge. try dieting and cardio for awhile and watch the pounds fall off. Visit the diet forum get some info, visit the workout forum talk to people there. research clen some more, talk to "perfectbeast" or look for his thread on clen usage. good luck


  10. #10
    LAW's Avatar
    LAW is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter
    "Hi ,
    Leec, I wouldnt even consider clen at the point you are at. Your diet is in shambles your not training at all and you have barely scratched the surface of clen knowledge. try dieting and cardio for awhile and watch the pounds fall off. Visit the diet forum get some info, visit the workout forum talk to people there. research clen some more, talk to "perfectbeast" or look for his thread on clen usage. good luck

    I agree! I remember when I thought there was a magic pill. Im so glad I learned the truth ,but it still would have been nice if clen was the answer to weight loss. Im no expert but I don't think it will do a thing for you if your diet and fitness isn't together.
    Do you know what a clean diet is? If not, research it or ask because once I learned, the weight came off with surprising speed. Post your diet, i know it is what everyone says but that is 90% of it and the quicker you get on track, the happier you will be with yourself.

  11. #11
    leec is offline New Member
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    Feb 2007
    thanks everyone for the info
    think im gonna leave the clen idea for now and try

    High Intensity Interval Training
    and sort my diet out

    been searching google and getting info about it,seems promissing

    anyones views on it ?

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