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  1. #1
    rizzo72's Avatar
    rizzo72 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2007

    First cycle, short, how does it look?

    Background info:
    21, 5'8", 198 lbs, roughly 14-15% bodyfat, no cycle experience (just M1T at 10mg for 3 weeks. No noticable sides whatsoever, not even water weight, just an increase in strength), training legitimately for 4 years, + 3 years before that.

    increase strength (main), shed some bodyfat, increase size not a priority (more of the PL type), roughly maintain weight (a few extra pounds is fine)

    From what I've researched I believe shorter cycles may be best for me as I am constantly in/out of sporting seasons and my schedule isn't flexible enough for 12 weekers + PCT.

    Proposed Cycle:
    Weeks 1-6 Prop @ 75mg ED
    1-4 DBol @ 30mg ED
    1-9 L-Dex @ .25mg ED
    1-9 Tribulus @ 4g ED

    PCT (3 day's after last prop injection- for 3 weeks):
    Clomid 1-11 @ 100, 12-21 @ 50
    Nolva 1-14 @40, 15-28 @ 20

    Weeks 1-9
    Hawthorne Berry Extract
    No-Flush Niacin
    Milk Thistle Extract


    More Background Info if Interested:
    I do not compete in BB, but may decide to give a PL bench meet a try. I no longer do very heavy squats/deadlifts for a few reasons. One: the sport that I compete in requires me to be somewhat lean, quick, explosive, flexible, etc., and I can't be these things when training heavy squats/DL during the season. The other reason is that I naturally have pretty big legs, and I will be in a profession that requires me to wear a suit everyday to work and I have a tough time fitting into pants now so I really don't want the legs to get any bigger.

    My routine currently consists of benching 2x a week (one heavy, one lighter and more concentrated on close-grip / triceps). I also have a back/biceps day. These are my 3 main BB/PL days, but I also do things on other days both for my sport and also for health. Once a week I do light leg circuit training consisting of squats/squat jumps/lunges/scissor kicks, etc. with a 35# weight, usually 4 sets of 20 reps on each exercise with no breaks. I also do my core training on this day. On another day I perform all of my cardio, consisting of a 2-mile run, short sprints, plyometrics, quick feet drills, etc.

    Diet: I use to organize all of my meals. On the off-season I'm usually eating roughly 3000-3200 calories (300g protein, 300g carbs, 80g fat) all from good sources. Carbs are mostly pre and post-workout. I plan on priming for a few weeks before going on cycle though. Unfortunately its tough to have a strict diet during the season but I'm going to focus on cleaning it up as it approaches an end. I'm dropping to about 2500 calories for the next few weeks, trying Marcus' "priming" strategy.

    Unfortunately it is tough to make gains during the season without jeopardizing my play. Between the late practices and the roadtrips combined with college/work it's tough to stay focused on diet and training. I benched 315 @195 before the season started, but now I'm benching around 300ish. I'm looking to get back to 315 before going on the gear.

  2. #2
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Good to see you doin some research.

    Looks good IMO. Could easily be fine with another week or two with the prop. Could even run suspension for 6 weeks instead, it'll hit you faster.

  3. #3
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    I agree w/ chest6 about adding 2 weeks of prop. In addition, I run another week to your pct. You might hold off on the AI during cycle to see how you react to your anabolics and then if you need an AI you'll have it on hand, imo. You shouldnt get too much bloat from prop.

  4. #4
    rizzo72's Avatar
    rizzo72 is offline New Member
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    Are there any drawbacks to running an AI during the cycle other than cost? If it's just money I have no problem sparing some for safety, but will it hinder gains at all?

    Also, as far as cycle length I was considering either a 4-week cycle or a 6-week cycle as it seemed that most people had trouble making steady gains past 6 weeks. Nothing is concrete though. I just figured the shorter the safer.

    Is the dosing appropriate?

  5. #5
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah man it could hinder gains. prop doesnt aromatize as much as test E Or C. 75 mg a day of prop is more than good in my opinion. same with dbol , no reason to go over. spread the doses throughout the day evenly. id wait on the AI, u can always add it in later you know?

  6. #6
    rizzo72's Avatar
    rizzo72 is offline New Member
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    When I asked if the doses were appropriate I meant are they too high not too low. Also, does Dbol aromatize much?

    My trouble with not using an AI throughout the cycle is if I do start feeling some tender nipples most people say to start using nolva. I would then have nolva and clomid in the PCT, with no AI being used at all. Could someone possibly make this more understandable?

  7. #7
    rizzo72's Avatar
    rizzo72 is offline New Member
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    Also, would I easily notice a build up in estrogen and therefore know when to take the nolva/l-dex if I'm not using it throughout the cycle? And now I'm confused, which one would I turn to during the cycle?

  8. #8
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by rizzo72
    Background info:
    21, 5'8", 198 lbs, roughly 14-15% bodyfat, no cycle experience (just M1T at 10mg for 3 weeks. No noticable sides whatsoever, not even water weight, just an increase in strength), training legitimately for 4 years, + 3 years before that.

    increase strength (main), shed some bodyfat, increase size not a priority (more of the PL type), roughly maintain weight (a few extra pounds is fine)

    From what I've researched I believe shorter cycles may be best for me as I am constantly in/out of sporting seasons and my schedule isn't flexible enough for 12 weekers + PCT.

    Proposed Cycle:
    Weeks 1-6 Prop @ 75mg ED
    1-4 DBol @ 30mg ED
    1-9 L-Dex @ .25mg ED
    1-9 Tribulus @ 4g ED

    PCT (3 day's after last prop injection- for 3 weeks):
    Clomid 1-11 @ 100, 12-21 @ 50
    Nolva 1-14 @40, 15-28 @ 20

    Weeks 1-9
    Hawthorne Berry Extract
    No-Flush Niacin
    Milk Thistle Extract


    More Background Info if Interested:
    I do not compete in BB, but may decide to give a PL bench meet a try. I no longer do very heavy squats/deadlifts for a few reasons. One: the sport that I compete in requires me to be somewhat lean, quick, explosive, flexible, etc., and I can't be these things when training heavy squats/DL during the season. The other reason is that I naturally have pretty big legs, and I will be in a profession that requires me to wear a suit everyday to work and I have a tough time fitting into pants now so I really don't want the legs to get any bigger.

    My routine currently consists of benching 2x a week (one heavy, one lighter and more concentrated on close-grip / triceps). I also have a back/biceps day. These are my 3 main BB/PL days, but I also do things on other days both for my sport and also for health. Once a week I do light leg circuit training consisting of squats/squat jumps/lunges/scissor kicks, etc. with a 35# weight, usually 4 sets of 20 reps on each exercise with no breaks. I also do my core training on this day. On another day I perform all of my cardio, consisting of a 2-mile run, short sprints, plyometrics, quick feet drills, etc.

    Diet: I use to organize all of my meals. On the off-season I'm usually eating roughly 3000-3200 calories (300g protein, 300g carbs, 80g fat) all from good sources. Carbs are mostly pre and post-workout. I plan on priming for a few weeks before going on cycle though. Unfortunately its tough to have a strict diet during the season but I'm going to focus on cleaning it up as it approaches an end. I'm dropping to about 2500 calories for the next few weeks, trying Marcus' "priming" strategy.

    Unfortunately it is tough to make gains during the season without jeopardizing my play. Between the late practices and the roadtrips combined with college/work it's tough to stay focused on diet and training. I benched 315 @195 before the season started, but now I'm benching around 300ish. I'm looking to get back to 315 before going on the gear.
    Not bad at all......Go get um Tiger

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