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Thread: hairloss

  1. #1
    bigeater is offline Associate Member
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    Can letro and nolvadex make my hair get thinner and/or can they cause hairloss? Can I take Fina or something to prevent hairlosswhen I take letro or nolva? I´m going to take them to try to get rid of my gyno.

  2. #2
    bigeater is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    If your prone to it, fina. is just gonna slow it down not stop it.

  4. #4
    X-Damien's Avatar
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  5. #5
    TimeIsRunningOut is offline New Member
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    I never heard of nolva or letro causing hair loss, the sort of hairloss we are usually concerned with dht is the culprit which is converted in our body from testosterone . that is the main culprit although I think testosterone alone and other hormones particuarly the highly androgenic ones will cause problems.

    just make sure its finasteride and not fina as in fina plex aka trenbolone which I dont think will do your hairline any good whatsover.

    finasteride is about the only thing going. nizoral shampoo some people advise.

    and minoxidil (rogaine, regaine) people have used for years which does promote some kind of hair growth.

    finasteride can effect sex drive adversely.

  6. #6
    bigeater is offline Associate Member
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    I don´t want to shave my head because my hair looks good. I am a little worried about getting thinner hair, so I don´t know if I´m going to take Letro.
    I have searched on the forum about hairloss. One guys started a thread about that he got thinner hair when he used Letro. One guy wrote that he lost hair when he took nolva. Another guy wrote "I have read that when you come off duta or fina you lose the hair that you would have lost during the time you were on."

  7. #7
    TimeIsRunningOut is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigeater
    I don´t want to shave my head because my hair looks good. I am a little worried about getting thinner hair, so I don´t know if I´m going to take Letro.
    I have searched on the forum about hairloss. One guys started a thread about that he got thinner hair when he used Letro. One guy wrote that he lost hair when he took nolva. Another guy wrote "I have read that when you come off duta or fina you lose the hair that you would have lost during the time you were on."

    I wouldnt take one or two guys word on that bro. letro and nolva are taken as stop aromatisation of testosterone and other hormones , it is generally known that the androgenic properties of hormones cause hairloss. the fact they are taking letro or nolva indicates they are using some kind of hormone, most guys use testosterone as a base , that is the likely cause of hair loss.

    to me saying nolva or letro causes hair loss is like going out for a night out and having one too many beers, you stop off for a pizza or whatever , and blaming the headache you get in the morning on the pizza.

    of course i may be wrong perhaps pizza does cause headaches and perhaps letro or nolva contributes to hairloss, but ive not really heard of it.

    if you are using letro , then less test or whatever will be aromatised and so theoretically there will be more test available and more to convert to dht but i think the figures wouldnt be all that important.

    There is no evidence that you will lose hair that you would have lost. if you were losing it anyway without cycling then yes you would continue to lose hair afterward. many guys use finasteride for that reason who dont cycle.
    Last edited by TimeIsRunningOut; 02-11-2007 at 03:29 PM.

  8. #8
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    I'm pretty sure that hairloss is caused primarily by genetics. Anabolics can speed this process up dramatically but I've seen pictures of people that juice heavy for years and haven't had any problems with any significant hairloss.

    Also, I thought it was the chemical DihydroTestosterone that caused the hair follicle to stop producing...? could be wrong I guess....happened plenty of times before lol.

  9. #9
    TimeIsRunningOut is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    I'm pretty sure that hairloss is caused primarily by genetics. Anabolics can speed this process up dramatically but I've seen pictures of people that juice heavy for years and haven't had any problems with any significant hairloss.

    Also, I thought it was the chemical DihydroTestosterone that caused the hair follicle to stop producing...? could be wrong I guess....happened plenty of times before lol.

    yep , definitely. studies have shown differences in the androgen receptors of the scalp or the co activators.

    yes dihydroxytestosterone is thought to be the main culprit as it is very potent and has very high affinity for the androgen receptor of the scalp. dht is the same thing just the shortened name for it.

  10. #10
    bigeater is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TimeIsRunningOut
    I wouldnt take one or two guys word on that bro. letro and nolva are taken as stop aromatisation of testosterone and other hormones , it is generally known that the androgenic properties of hormones cause hairloss. the fact they are taking letro or nolva indicates they are using some kind of hormone, most guys use testosterone as a base , that is the likely cause of hair loss.

    to me saying nolva or letro causes hair loss is like going out for a night out and having one too many beers, you stop off for a pizza or whatever , and blaming the headache you get in the morning on the pizza.

    of course i may be wrong perhaps pizza does cause headaches and perhaps letro or nolva contributes to hairloss, but ive not really heard of it.

    if you are using letro , then less test or whatever will be aromatised and so theoretically there will be more test available and more to convert to dht but i think the figures wouldnt be all that important.

    There is no evidence that you will lose hair that you would have lost. if you were losing it anyway without cycling then yes you would continue to lose hair afterward. many guys use finasteride for that reason who dont cycle.
    The guy that said that he got thinner hair from using letro he took the letro to get rid of gyno like me. One guy wrote that he lost hair when he was takeing 20 mg of nolva ED for 8 weeks and he said that he wasn´t prone to hairloss. What do you think of this statement that a guy wrote - when you come off duta or fina you lose the hair that you would have lost during the time you were on.?

  11. #11
    TimeIsRunningOut is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigeater
    The guy that said that he got thinner hair from using letro he took the letro to get rid of gyno like me. One guy wrote that he lost hair when he was takeing 20 mg of nolva ED for 8 weeks and he said that he wasn´t prone to hairloss. What do you think of this statement that a guy wrote - when you come off duta or fina you lose the hair that you would have lost during the time you were on.?

    I dont agree. If you are prone to loss , then you will continue to lose once you discontinue use of finastride or dusteride ( that is assuming finasteride works for you, it doesnt always in a small percentage)

    i cant really answer about those two guys but , but the sensible thing is to accept the evidence of science and the majority of people. now if you do your research and something comes up then fine. but as far as i am aware , letro and nolva is not a cause of hair loss. particarly not male pattern (androgenic alopecia) the name alone tells you the cause , it is androgens , male hormones.

  12. #12
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    WELL,, here are the possible side-effects of CLOMID which is closely related to NOLVADEX .

    these side-effects are geard toward woman, but whatever..

    What are the possible side effects?
    Side effects occur infrequently and generally do not interfere with treatment at the recommended dosage of clomiphene. They tend to occur more frequently at higher doses and during long-term treatment. More common side effects include abdominal discomfort, enlargement of the ovaries, hot flushes. Less common side effects include abnormal uterine bleeding, breast tenderness, depression, dizziness, fatigue, hair loss, headache, hives, inability to fall or stay asleep, increased urination, inflammation of the skin, light-headedness, nausea, nervousness, ovarian cysts, visual disturbances, vomiting, weight gain.

  13. #13
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    They can cause it. They elevate your natty test levels. More test is more dht which can lead to hairloss. I have researched this a lot.

  14. #14
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly
    They can cause it. They elevate your natty test levels. More test is more dht which can lead to hairloss. I have researched this a lot.
    Bro, Marty is right.. Estrogen is actually considered somewhat of a hair protector.. it competes with dht, test at the ar.... if estro is reduced in the body it leaves other hormones free to bind at these ar's... I have been on letro at 2.5mg for the past 4 -5 weeks and my hair is more dry and brittle now... its freaky as hell.... im not balding or losing my hair per sey, but the quality of my hair has taken a hit... it is thinner and dryer now....

  15. #15
    bigeater is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z
    Bro, Marty is right.. Estrogen is actually considered somewhat of a hair protector.. it competes with dht, test at the ar.... if estro is reduced in the body it leaves other hormones free to bind at these ar's... I have been on letro at 2.5mg for the past 4 -5 weeks and my hair is more dry and brittle now... its freaky as hell.... im not balding or losing my hair per sey, but the quality of my hair has taken a hit... it is thinner and dryer now....
    I think that it was your thread about your hair is getting thinner when you use letro that I read.
    Is there anyone else here that have lost or getting thinner hair from nolva or letro? How common is it?
    I have bought nolva and letro but I have to think about if I´m going to use them for my gyno reversal or if I´m just going to lose fat and then if I still have the bitch tits I do the surgery. I think that it would be better to have bad hair and no bitch tits than to have good hair and bitch tits.

  16. #16
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigeater
    I think that it was your thread about your hair is getting thinner when you use letro that I read.
    Is there anyone else here that have lost or getting thinner hair from nolva or letro? How common is it?
    I have bought nolva and letro but I have to think about if I´m going to use them for my gyno reversal or if I´m just going to lose fat and then if I still have the bitch tits I do the surgery. I think that it would be better to have bad hair and no bitch tits than to have good hair and bitch tits.
    I would try to reverse them with the letro. Hairloss will not be that bad. Nothing like test. I thought mine was just fat but went to the doc and it is gyno (puberty). Got to have the surgery. They said lipo could help but why take the chance I am going to get them glands cut down as much as possible.

  17. #17
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    A lot of reading, so I skipped the most part.

    Just leaving my pov - I took fin for a month (situations arose where I had to stop)
    The stuff was amazing, and I was leaned right up, and my strength was through the roof & fast! (Up a good 35%)
    The thing was, I held onto some gains, but it did hit my hair line, and I'm fighting it with Rogaine daily.
    I guess it's just a matter of time.
    And I'm only 21

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