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  1. #1
    chaznad is offline Junior Member
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    Question sister wants to take t3 /clen instead of her prescribed t4, ok?

    she is prescribed t4 (synthroid ) right now for her thyroid , our doctor ( our cousin)will not give her t3 for 2 reasons
    1) he says its used more for animals ( dont understand that since our body pruduces it naturally)
    2) she gets t4 (synthroid) for free
    shes been on t4 for a few years now and will not lose any weight regardless of diet ( nutrisystem )and walking , her wedding is next year and she needs to lose 30pds
    i told her to get blood work done so i can check to see with you guys if t3/clen would be suitable for her and at what dosages
    here are the results from her test:

    Test name ................ In Range .................... Out of range.......................... Reference range

    T-3 uptake ................... 29 ........................ ........................................... 22-35 %

    T-4 ............................ 1.3 ......................... ......................................... 0.8 -1.8 ng/dL

    TSH .............................. 1.01 ......................... ............................ ............ mIU / L

    What do you guys think , would she be able to take t-3 along with a low dose of clen
    Thanks for all help, qualified responses greatly appreciated
    Last edited by chaznad; 02-11-2007 at 02:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro,I dont know about anything else but if the doc prescribed her something ...why would you think its a good idea to switch???..then come here and ask for approval or advise...This is not flame towards and we do have many prominent advisors here go against what you doc gave her???..You dont get my vote.

  3. #3
    chaznad is offline Junior Member
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    i know , im not trying to go against the doctor though, since hes our cousin he doesnt want us paying for the meds,,, she asked him if he would give her t3 but he said its too expensive and its used on animals

    from reading up on t4, ive leaned that many of times it doesnt convert to t3 making it less effective, especially if your eating low carbs , which she does, im just trying to help her out , shes sick of not losing weight in 2 years when shes actually making an attempt,, come on guys , imagine no muscle gains in 2 years ,, wouldnt you look at a different approach

    she will be doing a low dose of clen soon , at 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off ,, but i really wanting to know about the cytomel

  4. #4
    plzr8's Avatar
    plzr8 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaznad
    i know , im not trying to go against the doctor though, since hes our cousin he doesnt want us paying for the meds,,, she asked him if he would give her t3 but he said its too expensive and its used on animals

    from reading up on t4, ive leaned that many of times it doesnt convert to t3 making it less effective, especially if your eating low carbs , which she does, im just trying to help her out , shes sick of not losing weight in 2 years when shes actually making an attempt,, come on guys , imagine no muscle gains in 2 years ,, wouldnt you look at a different approach

    she will be doing a low dose of clen soon , at 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off ,, but i really wanting to know about the cytomel
    stick with the t4 if thats what her doc recommended....she can take some supps to help the conversion of t4 to selenium and zinc

  5. #5
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    u can ask another doc & see what will be his openion about this thats what can i say i know t3 is more effective for fat loss but may be doesnt go with her medical situation

  6. #6
    gorgorothsatanis's Avatar
    gorgorothsatanis is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    Bro,I dont know about anything else but if the doc prescribed her something ...why would you think its a good idea to switch???..then come here and ask for approval or advise...This is not flame towards and we do have many prominent advisors here go against what you doc gave her???..You dont get my vote.
    Right on. She was prescribed Synthroid for a reason. DO NOT switch up meds without her docs approval. The clen might help, but it seems like she has a legit endocrine disorder and this complicates thing further. Is she seeing an endocrinologist or just a family doc? She should definitely be evaluated by an endo doc, they have the specialized training.
    Last edited by gorgorothsatanis; 02-11-2007 at 04:54 PM.

  7. #7
    bigstylios's Avatar
    bigstylios is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaznad
    i know , im not trying to go against the doctor though, since hes our cousin he doesnt want us paying for the meds,,, she asked him if he would give her t3 but he said its too expensive and its used on animals

    from reading up on t4, ive leaned that many of times it doesnt convert to t3 making it less effective, especially if your eating low carbs , which she does, im just trying to help her out , shes sick of not losing weight in 2 years when shes actually making an attempt,, come on guys , imagine no muscle gains in 2 years ,, wouldnt you look at a different approach

    she will be doing a low dose of clen soon , at 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off ,, but i really wanting to know about the cytomel
    Approach the doc in a different manner....Instead of asking him for a perscription, just ask if there would be any andverse effects of taking t3 in regards to her current thyroid health.
    I'm sure hes referring to the clen that primarily for animal, because in this country its not approved for humans...that, no doubt has to be the confusion. If after you get the answer from the doc about the t3, and there doesnt seem to be any conflicts, medically, them IMO get the t3 and clen (no doc in the US will prescribe clen cause its not FDA approved for humans) .

    I have had great experience with 3-4 weeks on/off equal doses 25mcg t3/25mcg clen and up the dosage every third day until I am at 75-100 mcg of each compoud. Dividing the dosages through the course of the day.

    This has worked for me. I take full responsibility for my body and research as much as possible. Your sister should do the same before endeavoring on something like this because takin too much t3 for too long (over 100mcg and 4 weeks) can cause permenent thyroid problems. So to lose weight to look good in her wedding dress, I would recommend she start doing more cardio, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and maybe drink a glass of water soluble fiber (metamucil) before each meal. If that doesnt do the trick then maybe the t3/clen stack will help.

    IMHO, unless she is very educated on the pro/cons of any medication she should avoid them unless monitored my a doctor.

    This just reflects my opinion, please RESEARCH, RESEARCH, and more RESEARCH!

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