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  1. #1
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2006

    Finished my first cycle

    So after 10 weeks of test e only, I finally took my last shot today.

    Starting weight was 180, and finishing weight is 193.
    The weight gains were pretty close to what I expected to gain. I was expecting about 15 lbs, so I'm pretty happy about that. Lost a bit of definition in my abs, but that was expected with the diet of bulking.

    My strength however went up so much. My bench went up about 30 lbs on flat and about 25 on incline. Also my arms/back have gotten stronger. My legs/glutes had the most noticeable gains. I can't fit into my jeans anymore.

    As far as side effects, I didn't run into any gyno (at least that I noticed), and had no problems with any sides expect some acne on my shoulders, neck and arms, and my scalp gets pretty greasy. With the pimples, they aren't really "normal" zits that I get on my face, they are more like little red bumps on my body.

    Now we'll have to see how much I keep after my clomid, nolva. and creatine pct. And where I go from here...
    All in all I'm a satisfied far.

  2. #2
    Zvonimir's Avatar
    Zvonimir is offline New Member
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    You're satisfied with your gains?

  3. #3
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    i was going to ask the same question... 13 lbs and thats before pct..???

  4. #4
    HardCharger's Avatar
    HardCharger is offline Associate Member
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    Grats man! As long as your happy with the results it cool. How many mg's a week did you run? How tall are you?

  5. #5
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2006
    I'm 5'10''

    I ran 500mg a week, 250mg per shot, 2 shots weekly.

    I'm a REAL HARD gainer, and I know it, so I didn't expect to put on 20-25 lbs like most guys do after a cycle. Before starting to lift I was in the 120s.

    I also think weight is just a number. As shallow as it sounds, all I want from working out is to look good, look big. A guy can be 250 lb, and not look as big or good as a 200lb. Get my drift? Yea, weight is just a number to me.

  6. #6
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro,I'm almost willing to bet your nutrition was less than good....Hardgainer or old are you???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by YupYup
    I'm 5'10''

    I ran 500mg a week, 250mg per shot, 2 shots weekly.

    I'm a REAL HARD gainer, and I know it, so I didn't expect to put on 20-25 lbs like most guys do after a cycle. Before starting to lift I was in the 120s.

    I also think weight is just a number. As shallow as it sounds, all I want from working out is to look good, look big. A guy can be 250 lb, and not look as big or good as a 200lb. Get my drift? Yea, weight is just a number to me.
    I hear ya about the weight thing, i'd rather have people constantly saying "holy sh!t you got huge" instead of just seeing my weight go up on the scale.

  8. #8
    HardCharger's Avatar
    HardCharger is offline Associate Member
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    Were you 120 @ 5'10"?

    You might be a hard gainer but if you run another cycle, you could probably get more results with more food. I'm just guessing because I have no clue how your diet is, I just remember mine wasn't the best when I ran my 1st cycle.

    Hey man, as long as you think you look good thats all there is.

  9. #9
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    I hope you ran a good Anti-E to keep the bloat off.
    if thats not true..
    than i hope your gear was fake, and u gained on the placebo effect.
    and if you gear was real..
    what did u eat a day? did u excersize?
    I'm not flaming i'm just curious.

  10. #10
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2006
    I really ate a ton!

    300g plus protein daily, 300g plus carbs, didn't count fats. Ate systematically, every 1.5-2 hours. During the week however there was always two days where I went a stretch of 4 hours of not eating b/c I was just unable to.

    As far as the gear being fake? I guess it could have been, but how could one account for excess oil on skin, zits, and strength gains?

    I was plateaued at 180 for 7-8 months, that's why I decided to try roids out. I was in the 120s when I was 5'9''. I'm 5'10'' now.

  11. #11
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well it is TEST E!!
    REMEMBER u got another 5 weeks of growing..
    and than u start PCT. Week 4 or 5 after last shot (look that up to be sure)

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