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Thread: short cycle pct

  1. #1
    shredzs's Avatar
    shredzs is offline Associate Member
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    short cycle pct

    how would I go about pct (anthony roberts style) hcg , nolva, aromasin , vit E.
    for a short cycle, say 4weeks on, 4weeks off style?
    anthony roberts pct is 6 weeks but I will only be off for 4.
    could I wrap up pct in 2-3 weeks for short cycles like this??

  2. #2
    thebrakes is offline Associate Member
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    depending on what AAS you use, you will be shut down in 4 weeks. hell, 300mg test cyp will shut you down COMPLETELY in 3 weeks (clinical study)

    i think 4 weeks would be fine for this PCT...but going right back on isnt the best idea, either.

  3. #3
    Jefferey's Avatar
    Jefferey is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by shredzs
    how would I go about pct (anthony roberts style) hcg , nolva, aromasin , vit E.
    for a short cycle, say 4weeks on, 4weeks off style?
    anthony roberts pct is 6 weeks but I will only be off for 4.
    could I wrap up pct in 2-3 weeks for short cycles like this??
    Well I'll get punched in the face for this one, but if my cycle was going to be 4 on and 4 off for a long time, I wouldn't even bother with PCT..I'd just use 200-300 mgs of Test between them..Now this does depend on the amount of total gear you plan to run during the 4 on..When I'm on I run a min of 2 grams.

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Jefferey have you ever had issues with your Prostate running that much Test ?

  5. #5
    shredzs's Avatar
    shredzs is offline Associate Member
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    just doing 2-3 cycles back to back, then 4 months off
    500mg masteron
    600mg prop
    500mg npp
    wanna try the short cycle theory without shutting myself down for long periods of time.
    dont need much size, just want to stay lean, vascular and hard throughout the summer months.
    i figure with only 4 weeks off, i will be able to recover while maintaining a great deal of the "lean" look

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