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  1. #1
    imnotatfault is offline New Member
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    Question Testosterone Suspension Complications

    Last edited by imnotatfault; 07-22-2007 at 12:27 PM.

  2. #2
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    I havent ran either sust or prop but I've hear it can be pretty painful. You running a UGL??? Also cycle experience? Have you ran other cycles or other tests? I know my very first shot of Test E hurt bad for like 3-4 days, and thats Enathate. Also you could try cutting it with something. But if there is no redness, swelling, or lump it is probably just the pain of sust. When you say you got a mild fever whats mild temp??? Also Ibueprofin at 800mgs is actually really effective for me and alot of my friends. Not the best help but hopefully its a start.

  3. #3
    Hunter's Avatar
    Hunter is offline Grateful
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    Suspension is know for hurting. It sounds like you have the "test flu". Also I hope your injecting the suspension twice a day. If you not you could feel like sh*t from unstable blood levels.

  4. #4
    Hunter's Avatar
    Hunter is offline Grateful
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    Also is your suspension water or oil? If its water I would cut it with water based b12 and if its oil, oil based b12.

  5. #5
    imnotatfault is offline New Member
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    Last edited by imnotatfault; 07-22-2007 at 12:27 PM.

  6. #6
    Hunter's Avatar
    Hunter is offline Grateful
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    I would not use the hcg but make sure you run nolva and clomid, you screwed up bad. One is I doubt you shot your test susp enough so that lead to unstable blood levels. Then you have way to many compounds for your first cycle. It seems you jumped in with not enough research. Your first cycle should have been test e or c at 500 mgs weekly followed by proper pct. You could have even jump started it prop/drol/d-bol etc. You need to stay around and research before you consider another cycle.
    Last edited by Hunter; 02-17-2007 at 03:02 PM.

  7. #7
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by imnotatfault
    I just started injecting test suspen. on wednesday; my first inj was in my glute, the second was in the quadricep. Both sites are so sore for days after that I cannot walk. I am also experiencing a mild fever and cough. I already searched the forums for more info on these effects, but again they are so severe that it's hard to relate anything that's already been posted.

    Is this normal to any degree? Are there any tips to make the soreness easier to deal with/go away faster/less intense? Should I immediately discontinue use of the test susp? Is it a probability that the temperature of my apartment (normally around 60 degrees) could be having an effect on the suspension? Any help is appreciated.

    Please no flames - I am legitimately concerned and looking for advice, not criticism. Thanks.
    How many cc's are you injecting, and whats your injection frequency. Also what is the suspension your taking dosed at.

  8. #8
    bmuhtneerg is offline New Member
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    The deca will shut you down with one shot. You should be fine just taking clomid and nolva. Wait the proper amount of time and then start both. With only being shut down such a short time the clomid and nolva should help you bounce back quick. I've never used suspension but I know prop's got some pain. Good luck bro.

  9. #9
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    You want to quit because the shots hurt?

    Dude the first 3-4 weeks I had a hard time sitting, walking, you name it - it was tough. But you get used to it and now its really no big deal.

  10. #10
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
    juicy_brucy is offline Ripped, not bulky
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    I'm intrested. You said it was pharmacy grade, not UGL?
    What pharmaceutical company makes Test suspension?

  11. #11
    Hunter's Avatar
    Hunter is offline Grateful
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancb1
    You want to quit because the shots hurt?

    Dude the first 3-4 weeks I had a hard time sitting, walking, you name it - it was tough. But you get used to it and now its really no big deal.
    big difference between test e and test susp. One most will agree susp is more painful then test e by a mile secondly test e shot every 3.5 days, well test susp ideally should be shot 3 times a day but you can get away with injecting twice a day.

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