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Thread: deca alone ??

  1. #1
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    deca alone ??

    i am not looking for dont do a deca only type of posts ,i am looking for guys who actually ran it alone to post their doses ,sides and gains ..thanks in advance .

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I dont think you will get anyone giving good advice or any type of feedback regarding deca only cycles, if there was some feedback it would be the young and immature so id take some advice from the more experienced and dont even consider it unless you put some form of test with it,

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    ^^^ exactly, it is not worth doing by itself

  4. #4
    2.minutes's Avatar
    2.minutes is offline Member
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    man seriously are u in LOVE with ur hair that much ? all of ur threads about ur hair ,almost 100 threads so far ,IMO just keep away from roids

  5. #5
    Lunacy's Avatar
    Lunacy is offline Member
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    If you like to have sex, dont do it alone. My friend did a deca only cycle and didnt have sex for a few months while on...good ol' deca dick.

  6. #6
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    I have a friend who did a deca only @ 500mg/ week, didnt gain that much, but his diet sucked and the training was a bit up and down.... but he did gain strenght...

    another friend did a deca/vinny cycle. 200mg deca + 250mg winny a week for 6 weeks and he gained almost 10kg. not much fat also.... first cycle for him...

  7. #7
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you are worried about your hair, get some GH.

  8. #8
    Dr.primo is offline Junior Member
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    why not add some test? dont be afraid of a little muscle ,please do some more research before you start anything ,thats what this website is all about ,take advantage of the knowledge and exprience available on the board

  9. #9
    NightWolf's Avatar
    NightWolf is offline Member
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    I did answer this question in your "deca sides" thread.

  10. #10
    GauchB's Avatar
    GauchB is offline Associate Member
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    Deca alone, oh man not too bust on ya but bro you got to be kiddin just do it the right way and you'll be happy. IMOP go with some SuS.

  11. #11
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    well im gonna be the only one hear thats gonna endorse it.

    im coming close to the end of a frontloaded deca only cycle,and all i can say is it worked for me.

    again it depends on your goals,good quality gains can be had if diet and training are right.but you wont be competing in any major compatitions.

    we all know that test can be an important component when it comes to running deca but it doesnt effect everyone.i for one suffered no labido issues what so ever,infact my labido went up,proberbly due to decas(nandrolone ) slightly androgenic properties.

    you asked for this type of cycle advice because you have concerns about running other compounds including test,some would say dont use steroids at all and in part i would have to accept some side effects.

    i decided to do an experiment and it worked,having test on hand just incase i ran into any unpleasent sides.but none to speak of,deca shuts you down hard but overall is a mild compound.

    people can flame all they like,i know what results i got and im going to post a log once ive finished pct so others can look.and im definitley going to run decs only cycles from now on,many people on hear will just repeat what theyve is often the case that even some experienced uses will cast doubt on a cycle without actually running one,ie; theyve never run deca by its self.however i would always suggest taking advice from vets as they tend to know more than anyone

    its upto you in the end.if you do run deca by itsself then make sure you have something to prevent progesterone mediated gyno,and at least an ai like letro which can help in this area to reduce aromatase activity.

    if the cycle i did didnt work id be the first to post my exp.

    good luck with your choice.

  12. #12
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2.minutes
    man seriously are u in LOVE with ur hair that much ? all of ur threads about ur hair ,almost 100 threads so far ,IMO just keep away from roids

    i tend to agree,you got a choice to make,hair or no hair(at least less).

  13. #13
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    If hairloss is the main issue(and youre prone to mpb), I can understand why you want run a Deca only...Its not the best idea though...

    Deca doesnt have much if any androgenic sides, but it ranks among the worst on everything else, libido issues, recovery problems, water-retension, estrogen and progesterone induced gyno(deca aromatase to estrogen aswell, + that pesky progesterone effect.),

    I would rather look into to compounds like igf, gh, slin etc. which doesnt cause hairloss, and forget about AAS if you want to keep your hair.

  14. #14
    heavylifter99 is offline Junior Member
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    bro, if you run deca by itself depending on the amount you run you will prob see results, however the overall result could lead to other problems as far as supress of testosterone and what Vitor stated, therefore your sex drive will suffer. Try to run some test with the deca, good luck

  15. #15
    nilrac is offline Member
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    Somebody mentioned running Deca with Winny. Anybody tried that? Not sure what you would expect from mixing those two and those two only, since winny is known as a cutting steroid and Deca as a bulker. Would the Winny counteract the test shutdown from Deca at all? And in theory could it also limit Deca's water retention potential? Along with good PCT planned, would this be a possible good second cycle, also taking into account the need for less injections if you used oral Winny? Ofcourse taking Winny for a smaller amount of time during the cycle, which I guess could nullify what I am suggesting here. Just thinking out loud here...

  16. #16
    gym lord is offline Junior Member
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    in the 80s, when i was younger, in my late 20s, i went on several long, extended cycles using deca & var only ... made big size & strength gains, and libido was thumpin' ... now, in my late 40s, if i use deca i have to run at least 200mgs more of test per week, or else i get shut down hard ... course, in my late 20s i was young, dumb, and ignorant, and had no steroids dot com to learn from, and i may have just been very lucky that i had good success on deca and var alone, with limited sides ...

    today, i've only recently begun cycling again, and tend to follow the advice and wisdom available on this site from younger but far more knowledgeable and experienced gearheads ... just seems to be the smart thing to do ... follow the vets advice around here and you know at least you're not leaving anything to chance ... course, your particular body chemistry may turn out to be such, that a deca only cycle will work for you .. i'd have some test on hand though, as another gent posting on this thread did, just in case ... guess, in the interests of research, go ahead and try the cycle out, may work for you ... whether it does or not, i doubt a cycle like that is going to completely ruin your life, though it very well may ruin your sex life for awhile ... maybe not though ...

    if you do that cycle, you should post the full results here ...

    also, i had all the hair on my head removed through laser technology ... i cant stand hair on men's heads ... looks cissy to me ... too many years in the USMC i suppose ... anyway, i guess i'm lucky too that i dont have to worry about hair loss issues ... i choose to be big, bad, bald, & beautiful ... and them little big titty girlies be givin up the love for me too, bro

    for real bro, good luck on cycle!

  17. #17
    nandro_shagg's Avatar
    nandro_shagg is offline Associate Member
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    I've ran some good deca only cycles. Worked nice for me, no deca dick or bad sides, got pretty strong and lean muscle. Yeh you would like deca test better but deca only does work for some. Deca winny worked nice too, get ripped up pretty good anyway...

  18. #18
    davedizzle's Avatar
    davedizzle is offline Associate Member
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    I have a mate who only runs Deca & dbol cycles. Test doesn't do much for him.

  19. #19
    NightWolf's Avatar
    NightWolf is offline Member
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    DECA CAN BE USED ALONE! Most pepole in our area does it.

  20. #20
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    i am not looking for dont do a deca only type of posts ,i am looking for guys who actually ran it alone to post their doses ,sides and gains ..thanks in advance .
    In about 6 months I'd like to read your posts.

  21. #21
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    In about 6 months I'd like to read your posts.

  22. #22
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    If hairloss is the main issue(and youre prone to mpb), I can understand why you want run a Deca only...Its not the best idea though...

    Deca doesnt have much if any androgenic sides, but it ranks among the worst on everything else, libido issues, recovery problems, water-retension, estrogen and progesterone induced gyno(deca aromatase to estrogen aswell, + that pesky progesterone effect.),

    I would rather look into to compounds like igf, gh, slin etc. which doesnt cause hairloss, and forget about AAS if you want to keep your hair.

    good post,the most informative yet!

    however i got far less bloat from deca alone than test alone.i just dont see whats so bad,people run far worse cycles(healthwise)than deca alone.
    the only real issue me would be labido(if i was affected).

    he wants to know the safest/best way to get some size with out going bald and deca is the best way,apart from the substances vitor mentioned.the other thing is in the long run test/estrogen/dht can affect the prostate in a negative way,and this can and will be very unpleasant indeed.

  23. #23
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    I dont see why not add a low dose of test. Maybe just 200 mgs a week. This would help with libido issues. Would not cause much hair problems, especially since deca is supposed to prevent hairloss caused by test somehow. Also, I hear that there are synergestic properties with running test + deca vs either alone.

  24. #24
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes but i am not sure if test at 250 mg would be safe hairloss wise ,besides 250mg wont have much anabolic properties since its low dosed ..

  25. #25
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    That would be fine to help on a deca only bro...if you want to try it go ahead and let us know how it goes....youve gotten several different opinions on it...But it all comes down to whats going to work for you...

  26. #26
    kwakisaki is offline Associate Member
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    does any 1s di*k feels hard? after 1 shot of deca then 1 shot of sustanon

  27. #27
    odix's Avatar
    odix is offline Member
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    run test with finasteride and a something like eq, primo, or var. your hair will stay.

  28. #28
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    Deca alone??

    Quote Originally Posted by kwakisaki
    does any 1s di*k feels hard? after 1 shot of deca then 1 shot of sustanon
    Keep it on the topic bro..
    and get your own thread.

  29. #29
    kwakisaki is offline Associate Member
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    im only askin jeez

  30. #30
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Feel free to do that on your OWN thread bro..

  31. #31
    kwakisaki is offline Associate Member
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    can u pm then and tell me?

  32. #32
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    LOL...ok bro

  33. #33
    jdm95lude's Avatar
    jdm95lude is offline Associate Member
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    I would just listen to all the experience and stay away from the deca only cycle. These people on this forum know what they are talking about bro. Don't be blind.

  34. #34
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    here where im from winny and deca is the most popular steroid cycle.

    a friend of mine ran one like this:

    wk1 200mg deca + 50mg winny
    wk2 200mg deca + 100mg winny
    wk3 200mg deca + 150mg winny
    wk4 200mg deca + 200mg winny
    wk5 200mg deca + 250mg winny
    wk6 250mg winny -ran out of gear and the couldn't get more...

    was supposed to do a 8wk cycle but ran out of deca so shot the rest of the winny alone....
    belive me when I say this. He gained 10kg in only 6 weeks.

    he shot the deca(norma hellas) 2ml and the winny in the same syringe. and at the same time. the wnny was shot all at once with the deca. only shot once a week.

    I would recommend it! minimal sides!

    another friend ran deca only at 500mg, thats more then the dubble compared with the winny cycle...
    and he didn't gain all that much, plus he retained alot of water. his face looked like a melon.
    Last edited by Markosterone; 02-18-2007 at 06:12 PM.

  35. #35
    NightWolf's Avatar
    NightWolf is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Markus_d
    here where im from winny and deca is the most popular steroid cycle.

    a friend of mine ran one like this:

    wk1 200mg deca + 50mg winny
    wk2 200mg deca + 100mg winny
    wk3 200mg deca + 150mg winny
    wk4 200mg deca + 200mg winny
    wk5 200mg deca + 250mg winny
    wk6 250mg winny -ran out of gear and the couldn't get more...

    was supposed to do a 8wk cycle but ran out of deca so shot the rest of the winny alone....
    belive me when I say this. He gained 10kg in only 6 weeks.

    he shot the deca(norma hellas) 2ml and the winny in the same syringe. and at the same time. the wnny was shot all at once with the deca. only shot once a week.

    I would recommend it! minimal sides!

    another friend ran deca only at 500mg, thats more then the dubble compared with the winny cycle...
    and he didn't gain all that much, plus he retained alot of water. his face looked like a melon.
    Hmm.. i dont know man.. his whole purpose with this thread was about his concern about hairloss, so i dont think he should add winny. small amount of test whould be the better choice.

  36. #36
    nilrac is offline Member
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    I've been speaking to my friend again, and he's done deca alone as well and had no problems with it. He said shutdown was present, but after some clomid PCT he got back to normal. For a second opinion I asked a professional bodybuilder about deca only cycles, and he too recommended it. I realise alot of people on here are looking out for people's best interests, however, how many of you have used deca only cycles and are talking from personal experience? And not just repeating what other members say and recommend? The sentiment is definitely welcome though... looking out for people's best interests.

    To get back on track, I've also read, and been told, that test shuts you down hard as well, and along with some water retention associated with deca, that is also a side from test. so what's the difference? You still need good PCT, whether it is deca only or test only. And talking about water retention, I've seen some pictures of people on test only cycles, and they look bloated to hell. So it must come down to diet and BF% as well as the steroid itself, which makes this side, of deca and test, relative.

    Although I am continuing to train naturally for now, when I do finally decide to juice, it will either be a test e only, or deca only cycle. And I will let everybody know, in detail and honestly, any sides I get and what gains I make.

    Personally, at 24, I have a very high sex drive and wake up with morning wood every freakin morning, sometimes to the point where it becomes irritating. I just need to look at my lady and I get wood. So it'd be interesting to see how quickly I could recover from test e or deca, after natural test shutdown. Atleast for me... haha... my own experiment. I've also got the advantage of having a partner who would understand the need for recovery. Which puts less pressure on me than if I was single and looking to hit something different every other weekend!

    Either way, from what I understand, eventually you will recover from shutdown. If not fully, then most of the way and then it can become a mental issue from there on in. So I really do think it comes down to the individual as well as the substance, physically and mentally. Just my 2. Bearing in mind that I am contributing as a newb who is simply researching AAS right now... I've never used them.

  37. #37
    robmase is offline Junior Member
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    If you have been working out hard, and want to run a cycle then why not do it right and give yourself the best chance at getting great results. You may get moderate gains and strength increases on a Deca alone cycle, but its so easy to just throw something else in the mix like Test, Sus 250, Winny etc. and really get great results. If you have the connections to get good gear and you have the funds then dont sell yourself short!

  38. #38
    fade105 is offline New Member
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    Originally Posted by Ufa
    In about 6 months I'd like to read your posts.

    You're right ufa......this guy will be stacking soon......or staying the same.

  39. #39
    getdowntoit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    If you are worried about your hair, get some GH.
    Does growth hormone restore your hair?

  40. #40
    NightWolf's Avatar
    NightWolf is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nilrac
    I've been speaking to my friend again, and he's done deca alone as well and had no problems with it. He said shutdown was present, but after some clomid PCT he got back to normal. For a second opinion I asked a professional bodybuilder about deca only cycles, and he too recommended it. I realise alot of people on here are looking out for people's best interests, however, how many of you have used deca only cycles and are talking from personal experience? And not just repeating what other members say and recommend? The sentiment is definitely welcome though... looking out for people's best interests.
    Well said man! this is what i have been trying to say for a while now..

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