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  1. #1
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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    Changed the cycle a litlle...

    This is my fourth cycle i'm 6'0 205lbs with around 14%BF.....the cycle i was going to start in a couple weeks looked like this....
    1-4 D-bol 50mg ED
    1-6 Tren A 75mg ED
    1-10 Test Prop 100mg ED
    7-10 Winny 50mg ED

    And for PCT

    1-6 Nolvadex 20mg ED
    1-3 HCG 500iu ED
    1-5 Aromasin 20mg ED
    1-3 Vitamin E 1000iu ED

    I've decided to run Test E at 250mg EOD in place of the Test Prop and also add A-dex at .5mg ED through out the cycle...... Now for the PTC, i'm having trouble getting my hands on Aromasin....what should i put in place of that if i cant get it in time? I'm looking for some constructive criticism on my cycle, is there anything any of you would add or change to get the most out of this cycle?

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    8 weeks of harsh orals is a little much.
    4 weeks with winny may not get you much, I would increase the winny to 6 weeks but drop the dbol and stick with the prop to kickstart for the first 4 weeks

    3 previous cycles? what were they? after 3 cycles, you should be well over 205, you may want to get the diet better

  3. #3
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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    I admit in my past cycles i wasnt eating as much as i should and didnt do "proper" PCT, but did do some, so i did lose alot of what i did gain, its been a while since my last cycle
    Previous cycles were sust 250/dbol .....Test E/EQ/Prop.......and Test E/dbol
    But i want to do this cycle right, obviously the source i had b4 didnt know much at all and wasnt trainin me right on this stuff, i've learned so much more and read just about everything, and he didnt mention a quarter of the things i have read on this i'm just tryin to get some REAL help...
    1-4 Test Prop 100mg ED
    1-6 Tren A 75mg ED
    1-10 Test E 250mg EOD
    5-10 Winny 50mg ED

    Does that look better?? And what about the Aromasin question for PTC, anything i can put in place of that?

  4. #4
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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    lookin for help, bumpin ^^^

  5. #5
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    You can get the Aromasin from the ar-r store. Thats where I got mine.

  6. #6
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    You probably cant find aromasin at ar-r because its called Exemestane, but its the same stuff. And the cycle looks better to me.

  7. #7
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    You probably cant find aromasin at ar-r because its called Exemestane, but its the same stuff.
    Your right, should have specified.

  8. #8
    2deizel's Avatar
    2deizel is offline Associate Member
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    here bro imo i think you would like this a lot better with out ed pinning.
    i would also run the test for 12 weeks it is your 4th cycle.

    1-12 test-e 750 mgs split mon/thur
    1-8 tren tren-a 150mgs eod
    6-12 winny 50mgs ed
    1-4 150mgs prop eod

  9. #9
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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    thanks 2deizel, thats sounds good also, i think i will try that if nobody else has any other opinions on it

  10. #10
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2deizel
    here bro imo i think you would like this a lot better with out ed pinning.
    i would also run the test for 12 weeks it is your 4th cycle.

    1-12 test-e 750 mgs split mon/thur
    1-8 tren tren-a 150mgs eod
    6-12 winny 50mgs ed
    1-4 150mgs prop eod

    Agree, and disagree, Test Prop as a kickstart should be shot ED not EOD, same with the Tren A

    I agree he should run 12 weeks of the test. winny should be run two weeks longer than the test E to match PCT timing

    So better to be something Like this:

    Weeks 1-4 Test Prop @ 100mgs ED
    Weeks 1-12 Test E at 750mgs/wk shot Mon morn, and thurs evening
    Weeks 1-8 Tren A @ 75mgs/ED
    Weeks 9-14 winny @ 50mgs/ED

    PCT starts 14 days after last Test E which will also be the day after last winny

    you can get clomid for PCT or check out ar-r for other PCT compounds

  11. #11
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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    If i wanted to do more bulking can i drop the winny and add something else? If so what would be a good one too add?

  12. #12
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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  13. #13
    trenzbyotch's Avatar
    trenzbyotch is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirusTheVirus
    If i wanted to do more bulking can i drop the winny and add something else? If so what would be a good one too add?
    i don't think you need to add anything more other then get your diet in check and eat clean, but eat like there's no fvkin tomorrow.

  14. #14
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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    So even with the Winny rather than using something else, i will still gain alot more mass?

  15. #15
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Bulking is mainly diet and not compounds. you can still bulk using winny at the end to harden you up.

  16. #16
    trenzbyotch's Avatar
    trenzbyotch is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Bulking is mainly diet and not compounds. you can still bulk using winny at the end to harden you up.
    exactly..too many bros think that the more compounds the better mentality.. once you realize how important diet is you will be on your way

  17. #17
    SirusTheVirus is offline Junior Member
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    thanks guys, really appreciate the help

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