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  1. #1
    X-Damien's Avatar
    X-Damien is offline Associate Member
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    Aromasin question

    on 1 cyc :

    Test E 500mg week.

    Should I use Aromasin every day @ .25mg or every other day?
    No signs of gyno - on my 3rd week.
    Please advise!

    Last edited by X-Damien; 02-18-2007 at 09:38 PM.

  2. #2
    fade105 is offline New Member
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    Oklahoma City
    I think your okay, but it wouldn't hurt to add it. Your only on test? I would add some deca too, if you can. If it's your first cycle, your receptors are virgin and you should do a decent cycle.

  3. #3
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fade105
    I think your okay, but it wouldn't hurt to add it. Your only on test? I would add some deca too, if you can. If it's your first cycle, your receptors are virgin and you should do a decent cycle.
    shut up noob!

    stick to just test, or test dbol for a first cycle. maybe throw in a finisher but do not run two things that would kick in together cuz u wouldn't know what was causing what side effects...

    and aromasin isn't usually measured in CCs...usually mg. what concentration is it? stick to 25mg eod or 12.5mg ed if u need it, doubt u will on 500mg/wk though

  4. #4
    X-Damien's Avatar
    X-Damien is offline Associate Member
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    yeah, I think test is good for the 1st run.
    I'm saving Tren /test for 2nd one - (see how this one goes)
    Clomid only for PCT?

  5. #5
    dogfight's Avatar
    dogfight is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by X-Damien

    yeah, I think test is good for the 1st run.
    I'm saving Tren /test for 2nd one - (see how this one goes)
    Clomid only for PCT?

    not a flame bro but tren is no joke. if i could do it all over again i would use the weak(er) stuff first like deca ,dbol , eq ,ect. then when those arent doing it jump on the tren. its up to you bro and i wish you luck just lettin you see it from my point of veiw. later bro

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